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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-17 共3073字

【题目】 电子商务环境下仓储型物流企业建设探究
  摘 要
  本论文的研究主要通过对 A 物流公司仓储优化过程中出现的人力资源方面、规划方面、软件技术方面、硬件方面的一些列问题的研究,针对上述问题结合工作实际及研究生所学课程,通过查阅大量的文献资料。分别借助战略人力资源管理理论思想解决人力资源方面中高层队伍在此次仓储优化过程中存在的问题,借助组织行为学所涉及的团队建设在不同期间团队的管理者也就是中层领导队伍在团队中所起的作用不同来解决此次仓储优化过程中中层管理团队存在的问题,对于基层员工队伍存在的问题,对于基层员工队伍主要借助 PDCA 循环理论不断的提升基层员工的工作能力,从而提升整个团队的工作效率;对作业区进行进一步细分,通过增加备货区拣货作业只在备货区域内完成拣货作业,这样可以缩短拣货路程从而解决拣货路程远的问题,从而大幅提升拣货效率;利用二维码技术解决一维码数据冗余、一码多货问题,借助异动盘点技术解决循环盘点数据与实物不符问题,提高系统工作效率;通过安装升降平台及伸缩传送带解决车辆与平台高度不匹配问题,当作业平台高度与车辆高度一致时可以方便的完成装卸货作业,从而提升装卸货效率。通过实施上述措施实现 A 物流公司仓储物流运作效率与电子商务对仓储物流需求效率相匹配。
  E-commerce is a virtual economic process, it still need final goods transfer toachieve the entire economic process. The entire e-commerce process only through logisticsand distribution transferred to the hands of consumers, it could be considered to the end.
  Throughout the process of circulation as a follow-up to the flow of commerce logisticsservice providers, the level of efficiency has become an important indicator of asatisfactory evaluation of e-commerce. With the rapid spread of electronic commerce,logistics and express industry also take the express train to the rapid expansion ofe-commerce, although the major courier companies have installed a fast sorting equipment,but because of the lack of professional storage management experience in E-commerceenterprise, decrease the speed of courier companies.
  Research of this paper is mainly through the study of some of the listed issues in theprocess of warehouse optimization in logistics company A ,include human resources,planning, software technology, hardware. In view of the above problems, combined theactual work and acknowledge learned from postgraduate courses for the above problems,through consulting A large number of literature. Respectively with the help of strategichuman resource management theory thought to solve human resources senior team in thewarehouse optimization problems existing in the process, with the aid of organizationalbehavior involved in team building in different teams of managers is the middle-levelleadership team during the role of the different in the team to solve the storage in theprocess of the optimization problems of middle management team, for the problemsexisting in the grass-roots staff team, for the grass-roots staff mainly by using PDCA cycletheory constantly promote grass-roots staff work ability, to enhance the working efficiencyof the whole team, To further subdivision of areas, by increasing the stock pickingoperation just completed in the area of the stock picking operation, so that we can shortenthe picking route so as to solve the problem of picking the distance, so as to greatlyimprove picking efficiency; Using QR code technology to solve one dimensional code dataredundancy, more than a yard goods problems, with the help of different dynamicinventory cycle count data does not accord with physical technology to solve the problem,enhances the working efficiency of the system; Through the installation of lifting platformand telescopic conveyor belt, solve the problem of vehicle and platform height mismatch,when highly consistent operation platform height and vehicle can be easily performed aspart of the loading and unloading cargo, so as to promote efficiency of loading andunloading cargo. Through the above measures to realize A logistics company forwarehousing logistics warehousing logistics operation efficiency and e-commerce needsmatching efficiency.
  The level of warehousing and logistics services will also directly affect the level ofe-commerce development company for warehousing logistics enterprises only constantwith the new knowledge, new ideas, new equipment gradually enhance the efficiency ofenterprises, improve the efficiency of delivery of the goods.
  Keywords: E-commerce ; Warehouse Logistics; Logistics

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 研究背景与意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 国内外研究综述
  1.2.1 国内研究综述
  1.2.2 国外研究综述
  1.3 研究内容、方法和技术路线
  1.4 研究创新性
  第 2 章 相关理论综述
  2.1 电子商务概述
  2.1.1 电子商务的概念
  2.1.2 电子商务的分类
  2.1.3 电子商务的特点
  2.2 物流的概述
  2.2.1 物流的概念
  2.2.3 仓储物流的概念
  2.3 基于电子商务的仓储物流
  2.3.1 电子商务与仓储物流的关系
  2.3.2 电子商务条件下仓储物流的特点
  2.4 物流分类
  2.4.1 自有仓储物流
  2.4.2 第三方仓储物流
  第 3 章 A 物流公司仓储现状及问题研究
  3.1 A 公司简介
  3.2 A 公司仓储现状
  3.2.1 A 公司仓储模式与管理
  3.2.2 仓储现状分析
  3.3 存在的问题及分析
  3.3.1 人力资本方面存在的问题及分析
  3.3.2 规划方面存在的问题及分析
  3.3.3 软件技术方面存在的问题及分析
  3.3.4 硬件方面存在的问题及分析
  第 4 章 国内外代表性仓储物流比较分析
  4.1 国外公司
  4.1.1 亚马逊公司
  4.1.2 日本乐天公司
  4.2 国内公司
  4.2.1 京东商城的“亚洲一号”
  4.2.2 阿里巴巴的菜鸟模式
  4.3 启示与借鉴
  4.3.1 启示
  4.3.2 借鉴
  第 5 章 A 物流公司仓储优化的对策与建议
  5.1 仓储优化思路
  5.1.1 总体原则的选择
  5.1.2 管理目标的确定
  5.2 仓储优化的实施路径
  5.2.1 第一阶段
  5.2.2 第二阶段
  5.2.3 第三阶段
  5.3 措施保障
  5.3.1 人力资本方面的措施
  5.3.2 规划方面的措施
  5.3.3 软件技术方面的措施
  5.3.4 硬件方面的措施
  第 6 章 总结与展望
  6.1 总结
  6.2 展望
  致 谢
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