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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-06-15 共2818字

  摘 要






  The logistics park, as a new logistics organization form when the logistics industrydevelops to a certain stage, has an obvious driving and promoting effect on the regionaleconomy The new technology based on the Internet is widely used, and the logistics park isdeveloping towards automation, information, transparency and intelligence, in addition, thedevelopment of logistics park is also affected by the support of the national policy of "TheBelt and Road", "long economic zone and Beijing Tianjin Hebei collaborative development ofmajor national strategy adjustment will lead to the logistics pattern, the support of localgovernments also provides very convenient conditions for the construction and developmentof logistics parks Based on the analysis of Tongan's economic environment, trafficenvironment and industrial environment, combined with the prediction results of materialflow, this paper studies the functional planning of Tongan comprehensive logistics park, andputs forward feasible suggestions for the construction of the park

  Based on the relevant literatures, function of domestic and International Logistics Parklogistics demand forecasting and planning of logistics park and summary, the related theoriesand concepts are introduced; then according to the logistics park planning process, planningof the logistics park, mainly divided into the following aspects: First of all, Through theanalysis of Tongan's economic and social development environment, government policies,transportation development and industrial development in recent years, we have identified thenecessity of building Tong an comprehensive logistics park; Secondly, Through a lot of dataanalysis, we forecast the demand of Tongan's industrial logistics, agricultural and sidelineproducts and trade goods logistics by grey prediction and trend averaging method Then, Theprediction results are the basis for determining the functional status and functional layout ofthe park; According to the results of functional positioning and functional layout of thelogistics park, the logistics park is divided into an information platform and logistics businessdistrict, alkali nitrate chemical and agricultural products and trade goods such as the operationarea and storage area, market trading area, multimodal transport, loading area, distributionarea comprehensive supporting service area six function area; Finally, the information platform of the logistics park and the operation of the park are planned and analyzed, andsome suggestions are put forward for the construction of the park

  Key words: Logistics Park; Demand Forecast; Functional Planning

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 选题背景

  作为国家经济支柱型产业,政府一直重视支持物流园区的发展。2013 年 9 月,我国首个物流园区专项规划—《全国物流园区发展规划》正式被颁布;2014 年 9 月,国务院出台了物流业发展中长期规划,并将“物流园区项目”纳入 12 个重点项目;2015 年5 月,政府相关部门联合发布了《关于开展物流园区示范工作的通知》。交通部将物流园区视为重点支持项目,并鼓励建设依赖港口、机场和大型铁路枢纽站的现代化物流园区。从地方政府角度看,天津、重庆、河南、湖南等省区出台了物流业发展三年行动计划;江苏、河南等省进行了省级示范物流园区的评定工作。建设和发展物流园区成为各级政府推动物流业发展的重要途径。




  1.2 研究的目的与意义
  1.3 国内外文献综述
  1.4 研究内容、框架、思路和方法

  第二章 相关概念界定与基础理论

  2.1 物流园区理论
  2.2 物流量预测理论

  第三章 桐安综合物流园区发展环境分析

  3.1 环境因素分析
  3.2 桐安及周边地区产业发展现状
  3.3 桐安综合物流园区建设必要性

  第四章 桐安物流市场需求分析

  4.1 工业物流
  4.2 农副产品物流
  4.3 商贸物流

  第五章 桐安综合物流园区功能规划

  5.1 园区基本功能规划
  5.2 信息平台规划
  5.3 园区运营功能规划

  第六章 结论与展望


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