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来源:学术堂 作者:秦老师
发布于:2017-11-23 共9650字
81、YANG Pengfei.The Guarantee of Progress and Harmony:Modernization and Livelihood Improvement in Modern America[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Modernization Forum:“Modernization and Diversity”[C]. 2016
  82、Catalin TURLIUC.How did Romania become Modern?A South Eastern European Experience during the 20-th Century[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Modernization Forum:“Modernization and Diversity”[C]. 2016
  83、Li Yang,Li Li.Evaluation of Regional Modernization of China's 52 Regions[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Modernization Forum:“Modernization and Diversity”[C]. 2016
  84、FU Zefeng.The Key Points of Modernization Is To Implement Comprehensive,Coordinated and Sustainable Development[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Modernization Forum:“Modernization and Diversity”[C]. 2016
  85、LI Lydia Qianqian,LU Xiaojie.Political Reforms Evolution and People's Value Changes in An Accelerated Modernization Process[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Modernization Forum:“Modernization and Diversity”[C]. 2016
  86、Lyudmila Belyaeva.Social modernization and quality of life measurement in Russia[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Modernization Forum:“Modernization and Diversity”[C]. 2016
  87、Hossein Hosseini.Prediction of Stress-Strain Behavior for Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Polymers[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Biological, Civil and Environmental Engineering (BCEE-2014, Dubai)[C]. 2014
  88、Hossein Hosseini,Abdolghader Hamidi.Sulfur Removal of Crude Oil by Ultrasound-Assisted Oxidative Method[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Biological, Civil and Environmental Engineering (BCEE-2014, Dubai)[C]. 2014
  89、Mohamad Amiri,Mina Sheikholeslami Kandelousi,Mahmood Moghadasian.Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration Considering Distributed Generators using Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRSET'2014, Dubai)[C]. 2014
  90、Mahmood Moghadasian,Emad Al-Nasser.Modelling and Control of Electrode System for an Electric Arc Furnace[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRSET'2014, Dubai)[C]. 2014
  91、Mohammad Heidari.Estimation of Natural Frequency of Micro Beams Using BPNN[A]. International Scientific Academy of Engineering and Technology (ISAET) Conference Proceeding[C]. 2015
  92、Sasan Saqaeeyan,Mohsen Roshanzadeh.Prevention of 4-way Handshake Blocking in IEEE 802.1i By an Statistical Method and Changing Message3[A]. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science(ICSESS 2011)[C]. 2011
  93、Bakhtiari Shaghayegh.Using Service Oriented Architecture in A New Anonymous Mobile Payment System[A]. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science(ICSESS 2011)[C]. 2011
  94、Hossein Vaghefpour,Kobra Zabeh.Rate the Motives to Use a Seat Belt in Iran[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Sociality and Humanities(ICOSH2012)[C]. 2012
  95、Reza Alipour Saadani,Marjan Sheikhzadeh.A Study of the Religious Recognition of Art[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Sociality and Humanities(ICOSH2012)[C]. 2012
  96、Reza Alipour Saadani,Marjan Sheikhzadeh.Investigation of the Quality of Illustrated Books Illustration for Children Aged 3 to 5 (Grade A) in Iran[A]. Proceedings of International Conference on Sociality and Humanities(ICOSH2012)[C]. 2012
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