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来源:学术堂 作者:秦老师
发布于:2017-11-23 共9650字
28、Zhao Ying.Reflection on Shilin Yi Nationality Bimo Culture and Culture Reproduction[A]. Proceedings of 2017 4th International Conference on Literature,Linguistics and Arts(ICLLA 2017)[C]. 2017
  29、Guanggen Li.The route of exploration to inherit and carry forward Dunhuang culture[A]. Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Sports,Arts,Education and Management Engineering(SAEME 2017)[C]. 2017
  30、Tao Yang,Ran Zhao.Research on Combination of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Augmented Reality[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education,Social Sciences and Humanities(ICCESSH 2017)(Advances in Social Science,Education and Humanities Research Vol.124)[C]. 2017
  31、Yuanji Zhu.Inheritance and development of the intangible cultural heritage Su Fan[A]. Proceedings of 2014 2nd International Conference on Computer,Electrical,and Systems Sciences,and Engineering(CESSE 2014 V3)[C]. 2014
  32、Minli Dai,Chuanming Sun,Min Wang.Research on the Knowledge Character and Classification of Intangible Cultural Heritage[A]. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Comunication Technology (ICCT 2015)[C]. 2015
  33、Minli Dai,Chuanming Sun,Min Wang.Research on the Knowledge Character and Classification of Intangible Cultural Heritage[A]. Proceedings of 2014 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering(APCMCE 2014)[C]. 2014
  34、Haimeng Li.Study on Intangible Cultural Heritage Brands from the Perspective of Ecological Protection[A]. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Education Technology,Management and Humanities Science(ETMHS 2015)[C]. 2015
  35、Wenhua Huang,Tieming Wang.An exploration on the principle and pattern of Xi'an industrial heritage protection and utilization[A]. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information Technology And Career Education (ICITCE2014)[C]. 2014

  36、Ruixue Cui.The Research of Analysis and Classification of Physical Immaterial Cultural Heritage's Basic Characteristics[A]. Future Computer, Communication, Control and Automation(3CA 2011 V119)[C]. 2011
  37、CHEN Liyan WANG Beizhan CHEN Bing 1.Software School of Xiamen University,Xiamen,361005,China 2.Department of Cognitive Science,Xiamen University,Xiamen,361005,China.Research on Digital Museum for the Intangible Cultural Heritage[A]. Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine & Education(ITME2009)[C]. 2009
  38、Hongqiao Song.Difficulties in the Development of Shaanxi Folk Culture Industry and Its Countermeasures[A]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education,Social Sciences and Humanities(ICCESSH 2017)(Advances in Social Science,Education and Humanities Research Vol.124)[C]. 2017
  39、Lijun Yang.Comparison of Chinese and Westerners' Communication Pattern[A]. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education,Language,Art and Intercultural Communication(ICELAIC 2014) Part C[C]. 2014
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  46、Michael K addo.Practice of United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies in the Reconciliation of Cultural Diversity with Universal Respect for Human Rights. human Rights Quarterly . 2010
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  52、Huang Xiang.Metaphysics and the Thin Theory in the Comparative Studies of Confucians Political Philosophy:On Two Problems of New Mission of an Old State[J]. 人大法律评论。 2016(04)
  53、Joseph Zano Zvapera Matowanyika,Zhang Jin.Past and Present Hydro Politics,Civlizations and Prospective Futures in the Zambezi River Basin[J]. 学术界。 2017(06)
  54、Chen Yiping Politics Department,Anhui University.Process and Construction of Political Philosophy Studies in China Since the Founding of PRC[J]. 学术界。 2010(11)
  55、Jin Shanshan.Review on Political Efficacy:Four Approaches and Various Measurements[J]. 学术界。 2014(01)
  56、Wang Yezhou1 Han Pugeng21.Huaiyin Institute of Technology 2.Jiangsu Academy ofSocial Sciences.Rational Politics the Analysis Unit of Contemporary Chinese Political Philosophy[J]. 学术界。 2010(01)
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