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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-06-19 共5006字
  摘 要
  本文采用规范研究与实证研究相结合的方法来研究房地产估价师的职业能力框架。首先,对房地产估价和职业胜任能力的概念进行界定,对国内外有关职业胜任能力和房地产估价师相关岗位职业能力框架的文献和研究成果进行了梳理和归纳,然后基于房地产估价和职业胜任能力相对成熟和稳定的理论基础着手研究房地产估价师的能力框架;其次,对房地产估价师的主要职责、关键角色、核心任务、房地产估价的流程和技术方法进行剖析,并引用一个案例加以辅助,最终提炼出了房地产估价师的核心能力假设;然后基于房地产估价师核心能力和房地产估价的特点,提出了房地产估价专业知识的假设,同时对相关准则和用人单位的需求进行分析,提出了房地产估价师专业品质的假设。在完成了对专业技能、专业知识、专业品质的假设之后,对房地产估价执业人员和相关专家学者进行调研;用 stata 数据处理软件对调研数据进行信度和效度检验,确保问卷结果的可靠性和有效性,并确定各个能力要素中各个项目的重要性程度和权重;最后构建出房地产估价师的职业能力框架。
  Since China’s reform and opening up, the reform of the land use right system andthe urban housing system has spawned the development of the real estate industry
  Subsequently, the promulgation and implementation of the land use right mortgagesystem has promoted the development of the real estate industry In addition, the realestate industry has been in the ascendant in recent years The industry has experiencedrapid development in all areas, and the real estate valuation industry has emerged Inthe real economic activities related to real estate, such as real estate transactions,mortgages, pawns, guarantees, real estate-related tax collection, real estateexpropriation and compensation, etc, it is necessary to make a reasonable estimate andjudgment of the real estate value Therefore, real estate value assessment has becomean indispensable part of real estate economic activity and even China's capital market
  The rapidly developing real estate appraisal industry has played an important role inthe development of China's real estate market and capital market and property rightstransfer market This puts high demands on the ability and credibility of real estateappraisers Therefore, it is of great significance to establish a set of professionalcompetence frameworks for real estate appraisers
  This paper combines normative research with empirical research to study theprofessional competence framework of real estate appraisers Firstly, the concept ofreal estate appraisal and professional competence is defined and the literature andresearch results on the framework of real estate appraisers’ professional competenceand the professional competences are sorted out and summarized to study the realestate appraiser's competency framework based on the relatively mature and stabletheoretical basis of real estate valuation and competency Secondly, analyzes the keyrole of real estate appraisers, the process and technical methods of real estate appraisalwith a case cited, and finally extracts the core competence hypothesis of real estateappraisers Then based on the core competence of real estate appraisers and thecharacteristics of real estate appraisal, the assumption of real estate valuation expertiseis put forward At the same time, the assumption of professional quality of real estate appraisers is put forward through the research of relevant criteria and the needs ofemployers After putting forward the assumptions about professional skills,professional and quality, the research on real estate appraisers and related experts andscholars is conducted The Stata , a data processing software, is used to test thereliability and validity of the survey data to ensure the reliability and effectiveness ofthe results and determine the importance of each item in each competency element
  Finally construct a professional competency framework for real estate appraisers
  The analysis results of this paper show that the important factors affecting theprofessional competency of real estate appraisers mainly include the professional skills,professional and quality of the practitioners Professional skills are the core, whileprofessional knowledge is the foundation and professional quality is the guarantee
  Among them, professional judgment ability, communication coordination ability, riskprediction ability, basic practice ability and market perception ability are recognized bymost practitioners and experts, and are the core professional skills that real estateappraisers must possess Knowledge of policy and regulatory, basic theoreticalknowledge of real estate valuation and knowledge of construction engineering are thebasic knowledge that must be possessed by real estate appraisers Independence,objectivity, fairness, diligence, honesty, trustworthiness, professionalism,confidentiality, continuous learning and dedication are essential professional quality ofreal estate appraisers Finally, in order to improve the professional ability of real estateappraisers, four countermeasures and suggestions are proposed: (1)Strengthen thefollow-up education of real estate appraisers, divide the level of follow-up education,and realize the diversification of teaching methods (2) Establish and improve thesupervision system of the real estate appraisal industry, which can be realized byincreasing penalties, improving the administrative management and self-disciplinemanagement of the assessment industry, establishing integrity files, etc (3) Improvethe access system, enrich the form of assessment, implement hierarchical management,and enhance the international applicability of vocational qualifications (4)Establish anevaluation system for the professional ability of real estate appraisers, conduct acomprehensive survey of real estate appraisers, mobilize the enthusiasm of the industry,and improve the quality of real estate appraisal
  Keywords: real estate appraiser; competence; competence framework
  目 录
  第一章 引言
  第一节 选题背景及研究意义
  房地产估价行业的蓬勃发展,从客观上要求更多的专业技术人员加入这一行业。1988 年,我国开始实行房地产估价执业人员持证上岗制度,1992 年,我国借鉴西方国家房地产估价职业资格考试制度的做法,开始实行估价师执业资格考试及其认证制度,组织房地产估价师执业资格考试,通过考试的专业人员,不仅在估价理论上掌握了房地产估价的丰富知识,通过房地产估价实务,实际估价能力也明显提高。1999 年 2 月,建设部和国家技术质量监督局联合颁发了中华人民共和国国家标准《房地产估价规范》。该文件详细规定了房地产估价的原则、程序、方法,对估价报告以及估价师提出了要求,以保证房地产估价结果的科学、合理。
  2015 年 4 月,住房和城乡建设部、国家质量监督检验总局又联合颁布新的《房地产估价规范》(GB/T50291)。新的估价规范在估价方法、估价程序等方面都有所更新,能够更好地适应如今的经济环境。
  经过多年的发展,我国目前各类资质的房地产估价机构一共有 6000 多家,相关执业人员达 5 万余人。房地产估价行业对我国的房地产市场和资本市场以及产权转让市场的发展起到了不可忽视的作用,这就对房地产估价从业人员的能力和公信力提出了较高的要求。只有建立一个科学的房地产估价师职业能力框架,才能指导对于房地产估价师的招聘、考核、人才培养、薪酬设计等,保证房地产估价机构对于估价师的录用、晋升、保留科学合理,积极推动房地产业的健康可持续发展。
  第二节 主要研究内容与研究思路
  第三节 研究方法
  第四节 研究创新点
  第二章 相关概念界定与文献综述
  第一节 相关概念界定
  第二节 文献综述
  第三章 房地产估价师核心能力的分析
  第一节 房地产估价师职业能力框架构建模式
  第二节 房地产估价师核心能力的代表性观点
  第三节 房地产估价师核心能力的理论分析
  第四章 房地产估价师职业能力框架的分析与假设
  第一节 专业技能的假设
  第二节 专业知识的分析与假设
  第三节 专业品质的分析与假设
  第五章 房地产估价师职业能力要素的调查分析
  第一节 调查目的
  第二节 调查问卷的设计与发放
  第三节 问卷调查数据结果的统计分析
  第四节 房地产估价师职业能力框架的构建
  第五节 应用层次分析法确定职业能力要素权重
  第六章 研究结论及展望
  第一节 主要研究结论
  第二节 对策建议
  第三节 后续研究方向
  • 报警平台
  • 网络监察
  • 备案信息
  • 举报中心
  • 传播文明
  • 诚信网站