摘 要
20 世纪 80 年代,股指期货在美国兴起,现在已发展为世界期货市场中最重要的期货交易之一。20 世纪末,在全球范围内,只要有股市交易的国家和地区,就有股指期货交易市场。我国股指期货 IF300 在 2010 年 4 月 16 日正式上市交易。
At the begining of 1980s, the stock index futures firstly originated from UnitedStates, having been gradually existed all over the world. In the end of 20 century,wherever there is a stock market for trading stock, there is stock index futures marketfor trading stock index futures. On April 16th, 2010, stock index futures Shanghai andShenzhen 300 traded officially in our country. Taxation is one of the importantmacro-control means of our country, playing an key role in the stock index futuresmarket. It not only changes the cash flow in the futures market, but also affectstransaction costs thus affecting the stock index futures futures markets throughchanges in tax rates. That how to design reasonable tax system, which not onlyensures to realize tax fairness, and also avoids becoming a stumbling block in theway, will be the key problem of tax revenue of the stock index futures in our country.
However, stock index futures market in China is still groping at its beginningstage. Discussion relating to taxation of stock index futures is relatively fragmentedand lack of systematic research, and the tax system of stock index futures supportingis not perfect. From a historical perspective of the development of the internationalfinancial futures, the application in the tax system design, the collection andmanagement methods and tax policy have been existing a series of problems, whichwill pose challenges to the current stock index futures taxation system in our country.
The paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction part. It tellsthe paper background, its significances, the domestic and foreign relevant reviews, theresearch conten, research methods and the creativities and insufficiencies. Chapter 2is overview of stock index futures and related tax theories, In the chapter, analyze thebasic characteristics of stock index futures and tell the differences with stocks, civil,commercial contract and commodity futures, and then discuss the related stock indexfutures taxation theory from three aspects such as the importance of tax, theoreticalbasis and levy objects. Chapter 3 is to analyse current taxation system of stock indexfutures in our country. Analyse the existing tax system in the trading process to findout the problems existing in the current stock index futures tax law system in detail.
Chapter 4 is comparative analysis with foreign stock index futures taxation. In thecharpter, draw lessons from foreign stock index futures market practicing the VAT taxand using theories of VAT, and give four suggestions for building taxation system ofstock index futures in our country. It is suggested that sort out completely taxationsystem of stock index futures, tax according to the different nature of the income,increases tax items in stamp duty, and take VAT instead of business tax. Chapter 5 isto design the stock index futures taxation system under the background VAT reform.
Perfect the stock index futures taxation system in every link of futures trading in thelight of principles of designing the tax system for stock index futures and under thebackground of VAT reform, namely one part of a twelfth five-year plan.
The principles to obey are as follows. One is to stick to the principle ofsubstantial tax. Second is to insist on the principle of tax neutral. Third is to displaythe tax regulation function and definite a clear tax policy direction. Fourthly, adhere tothe existing tax system. The last is to stick to source withholding. Specific to each linkin futures trading tax situation, in the process of opening an account, to perfect thelaw of the Provisional Regulations Stamp in China, modestly levy the provisions ofthe stock index futures contracts stamp duty. In Stock index futures trading process, toreplace the turnover tax VAT as to the futures exchange, intermediary service revenueand futures traders. In the process of closing transaction, regarding differentproperties of hedging and speculation tax income difference as the developmentdirection. However, based on the current situation of our country and the limit of thelevel of collecting tax and management, the development direction to be developed inthe future market and then make that distinction.
Therefore, considering the situation of our country and the change trend ofincreased structural tax cuts, it is necessary to comb the stock index futures currentsituation in our country, sum up problems in the existing tax policy, and to take theseprinciples as a guide in the process of trading the futures, put forward to improve thetax law system framework.
Key Words: the stock index futures market, construction of tax system, principles toobey, the process of transaction, VAT reform
摘 要……I
第 1 章 绪论……1
1.1 选题的背景和意义……1
1.2 文献综述……2
1.2.1 国外研究文献综述……2
1.2.2 国内研究文献综述……2
1.3 研究内容和方法……3
1.4 本文创新与不足……4
第 2 章 股指期货概述及相关税收理论……5
2.1 股指期货概述……5
2.1.1 股指期货的特征……5
2.1.2 股指期货合约和传统合同的区别……6
2.1.3 股指期货和股票的区别……6
2.1.4 股指期货和商品期货的区别……7
2.2 股指期货的税制概览……7
2.2.1 对股指期货征税的意义……7
2.2.2 股指期货征税的理论依据……8
2.2.3 股指期货税制基本要素……9
第 3 章 我国股指期货税制现状分析……10
3.1 我国股指期货税制现状……10
3.1.1 开户环节……10
3.1.2 开仓环节……10
3.1.3 结算环节……11
3.1.4 平仓或交割环节……13
3.2 我国现行股指期货税制框架下存在的问题……14
3.2.1 开仓环节存在的问题……14
3.2.2 结算环节存在的问题……15
3.2.3 平仓或交割环节存在的问题……15
第 4 章 境外股指期货税制比较分析……18
4.1 境外金融行业征收增值税方法……18
4.1.1 欧盟:基本的免税法……18
4.1.2 南非:缩小的免税法……19
4.1.3 新加坡、澳大利亚:进项税额允许抵扣的免税法……19
4.1.4 阿根廷:毛利息课税法……19
4.2 境外关于股指期货税制现状……20
4.2.1 开仓环节税制比较……20
4.2.2 结算环节税制比较……21
4.2.3 平仓或交割环节税制比较……21
4.3 境外股指期货税制对我国的启示和借鉴……22
第 5 章 营改增背景下我国股指期货税制设计……24
5.1 营改增税制改革……24
5.1.1 营改增背景……24
5.1.2 营改增影响……25
5.1.3 金融业营改增分析……25
5.2 我国股指期货税制设计应遵循的原则……26
5.2.1 坚持实质课税原则……26
5.1.2 坚持税收中性原则……27
5.2.3 坚持明确税收政策导向原则……27
5.2.4 坚持以现有的税制为基础……27
5.2.5 坚持源泉扣缴原则……28
5.3 股指期货各环节税制设计……28
5.3.1 开户环节……28
5.3.2 开仓环节……28
5.3.3 结算环节……29
5.3.4 平仓和交割环节……29