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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-06-26 共5386字


  随着中国养殖业的快速发展,养殖规模的不断扩大,生产水平的迅速提升,传统养殖方式已经不再适应现代化养猪生产,逐渐退出历史舞台,取而代之的是数据化管理下的健康高效养殖方式。为了探索数据化管理对于猪场生产成绩提高的作用,利用北京农信互联有限公司猪联网系统对本人的自家猪场进行了数据化管理的实践应用,同时加强了猪场疫病监测管理。通过设立母猪年产断奶仔猪数 (PSY)、母猪周转率、商品猪成活率三个提升目标,进而提升猪场每头母猪年出栏肥猪数(MSY),对于影响这几个指标的相关因素以及在生产管理过程中所出现的问题制定了一系列的整改措施,生产水平显著提高,取得了阶段性的进展。我们首先对影响猪场生产成绩的相关因素进行排查,根据排查结果,找到引起猪场生产成绩的原因所在,然后确立调整方向,进行系列化饲养管理方案的制定、优化与落实,最终实现猪场成绩的提升。

  PSY 目标提升研究我们主要进行了公猪精液质量分析与改善、母猪标准饲喂程序、降低死胎率、胎次结构定期分析与后备母猪选拔、仔猪出生重与母猪妊娠期采食量关系分析与调整等几个方面的实践与探索。分析结果表明,新生仔猪出生均重与妊娠母猪重胎期采食量存在着正相关变化趋势,妊娠母猪重胎期采食量降低,则相应的新生仔猪的出生均重较小。通过比较 2013-2014 年与 2015-2017 年间的 PSY 以及产房成活率发现,最近三年这两个指标整体呈上升趋势,说明猪场的断奶仔猪头数提升研究措施成效显著。

  母猪周转率目标提升研究我们主要进行了母猪背膘动态调整、母猪返情率分析与降低、母猪群淘汰分析及调整、7 天内发情比例分析及断奶母猪管理关键点控制等几个方面的实践与探索。经过对 2013 年至 2017 年母猪年更新率、淘汰率与死亡率统计分析可知,除 2013-2014 年更新率较高外(猪场新建,新上母猪比例较高),2015 年至2017 年年更新率均在 30%左右,达到了一个较理想的母猪更新状态。母猪年死亡率呈明显的相对下降趋势。另外我们发现在 8-15mm 背膘范围内,下床母猪背膘越好,断奶后发情时间相对较短,7 天内发情比例相对越高,此结果对于断奶母猪的管理关键点提供了一定的参考价值。2013 年至 2017 年断奶母猪 7 天内发情配种率呈现逐渐上升的趋势,2017 年达到了最近五年的最高值 8507%,比 2013 年的 7 天内发情配种率上升了 1948%。2013 年至 2017 年分娩率整体呈上升趋势,2017 年分娩率为 908%,达到了近五年的最高值。商品猪成活率目标提升研究我们主要进行了断奶重—产房采食量分析、产房寄养规范化操作、 保育弱仔的护理方案、疾病监测防控、饲养环境监测提升等几个方面的实践与探索。通过分析发现母猪采食量低是影响本场断奶仔猪重的关键因素,猪场各阶段猪群均存在一定的免疫状态缺陷,经过免疫程序调整优化,猪群免疫状况逐步得到改善,疫病防控制能力逐渐增强。

  经过 2015 年至 2017 年三年的猪场高效健康养殖数据化管理的实践应用及生产指标提升,猪场的 PSY、母猪周转率、商品猪成活率、MSY 以及全程料肉比均有很大的提升,数字记录了猪场生产成绩从不理想向卓越的变化历程。本实验对规模化猪场的高效健康养殖数据化管理具有一定的参考价值。



  目 录


  With the rapid development of China's aquaculture industry, the expansion of aquaculture scale and the rapid improvement of production level, traditional breeding methods are no longer adapted to modern pig production, but gradually withdraw from thestage of history and replace with healthy and efficient breeding methods under the digital managementIn order to explore the role of data management in improving the performance of pig farms, we used the pig networking system of Beijing nongxin interconnection to carry out the practical application of data management on my own pig farmsUs by setting up the sow of weaned piglets number (PSY), sow turnover, commercial activity three goals, raise farm per sow in such number of pig (MSY), for therelated factors affecting these indicators, and in the process of production managementconducted a series of improvement measures for the problems, and production levels increased significantly, periodic progress has been madeFirst, relevant factors affectingpig farm production performance were investigated Based on the results of the investigation, reasons for the pig farm production performance were found Then, the direction of adjustment was determined, and the serialized breeding management plan was formulated, optimized and implementedIn the PSY target enhancement test, we mainly conducted the practice and exploration of semen quality analysis and improvement of boar, standard feeding proceduresfor sows, reduction of stillbirth rate, periodic analysis of fetal secondary structure andselection of reserve sows, and analysis and adjustment of relationship between birth weight of piglets and feeding amount of sows in pregnancyThe analysis results show that there is a trend of positive proportion between the total weight of newborn pigletsat birth and the feeding amount of pregnant sows at the second trimesterBy comparing the results of PSY and the survival rate of the delivery room from 2013 to 2017, the two indicators have been on an upward trend in the last five years, indicating thatthe experiment measures of weaning piglets in pig farms are effectiveWe mainly carried out the practice and exploration of dynamic adjustment of back fat of sow, analysis and reduction of regrow rate of sow, analysis and adjustment of sows elimination, proportion analysis of estrus within 7 days and control of key poi nts of weaning sows managementAccording to the statistical analysis of the annual update rate, knockout rate and mortality rate of sows from 2013 to 2017, except the high update rate in 2013 (the proportion of newly built sows in pig farms is high), theannual update rate from 2014 to 2017 is about 30%, which reaches a good update level of sowsThe annual mortality rate of sow presents a relative declineIn addition, wefound that within the range of 8-15mm back fat, the better the back fat of the sow, the shorter the estrus time after weaning, and the higher the estrus proportion within 7days This result provided certain reference value for the key points of weaning sowsmanagementFrom 2013 to 2017, the rate of oestrous breeding of weaned sows within7 days showed a gradual upward trend In 2017, the highest rate in the last five years was 8507%, which was 1948% higher than that in 2013Overall, the rate of childbirth increased from 2013 to 2017, which was 908%, the highest in nearly five yearsIn the test of improving the survival rate of commercial pigs, we mainly carriedout the practice and exploration in several aspects, such as weaning weight, feeding quantity analysis in the delivery room, standardized operation of foster care in the delivery room, nursing scheme for the care of weak babies, disease monitoring and prevention and control, and raising environment monitoring and improvementThrough analysis, it was found that low sows intake was the key factor affecting the weight of weaned piglets in the field The pig herds at all stages had certain immune status defectsAfter adjustment and optimization of immune procedures, the immune status of the pig farms was gradually improved, and the disease prevention and control ability was gradually enhancedThrough the practice and application of digitized management of efficient and healthy pig breeding in pig farms from 2015 to 2017 and the improvement of productionindexes, PSY, sow turnover, commercial pig survival rate, MSY and whole-process feed meat ratio of pig farms have been greatly improved, and the digital record of the change process of pig production performance from unideal to excellentThis experimenthas some reference value for the data management of large-scale pig farmsKeywords: Large-scale pig farms;Data management;PSY;MSY; Disease control andprevention

  1 前 言

  1.1 当前养猪业发展现状

  养猪业是我国农业的重要产业,是我国肉类食品的主要产品。近年来,中国的养猪业一直在朝着现代化、产业化和规模化的方向发展。生产规模已经从过去的小规模和分散性转变为现在的大规模和集约化,养殖模式也从原来的副业转变为主业,分布区也从东部经济发达地区转移到西部欠发达地区(李保坤,2013)。中国生猪存栏量、出栏量一直位居世界前列,2013 年存栏量有 47411 亿头猪,占世界总量的593%,紧随其后的是 27 个欧盟国家(14698 亿头)和美国(66337 万头)。中国、欧盟和美国生猪存栏量占世界生猪存栏量的 85%。在生猪出栏量方面,2013 年中国生产了 71557 万头猪,占世界总量的 57%,紧随其后的是欧盟 27 个国家(25670 万头)和美国(11641 亿头)。与此同时,中国的生猪产量保持了总体增长趋势。2013年,中国生猪存栏量、出栏量是 1978 年的 157 倍和 444 倍,平均年增长率为 130%和 435%(黄俐晔,2015)。根据农业部《全国生猪产业发展规划 2016—2025》,中国的猪肉消费量在未来 10 年仍占肉类消费量的 60%;在过去的 10 年里,养猪业的年均增长率为 238%,在未来 10 年将降至 1%~2%。在过去的十年里,饲料生产以年均 73%的速度增长,并将在未来 10 年下降到 15%。


  养猪业的发展正在向产业互联网、适度规模养殖、生态养殖和健康养殖等方向发展。特别是“产业互联网”的整合是不可避免的趋势,在养猪业的发展过程中,大型饲料企业与中小型饲料企业合并,养殖企业和大型养猪企业发展饲料企业,集团化、一体化和全产业链的步伐将加快,“产业互联网”一体化将随着互联网思维的发展而产生。例如,江苏雨润集团配合饲料电子商务公司远方中汇创建中国最大的农业和畜牧业电子商务平台汇通农牧,为客户提供线购物、养殖资讯、养殖咨询、养殖诊断、养殖金融等一站式服务;大北农集团推出猪联网 20 版,发布手机版 APP 智农通,通过其猪联网、猪交易(农信商城)、猪金融(农信金融)构建智慧大北农生态圈。这种互联网+饲料、互联网+猪价、互联网+猪病、互联网+养猪设备、互联网+经销商的形式,将改变中国养猪业(黄俐晔,2015)。


  1.2 猪场数据化管理研究进展
  1.2.1 国内外养猪业信息化管理系统发展历程
  1.2.2 猪场进行数据化管理的必要性
  1.2.3 猪场数据收集与管理分析
  1.2.4 猪联网系统
  1.3 影响母猪繁殖性能的相关因素
  1.4 规模化猪场主要病
  1.4.1 猪瘟
  1.4.2 猪蓝耳病
  1.4.3 猪伪狂犬病
  1.4.4 猪圆环病毒病
  1.4 研究的意义

  2 材料与方法

  2.1 材 料
  2.1.1 主要仪器及软件
  2.1.2 主要试剂材料及试剂盒
  2.1.4 主要试剂配制
  2.1.3 猪场背景
  2.2 方 法
  2.2.1 猪场猪联网系统数据库建设
  2.2.2 生产成绩相关指标及数据化管理技术路线
  2.2.3 影响猪场生产成绩的因素排查
  2.2.4 PSY 目标提升研究
  2.2.3 母猪周转率目标提升研究
  2.2.4 商品猪成活率目标提升研究
  2.2.5 全程料肉比降低方法实践探索
  2.2.6 发病猪送检诊断
  2.2.7 血清抗体检测

  3 结果与分析

  3.1 影响猪场生产成的因素排查结果
  3.2 PSY 目标提升研究结果
  3.2.1 仔猪出生重与母猪妊娠期采食量关系分析结果
  3.2.2 不同年份窝均断奶头数比较结果
  3.2.3 不同年份产房成活率比较结果
  3.3 母猪周转率目标提升研究结果
  3.3.1 母猪背膘情况分析
  3.3.2 全群母猪背膘定期测定结果分析
  3.3.3 不同年份母猪更新率、淘汰率、死亡率比较结果
  3.3.4 7 天内发情比例分析及断奶母猪管理关键点控制研究结果
  3.3.5 不同年份 7 天发情配种率比较结果
  3.3.6 不同年份分娩率比较结果
  3.4 商品猪成活率目标提升研究结果
  3.4.1 断奶重—产房采食量分析结果
  3.4.2 2016 年与 2017 年产房采食量与断奶窝重比较结果
  3.4.3 疫病防控能力调整结果
  3.5 猪场数据化管理后生产成绩变化结果

  4 讨 论

  5 结 论


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