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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-11-19 共1719字




  Special equipment with special requirements on safety, the actual inspection ismainly divided into compulsory and comprehensive. Compared with the market testform Europe and other developed countries, China's special equipment started late,especially relatively small number of stages of development, it has beenadministratively way to enforce the implementation of special equipment safetyinspection. Based on the history and current situation of the development of domesticspecialty industry, the nature of the supervision and inspection of special equipmentindustries, categories, social significance and economic connotation and other aspectsto be addressed. And analysis of the inherent laws of the industry. Meanwhile, Basedon the informatization level of the special equipment industry in our country at thesame time to improve, the rapid increase of the number of special equipment for themarketization of China special equipment inspection market situation. In addition, thestatus of the various interest groups in the specialty industry supply chain for themutual relationship is described, identified the main force in the industry marketdevelopment. A further by contrast other domestic industries by comparing andanalyzing and forecasting the evolution from monopoly to market risks relatedindustries, draw the appropriate special equipment market patterns and steps. Thearticle also raised the level of market risk government policy support specialequipment testing industry, the market risk of foreign inspection agencies to enter. Forforeign companies into proposed the corresponding constructive comments.

  Key word:Special Equipment;Safe;Inspection;Testing;Marketization.

    目 录

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  致 谢……35

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