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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-30 共2792字

【第1部分】 我国出口企业产品责任保险发展研究

  摘 要







  Due to the policy, regulation, the development of product liability insurance is very slow. Infact, the product liability insurance, especially for the export product is still belongs to a notfully developed insurance field. In real life, defective product will lead to the highcompensation lawsuits , this affect the normal production and operation of the enterprises.

  With the increase of product liability compensation, the increase of the product liability riskand social awareness of the product liability insurance, the demand of product liabilityinsurance will increase.

  This article discusses the product liability insurance from the aspects of legal system,citizens' legal consciousness and its effect to the export enterprises and the social economy.

  My article is divided into seven parts. The first part is the introduction. The second part ofthe article is about the theoretical basis of the product liability insurance, this part analysesthe function and the concept of the product liability insurance, and tell the differencebetween common property insurance and credit insurance. The third part analyzes thedevelopment of product liability insurance and the problem in the development of productliability insurance, demonstrating the important significance of products liability insuranceto the healthy development of the export enterprises in our country. The legal system andpeople's consciousness about the product liability insurance is very important to the productliability insurance, especially for export product liability insurance. The fourth part,introduces the United States and the European Union legal system of product liability and itsgeneration and development. The fifth part analyses the export product liability insuranceand its effect to our country's export enterprises and the international trade, export productliability insurance is a great security to the export enterprise and plays an important role inpromoting the production. Product liability insurance is also an important stumultive ofChina's economic growth. The sixth part is based on the foregoing analysis and puts forwardinsurance management suggestions and counter measures, only by perfecting legal system,improving the insurance consciousness and talents cultivation, insurance management canwe development our product liability insuranceFinally, the seventh part of the article is conclusion and prospect. Our country should build asystem of product liability, our government should improve the social awareness of productrisk, this will be an important task of a long period in the present and the future. With theprogress of the economic development, the product liability insurance will get rapid development. Product liability insurance will be an important growth point of the propertyinsuranceKey words: Product liability ; Strict liability;Liability risk ;Liability Insurance

    目 录

  摘 要 ……I


  目 录 ……IV

  1 绪论 ……1

  1.1 研究背景及研究意义 ……1

  1.1.1 研究背景 ……1

  1.1.2 研究意义 ……1

  1.2 文献综述 ……2

  1.2.1 国外文献综述 ……2

  1.2.2 国内文献综述 ……3

  1.3 创新之处与研究重点 ……3

  1.3.1 创新之处 ……3

  1.3.2 研究的重点 ……4

  2 产品责任保险的理论基础 ……5

  2.1 产品责任保险的概述 ……5

  2.1.1 产品责任的概述 ……5

  2.1.2 产品责任保险的概述 ……5

  2.2 产品责任保险和其他财产保险的区别 ……6

  2.2.1 产品责任保险和一般财产保险的区别 ……6

  2.2.2 产品责任保险和信用保险的区别 ……7

  2.3 我国出口产品责任保险常用险种-综合责任保险 ……8

  2.3.1 综合责任保险性质分析 ……8

  2.3.2 综合责任保险保单分析 ……9

  3 我国产品责任保险发展现状 ……11

  3.1 我国产品责任制度的现状 ……11

  3.2 我国产品责任保险的发展现状……12

  3.3 我国产品责任保险发展中的问题 ……12

  4 欧美国家产品责任法律制度分析 ……15

  4.1 欧美国家产品责任原则的发展 ……15

  4.2 欧洲产品责任法律体系 ……17

  4.3 美国产品责任法律体系 ……18

  5 产品责任保险对我国经济的影响分析 ……19

  5.1 产品责任保险对我国出口企业的影响 ……19

  5.2 产品责任保险对我国对外贸易的影响 ……20

  6 发展我国产品责任保险的建议 ……22

  6.1 完善我国产品责任制度的建议 ……22

  6.1.1 明确产品的定义 ……22

  6.1.2 确立严格责任原则 ……22

  6.1.3 明确产品责任的赔偿额度 ……23

  6.2 我国保险业发展产品责任保险的政策建议 ……23

  6.2.1 产品责任保险的风险控制 ……24

  6.2.2 发展产品责任保险的人才培养 ……25

  6.2.3 产品责任数据库的完善 ……26

  7 结论与展望 ……27

  7.1 结论 ……27

  7.2 展望 ……27

  参考文献 ……29

  致 谢 ……31

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