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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-06-24 共2665字


【4.1  4.2】新形势下我国国防观教育工作的理论指导 
【4.3  4.4】军人国防观教育体系的构建与实施 

  摘 要



  关键词: 国防意识;当代军人;国防观教育;


  As the Eighteenth Plenary of the Fouth Plenary Session held, for theleadership of xi jinping, he is the core of central collective leadership ,it is adhereto basic education in view of the past idea ofdefense, based on our nationalconditions and the current international situation, according to the new changesof the situation, especially the military concept of national defense educationfaced creatively put forward a series of new theoretical ideas about the militarydefense of the concept of education, leading the military defense more in-depthview of educational practices and stable development.Since the eighteenthcongress, up and down inside the military study comprehends the eighteenth bigspirit and carry out study 18 major guiding ideology and the national defenseeducation law, actively carry out various forms of defense education activities,internal forces in the eighteenth big also called for under the guidance andcontinuously explore military defense education work of the new way and newway of thinking, and all the top and bottom are committed to gradually strengthendefense education actual effect, is trying to achieve military defense strong andrapid development of education.

  Fouth Plenary Session of the Party's eighth party raised my strong armytargets in the new situation, which is in line with the historical trend of theinitiative is necessary to move further strengthen defense and military effectivereform. In this context, strengthening national defense concept contemporarymilitary education is bound to be given high priority. Conscientiously study andimplement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the eighth, requires us todeeply understand the concept of national defense education to carry out the armyin the new historical period. This topic for the contemporary soldiers defenseeducation “, because I work in the army, with a soldier's perspective on defenseeducation problems and study, can make the study more clear and persuasive. Atthe same time, combining with the current situation of national defense,strengthen the military defense education research is relatively weak, makes thethesis more research value.

  Keywords:The national defense consciousness, Contemporary soldiers, Theawareness of national defense education

    目 录

  摘 要


  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景目的及意义

  1.1.1 课题背景

  1.1.2 研究目的

  1.1.3 研究意义

  1.2 研究现状分析

  1.2.1 国内研究现状

  1.2.2 国外研究现状

  1.3 研究内容及方法

  1.3.1 研究的主要内容

  1.3.2 研究的方法

  1.4 研究的难点及创新之处

  1.4.1 研究的难点

  1.4.2 创新之处

  第 2 章 当代国际局势与军人国防观教育概述

  2.1 当代国际局势概述

  2.1.1 宏观国际局势分析

  2.1.2 周边国际局势分析

  2.2 军人国防观教育的理论内涵

  2.2.1 国防观教育的定义

  2.2.2 军人在国防观教育对象中的特殊性

  2.3 新形势下当代军人国防观教育趋势分析

  2.3.1 教育内容与观念

  2.3.2 教育活动的组织与形式

  2.4 本章小结

  第 3 章 我国军人国防观教育变迁

  3.1 我国军人国防观教育发展变革

  3.1.1 我国军人国防观教育起源

  3.1.2 近代中国的军人国防观教育

  3.1.3 新中国的国防观教育

  3.2 当代军人国防观教育的成就

  3.2.1 军事人才的培养

  3.2.2 武器装备的研发

  3.3 法治中国背景下的军人国防观教育

  3.4 本章小结

  第 4 章 新形势下军人国防观教育工作的方法与路径

  4.1 新形势下我国国防观教育工作的理论指导

  4.1.1 新形势下军人国防观教育工作总体要求

  4.1.2 新形势下军人国防观教育工作深化的方针政策

  4.1.3 军人国防观教育工作深化的基本原则

  4.1.4 新形势下深化军人国防观教育工作的重要意义

  4.2 确立国防意识,完善教育内容

  4.2.1 建设法治军队,加大军队内部法制教育

  4.2.2 关注军人心理发展,注重情感教育

  4.2.3 创新方法与手段,增强效果与影响

  4.2.4 有效利用国防观教育资源,培养军人创新意识

  4.3 军人国防观教育体系的构建与实施

  4.3.1 军人国防观教育的社会化

  4.3.2 军人国防观教育的制度保障

  4.4 落实国防观教育的制度措施

  4.4.1 军人国防观教育的组织、领导和管理制度

  4.4.2 深入贯彻和完善军人国防观教育的措施

  4.5 本章小结




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