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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-04-18 共3307字










  In order to adapt to the development of world education, non education trend inenterprise training, academic education cannot fully meet the people's ever-increasinglearning charging requirements, it is difficult to adapt to the high speed developmentof economy form, emerge as the times require enterprise training and educationinstitutions. Enterprise training mechanism can not only serve the enterprise levelemployees, its training dimension, height also can meet the demand of seniormanagers, is the enterprise strategy development in the most competitive a superiorforce.

  In many developed provinces and regions of our country, the enterprise personneltraining has been deep into all aspects of the various sectors of business, to meet thedifferent needs of enterprise employee life stages of re education needs, therefore,training has become an important part of the cause of Chinese talent training.

  However, compared with the developed countries, training institutions in Chinastarted late, the lack of experience, lack of guidance in the international marketcompetition, the related research is also inadequate. Jilin Province as the hinterland ofthe automobile industry base and other old industrial cluster, the survival anddevelopment of training institutions facing the good opportunity, but the opportunityalways and threats at the same time, for the training institutions in Jilin Province, howto use reasonable strategy to develop the mechanism advantage in the fiercecompetition in the market, so as to get further development and growth, as is in thecompetition of training institutions and development stage of serious problem for thepresent. According to the configuration and conditions of their own resources factors,from the actual situation, give full play to the role of enterprise advantage, talentshowing itself in the market competitive environment, become the training institutionsneed to seriously consider the strategic issues.

  Therefore, this article through the analysis and research of the German enterprisetraining center, carries on the analysis from the face of the training institutions in thedevelopment, competitiveness, problems, opportunities and challenges, has been clearabout the mechanism of the advantages and disadvantages. Secondly, according to thetarget market positioning, product, price, channels from the service, such as branddesign competition and the development strategy and corresponding scheme, careerexploration and establishment to competition and to guide the development of Wendeenterprise training center strategy, training institutions in Jilin Province in the futurefor a long period of time continued to send a letter is of great practical significance.

  Key word:Training of Wende、Strategic management、Personnel training、Marketcompetition、Core technology




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 选题的背景及意义

  1.1.1 选题的背景

  1.1.2 选题的意义

  1.2 研究目的

  1.3 研究内容与思路

  1.4 本文创新点

  第 2 章 论文依据的相关理论基础

  2.1 企业战略的概念及意义

  2.1.1 企业战略的概念

  2.1.2 企业战略的类型

  2.1.3 实施企业战略的意义

  2.2 企业战略的特征

  2.2.1 企业战略特征的指导性

  2.2.2 企业战略特征的全局性

  2.2.3 企业战略特征的长远性

  2.2.4 企业战略特征的竞争性

  2.2.5 企业战略特征的系统性

  2.2.6 企业战略特征的风险性

  2.3 企业战略的内容

  2.3.1 战略分析

  2.3.2 战略选择

  2.3.3 战略实施与控制

  2.4 企业战略管理的流程

  2.4.1 企业战略的分析

  2.4.2 企业战略的选择

  2.4.3 企业战略的实施与控制

  2.5 行业竞争结构分析

  2.6 SWOT 分析

  第 3 章 文德企业培训中心外部环境分析

  3.1 公司概况

  3.2 宏观环境分析

  3.2.1 我国企业培训水平分析

  3.2.2 经济环境分析

  3.2.3 技术环境分析

  3.2.4 政治及法律环境分析

  3.2.5 社会文化因素分析

  3.3 行业竞争结构分析

  3.3.1 潜在进入者威胁

  3.3.2 行业内部现有竞争者分析

  3.3.3 替代品威胁

  3.3.4 消费者议价能力

  3.3.5 供应商议价能力

  3.4 外部环境综合评价

  3.4.1 外部环境给公司带来的机会

  3.4.2 外部环境给公司带来的威胁

  第 4 章 文德企业培训中心内部条件分析

  4.1 组织结构分析

  4.1.1 组织结构

  4.1.2 组织架构图

  4.1.3 现有组织的优势和不足

  4.1.4 企业的管理能力

  4.2 技术能力分析

  4.2.1 文德企业培训中心技术能力特征

  4.2.2 企业技术能力的一般过程

  4.3 人力资源分析

  4.4 品牌影响力分析

  4.5 内部条件综合评估

  4.5.1 文德企业培训中心关键内部条件优势分析

  4.5.2 文德企业培训中心关键内部条件劣势分析

  第 5 章 文德企业培训中心发展战略方案设计

  5.1 文德企业培训中心 SWOT 分析

  5.1.1 优势分析

  5.1.2 劣势分析

  5.1.3 机会分析

  5.1.4 威胁分析

  5.2 总体发展思路及定位

  5.2.1 思路

  5.2.2 定位

  5.3 战略目标设计

  5.3.1 经济目标

  5.3.2 人力资源目标

  5.4 战略选择

  5.4.1 常见可选战略

  5.4.2 文德个性化可选战略

  5.5 方案的评价及选择

  5.5.1 战略方案的评价

  5.5.2 战略选择的预期效果

  第 6 章 文德企业培训中心战略实施对策研究

  6.1 优化高端管理培训产品的结构与地域布局

  6.2 优化汽车网络经销商培训产品的结构与地域布局

  6.3 完善公司治理结构与增强企业内部控制

  6.4 提高资本运作能力

  6.5 强化人力资源管理

  6.6 推进企业信息化建设

  6.7 加强企业文化建设

  第 7 章 总结全文

  致 谢


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