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来源:学术堂 作者:郝老师
发布于:2015-06-25 共4564字

  Since implementation of quality education, cultivating student's autonomous learningability has become the priority for teachers. The new English curriculum standard for seniormiddle school students also states that cultivation of autonomous learning ability of seniormiddle school students is regarded as an important objective. Many scholars have conductedresearches on the cultivation of autonomous learning ability in order that learner can bemotivated to learn with curiosity and interest, gradually forms good learning habit and learnsactively. Then the learner can enjoy the pleasure of the whole learning process. It is beneficialto improve learning efficiency as well as lays sound foundation for life-long learning anddevelopment of learner.

  The review of previous studies on autonomous learning home and abroad shows thatmost of the studies pay much attention to the theory introduction and lack of empirical study.

  In addition, some studies focus on the class instruction and neglect preview and revision ofthe lesson. For instance, Huang Wenjing's article (2007) on cultivating learning autonomy insenior high school's English classroom; Zhangyan's (2013) an inquiry into autonomous 一cooperative English learning in junior schools; Feng Haiyun's (2010) a study on theimprovement of learner autonomous learning capacity on the basis of theme-based instructionmodel in college English teaching. To fill the gap, this thesis concentrates on the cultivation ofautonomous learning ability from the perspective of revision class. The study aims tomotivate students' whole learning process through the change of mode of revision class sothat the students can improve their learning interest, form good learning habit and promote thecultivation of autonomous learning ability of senior middle school students accordingly.

  The experiment was conducted on the basis of constructivism and humanism astheoretical framework, lasting four months. The subjects of the experiment are the students ofa senior middle school in Tangshan. Through the questionnaires, interview and test, theexperiment discusses the following three questions:

  (1)What is the current situation of student's autonomous learning ability in senior middleschool?

  (2)Does the mode of revision class promote learner's autonomous learning ability?

  (3)How does this mode of revision class improve autonomous learning ability?

  The result indicates that the characteristic of the current situation of autonomous learningability in senior middle school are as follow: 1. lacking learning motivation; 2.low ability toself-monitor; 3. being short of scientific and systematic learning method; 4. having poorawareness to self-evaluate. The analysis of the test result after the experiment was conductedfor a term shows that the score of the EC is clearly higher than that of the CC; thequestionnaire also indicates that the overall level of autonomous learning ability of EC ishigher than that of CC in terms of learning interest, self-monitor, learning strategy andself-evaluation. In addition, the interview also indicates that this mode of class is welcome bythe students. Being the center of the class, the students developed their creative ability andtheir learning interest was also aroused. Through review of the whole experiment and analysisof the result, the study makes a conclusion on the strategy to cultivate the autonomouslearning ability in the experiment. Firstly, this revision mode motivates the whole learningprocess and helps students form good learning habit; Next, this class also helps students formthe habit of self-reflection, which is an important way to correct and improve. Thirdly, thestudents' learning interest is motivated through some class activities in the experiment such as:

  group discussion, pupil teacher. Fourthly, this method helps students make self-monitor. Theface to face conversation between the teacher and the student after class is a good way to giveimmediate direction for the improvement of learning state and learning method of the studentsand it is also encouragement for the student to make effort to learn well on and on.

  At the last part of the thesis, the author points out the disadvantage of the thesis. Theresearch on autonomous learning still needs to continue to explore and the author hopes thatthe study will be helpful for the further researches.


  English writing is a core skill for its learners, on which the teaching of foreign languagein our country has laid stress for a long time. Among the four basic skills, writing is the mostdifficult one to master. For a long period, teaching of writing is relatively a weak link of thewhole English teaching process. Trace it to its source, the traditional teaching approachmerely focus on the teacher and don't give full play to the students' subjective initiative andcannot provide sufficient and useful language inputs, so that the teaching effect of Englishwriting class is not satisfactory.

  In 1991, based on corpus, Tim Johns put forward a new approach for ESL teaching andlearning, namely, data-driven learning. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend inapplying data-driven learning approach to the field of second language teaching and research.

  But domestic related researches are mostly restricted to the field of English vocabularyteaching whereas related researches in the field of English writing are rather limited.

  Therefore, the present research is expected to fill in the blank in this field. The purpose of thisresearch is to combine data-driven learning with the traditional teaching approach in Englishwriting class so as to improve the students' writing abilities as well as the quality of Englishwriting class and meanwhile hopes to provide some enlightenment for the further researchesof English writing teaching in senior high school.

  This paper based on Constructivism and Input Theory, adopts the experimental methodand combines quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis, uses questionnaire, pre-test paper,post-test paper and face-to-face interview as research tools and takes 102 senior two studentsof Dalian No.20 senior high school as subject, in order to study the feasibility of applyingDDL approach in senior high school's English writing class. It is designed to answer thefollowing three questions:1) Can DDL approach raise the learners' interests in Englishwriting and cultivate their autonomous learning abilities? 2) Can DDL approach help learnersimprove their abilities of English writing? 3) What are the limitations of DDL approach whenit is applied to Senior High School's English writing class? And how to improve it.

  The experiment results clearly show that data-driven learning approach can improve thestudents' English writing abilities as well as stimulate their learning interests, cultivates theirautonomous learning abilities. In addition, it should be pointed out that data-driven learningapproach is a whole new way of foreign language teaching and learning, there are somelimitations we should not ignore, such as the difficult level of corpus material, requirementsfor computer equipments and computer ability. It is suggested that teachers should select theproper materials from the corpus according to the teaching aims and design the teachingcontents carefully so as to make better use of this approach and improve the teaching qualityof English writing class effectively.


  As the global economic integration is increasingly significant, the internationalcirculation of commodities is more and more frequent. In order to expand theinternational market and introduce products and services better to target consumers,promote the brand image, advertising becomes one of the important strategies ofpromotion. Meanwhile, advertising translation also plays an important role in globaltrade and market competition.

  Based on the functionalist Skopos theory, this thesis discusses how the Skopostheory guides to English-Chinese advertising translation. The thesis introduces therelated research studies of advertising translation in China and abroad. The thesisreviews the background and the development of Skopos theory, and it introducesthree principles of Skopos theory, that is the Skopos rule, the coherence rule andfidelity rule. The thesis introduces major linguistic features of English advertising onlexical, syntactic and rhetorical aspect. The thesis gives a general introduction ofadvertising and advertising translation, including definition, features and essentialcomponents of advertising, purpose and assessment criteria of advertising translation.

  The thesis demonstrates the Skopos theory as the guide theory for theEnglish-Chinese advertising translation. Through case studies, the thesis explores theconcrete strategies of the English-Chinese advertising translation under the guidanceof Skopos theory.

  Through the above analysis and research, the thesis concludes that on the basisof the Skopos theory, English-Chinese advertising translation can be effectivelyguided. At the same time, the thesis also points out the shortages of the study.

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