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来源:学术堂 作者:郝老师
发布于:2015-06-24 共4708字


  Traditionally, theories of international relations are based on soverignty andstates. As the strides and leaps made in IT technologies largely accelerate theexpansion of Cyber space, today, cyber security has become an increasingly serious,and ever-hot, major international issue overshadowing other conventional areas ofsecurity in recent years. The nature and distinctive features of Cyber space, whichevolves and changes rapidly today, is challenging the focuses and scopes ofinternational relations.

  In particular, the recent exposure of the so-called “PRISM Revelation” scandalagain ignites a global explosion of security concerns, suspicions, frictions andconflicts in the Cyber space that were once a local, insalient issue. The fact thatSnowden alone is capable of triggering a global turbulence reveals the astonishinglyenormous challenges posed by cyber imbalance to national or even internationalsecurity. The unfolding debate on state surveillance, Internet censorship and the manyother manifestations of state power exercising sovereignty over the network make thevery idea that making Cyber space a harbor free of states' influence sound unrealistic,or outdated.

  Also, Cyber space brings changes to international community. Theinterconnectivity nature of Cyber space makes that one country's cyber securityconcerns not only its national security and people's livelihood, but also the stabilityand prosperity of the world as a whole, which means using Cyber space as abattlefield is in no one's interest. Therefore, Cyber space should not be a place whereevery gain for one country is a loss for the others, and vice-versa. Rather, it should bea place of competitive collaboration, where states challenge each other, but fairly,while seizing the opportunities to collaborate for collective good.

  This paper is intended to explore the influence of the development of Cyberspace on international relations in the wake of the Prism Revelation, so as to have abetter understanding of changes and new characteristics of today's internationalrelations. Unlike the past, Cyber space has emerged and become a criticalconsideration when addressing international politics, it is reshuffling the world'slandscape and reshaping the political, economic, military and social patterns.

  Keywords: Prism Revelation, Cyber space, International Relations

  Thomas Hardy is regarded as both a major novelist and a prominent poet duringthe transitional period of the 19thcentury to the 20thcentury. He is most famous for his“Novels of Characters and Environment”, which gains him worldwide reputation. TheReturn of the Native is a representative one of this series.

  The Return of the Native is regarded as Hardy's first tragic novel in which thecharacters' fates are closely related to the natural environment. As a nature-lover,Thomas Hardy frequently expresses his deep concern towards nature in this novel andappeals to construct a harmonious relationship between man and nature. His ecologicalthoughts embodied in The Return of the Native are in accordance with the ideas ofecocriticism. To put it briefly, ecocriticism is a newly-emerged literary criticismconcerning the relationship between man and nature in literary works. The intrinsicvalue of nature and ecological holism are its core concepts. This theory argues for theintrinsic value of nature, regards both man and nature as the indispensable componentsof the whole ecological system, maintaining that both enjoy the same rights and havethe same status. Namely, man and nature are integrated together in one eco-system.

  Thus, one cannot separate himself from the natural environment.

  This thesis is to employ the theory of ecocriticism to interpret The Return of theNative. Besides the Introduction and Conclusion parts, the main body of this thesisfalls into four chapters. In the first chapter, the thesis sorts out previous studies of thisnovel both at home and abroad. The second chapter gives an overview of the theory ofecocriticism as the theoretical basis of this thesis. The third chapter focuses on thedisharmonious aspects as represented in the novel and brings out the ecologicalthoughts embodied within. In the light of ecological holism, the last chapter mainlydeals with text analysis with emphasis on the detailed depictions of the harmoniousnatural world, wherein man and nature fuse into one.

  In The Return of the Native, nature is full of vigor, vitality and mysteries. Itpossesses intrinsic values, independent from human wills. In Hardy's writing, all thenatural things are human-like figures and have important symbolic meanings. EgdonHeath is depicted as possessing a kind of mysterious power, manipulating thecharacter's fate. Besides, the relationship between man and nature as demonstrated inthe novel has its deep historical background. The invasion of industrialization not onlydisharmonizes the man-nature relationship but also distorts the man-man relationship.

  The characters in the novel who alienate themselves from nature end up with tragedywhile those who can keep a harmonious relationship with nature finally get a happyending. In a sense, the characters' different lots in life can be seen as a kind ofmetaphorical expression of the relationship between man and nature.

  In an age of increasing outbreaks of serious ecological crisis, great importanceshould be attached to the relationship between man and nature. Thus, by interpretingThe Return of the Native from the perspective of ecocriticism, this thesis aims toexplore the ecological consciousness embodied in the novel and hopes to call on aholistic view in dealing with man-and-nature relationship.

  Key words: The Return of the Native; Thomas Hardy; Ecological Holism; Man andNature


  As more and more tourists both abroad and home visit China, China hasintroduced its first Tourism Law of People s Republic of China in 2013, thus theEnglish version of TLPRC has been of greater importance. Legal language is a specialone which has unique register features. Thus, this thesis attempts to analyze theproblems and propose strategies in the English version, also attempts to apply theregister theory to legal English translation by conducting an analysis of the Englishversion of TLPRC, aiming to clarify its guidance to legal English translation by usingsome examples.

  Based on the Systemic Functional Linguistics, this thesis probes into the lexical(legal terms, words of foreign origins, archaism and common words with uncommonmeanings) and syntactic (declarative sentences, parallel structure, nominalization andmodal verbs) features of legal English, then applies register theory to translationpractice to analyze the problems existing in the English version of TLPRC from field,tenor and mode and also proposes corresponding strategies, aiming to achieve registerequivalence better.

  Due to the lack of research into the English version of TLPRC, the author, withthe help of English-Chinese and Chinese-English Dictionary of Law, A Dictionary ofModern Legal Usage and Merriam-Webster s Dictionary of Law, concludes threeprinciples instructing the legal English translation: First, the field equivalence in legaltranslation is mainly realized by lexical choice which must follow these threeprinciples: fomialness, precision and conciseness; Second, tenor equivalence ismainly achieved by appropriate choice of modal verbs; Third, mode equivalence ismainly realized by cohesion and nominalization. In short, the translation shouldreplicate the register features of the source text to achieve the register equivalence.

  Key Words: legal translation; register theory; TLPRC English version


  Currently, the development of all-round talents gets more and more attention inuniversity education. Generally, like traditional teaching, the environment can alsounconsciously influence students' temperament and psychology. The idea gets more and moreapproval. People also communicate with each other in the environment at every moment,andobtain different feeling such as joy and sorrow. The spiritual communication closes thedistance and promotes emotion of each other. Besides,this meaningful and sentient spacewhich can produce imaginations and feelings can achieve results of improve memory.

  Space is the product which connects senses,experiences and memories of the past. Beautifiil environment image can achieve spectacular effect. Man is the center of the environment, and influences each other. People are influenced by Environment with objects and their sense organ,and provided direct and real sensory stimulation. Through these elements people can experience and feel the environment. Campus type of invite type can attract students stay and watching,get them involved in positive activities in campus, and deliver the friendly and welcoming signal constantly. Students will naturally stay and play in the area which they are interested in,and enjoy the pleasant experience.

  This article aims to explore the role of this kind of emotional space in university campusenvironment construction, at the same time to explore a kind of design of increasing lowintensity contact form in campus space. Finally the daily demand of teachers and students canbe satisfied, and an emotional, humanized, personalized and comfortable campus environmentspace can be created.

  Keywords: Campus Environment; Emotional Experience; College Education; NOTativeInquiry

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