This report selected Prime Li Keqiang's speech at press conference of NPC & CPPCC asmaterials and did mimic consecutive interpreting. Focusing on specific problems and difficultiesin interpreting practice, this report analyzed some examples and concluded correspondingmethods.
After analyzing the transcribed materials and feedback of audiences, the author summarizedthe following problem and difficulty: 1) difficulty in accurately interpreting some important logicrelations in original text; 2) difficulty in interpreting logic relations in Chinese run-on sentence.
This report uses the theory of Cohesion and Coherence. According to the theoiy, both theoriginal text and target text in consecutive interpreting are discourses. So the interpreter issupposed to fully understand the differences between English and Chinese and convey 狂 coherentdiscourse to audiences. Under the guidance of this theory, this report analyzes some examples andgains corresponding strategies methods: 1) adding conjunctions, converting verb form and usingEnglish clause to solve the problem in accurately interpreting original logic relations; 2) dividingsentences, integrating and simplifying information to solve the problem in interpreting Chineserun-on sentence.
From the perspective of Cohesion and Coherence, this report provides ideas and specificmethods in handling the logical relations in C-E consecutive interpreting, deepening the author'sunderstanding to the same sorts of problems and offering lessons and references for theinterpreting practice in the future.
Key words: consecutive interpretation; Cohesion and Coherence; logical relations.
The material of the interpretation project is Apple's 2013 iPhone media event heldin Cupertino on September 11, 2013. First of all, the interpreter had a simulated E-Csimultaneous interpretation of the video (no subtitles) of the event. The audiences werefive non-English major Apple lovers. Then, based on Skopos Theory, the interpreteranalyzed difficulties of the interpreting process and wrote this report.
“Apple 5c 5s Event” belongs to technology product event. It has the features ofprofessional terminology and mass information. The difficulties of the practice can bedescribed as two aspects, they are: (1) interpretation of electronics terminology; (2)identification and processing of redundancy.
According to Skopos Theory, translation is a purposeful communicative action,and the skopos determines the whole translation procedure. The skopos of this project isto offer up-to-date product information to audiences who don't understand English andthe interpretation should be faithful and concise.
Given the above difficulties, the following interpretation strategies can be adopted:
(1) prediction according to the context and speculation according to common sense; (2)reduction of unimportant information and combination of repeated information.
Key Words: English-Chinese simultaneous interpretation; electronics terminology;redundancy; strategy; technology product event.
The material of this report is from Regular Press Conferences of the Ministry ofCommerce on August 23,2013 and December 18,2013. The Regular Press Conference of theMinistry of Commerce has a large amount of information in varied aspects,including hotissues of economic development in China. The author had an E-C consecutive interpreting ofRegular Press Conference of the Ministry of Commerce and analyzed the record of theauthor's interpreting. There are two typical difficulties: (1) Repeated expressions cannot beinterpreted flexibly; (2) Official long sentences cannot be interpreted smoothly.
Translation variation theory, proposed by Huang Zhonglian,emphasized changing. Fourmeans of variation, deletion, combination, edition and adaption, provide guidance forinterpretation. Based on translation variation theory, the author discussed how to apply it ininterpretation and explored two countermeasures for solving above two difficulties: (1)Simplify repeated expressions; (2) Adapt official long sentences.
Two countermeasures summarized from this report could guide interpretation of suchkind of press conference. It helps interpreters simplify repeated expressions flexibly andinterpret official long sentences smoothly so as to meet the requirements of interpretation,which is better for English audience's understanding. And English expressions are plain, clearand fluent by adopting these two countermeasures.
Key Words: C-E consecutive interpretation; press conference; translation variation theory;interpretation countermeasure.
A Bite of China, a popular series of Chinese food documentaries, has a wideoverseas market. In this project, I make a mock interpretation of the first two episodes,under the guidance of relevance theory, I overcome three difficulties in thisinterpretation: (1) The difficulty to interpret special cooking ways and originsimmediately, (2) The difficult to interpret local food and explain Chinese slangsproperly to audience who lack the background knowledge in a short time. (3) Thedifficulty to organize interpretation language of local interviews with oral redundancyor omission.
This report provides three interpretation strategies for more Chinese fooddocumentaries interpretation: (1) The interpreter should build the word bank ofChinese cooking ways and special food origins and be familiar with Chinese food andrelative knowledge to find the best relevance through predicting; (2) Faced with propernouns and Chinese phrases, the interpreter should use literal interpretation plusexplanation to help foreign audience understand it; (3) The interpreter should know thecontext and background deeply. Then he can integrate and simplify the language toavoid word redundancy. When some of the meaning is omitted, the interpreter shouldanalyze the context and add words to make the audience understand better.
Key word: Chinese-English interpretation; A Bite of China; Chinese fooddocumentary; Interpretation strategy