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来源:学术堂 作者:秦老师
发布于:2017-09-15 共5728字
Warehouse  management  system  is  an  important  part  both  in  enterprisemanagement and supply chain unit. This topic concentrates on the actual needs of smallbusinesses,  then,  make  detailed  analysis  and  design  for  the  warehouse  managementsystem. The aim is to make a warehouse management system which can make the goodsto  be  automatically  inbound,  outbound,  library.  Combining  the  RFID  technology,  andthus reduce the work of warehouse management and improve the work efficiency.
  The subject is on the basis which combines software and hardware, the analysis putforward  by  the  specific  needs  of  software  development  program  in  the  softwaredevelopment  process  by  combing  the  functional  modules  and  processes  of  thewarehouse management system, warehouse management system database developmentand  design,  laid  the  foundation  for  the  Warehouse  Management  System  Design  andImplementation. Finally,  the  C  #  object-oriented  design  language  combined  with  SQLServer  2005  programming  language,  in  accordance  with  the  functional  businessprocesses  of  the  enterprise  Warehouse  Management  Warehouse  Management  SystemDesign and Implementation.
  Overall  summed  up  the  results  of  the  research  projects  are  mainly  the  followingaspects:
  1. Analysising the warehouse management system to point out the direction for thedevelopment of warehouse management system software which is by RFID technology.
  2. Taping  the  core  data  warehouse  to  establish  a  data  table,on  the  basis  of  fullinvestigation and develop the data warehouse management system database.
  3.Using  the  developing  method  of  modularization  during  the  design  of  RFIDwarehouse management system for SMEs-based software, divide the sub-function into alot  of  independent  parts  which  makes  the  operation  of  program  and  realization  ofsystem easier.
  4.  The  development  of  the  system  chosen  is  C  #,  it  has  a  very  powerfulobject-oriented  features,  enables  system  developers  and  users  can  be  reasonable  tooptimize the system and maintenance.

  The  warehouse  management  is  the  core  of  the  warehousing  enterprise  logisticsmanagement.  With  scientific  and  technological  advances,  productivity  has  been  highlydeveloped;  expanding  product  lines,  customer  demand  increases,  make  delivery  toincrease, thus enabling the storage capacity and the turnover also increased. Personalizedcustomer  demand  and  wide  variety  of  product  types  warehousing  enterprises  haverequested  a  fast  and  efficient  business  processing  capacity  warehouse  managementinformation system warehousing enterprises become an inevitable choice.
  This  thesis  first  describes  warehousing  enterprises  in  China's  development,  leadswarehousing enterprises in the information technology development process to be resolved, bysumming up the domestic and international research and practice related to elaborate the resultsof  the  solution.  Secondly  the  thesis  detailed  warehouse  management  information  systembusiness processes and system requirements, and from the business, information and technicalpoint of a more detailed analysis of the system demand. Next, the specific design of the thesiswarehouse  management  information  system  structure  of  the  overall  framework  structure  andfunction  modules,  main  functions  include  user  management,  customer  management,  stock-inmanagement,  stock  management,  stock-out  management,  distribution  management  andsettlement management. Finally, HB Company warehouse management information system forbackground case studies, its warehouse management information system structure and functionof specific analysis and explanation, and make recommendations for improvement, warehousemanagement pointed out by the demand for information technology and system integration andunification  of  control,  warehouse  also  made  a  reasonable  allocation  of  resources,  so  as  tominimize  the  variety  of  goods  in  inventory,  reduce  funding  of  the  occupier,  lower  inventorycosts,  thus  effectively  boosting  warehousing  enterprises  in  the  market  competitiveness  andresilience, improve enterprise management standards and economic efficiency.
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