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来源:学术堂 作者:蒋老师
发布于:2017-05-12 共6926字
  In the process of film art, the technological breakthroughs decisiveinfluence, film art can't be produced without technology. Due to technicalsupport, the film art has more magic expressive power, and thereforetechnology reflected in the broader art. Artistic effect limited by thetechnical content, technical differences in the operation and the playingwill cause the film to achieving varies degree of expressive art, theemergence of a new and unexpected artistic effects, often obtainedthrough technological advance. There is unlimited potential in filmtechnology  development,  and  makes  the  film  art  has  unlimitedpossibilities in the creative space. No conflict between technology andfilm art that is interaction. Interactive relationship between technologyand film art is fascinated: technology advances always driving the film artto a more advanced stage, and the pursuit of people for the art of film alsoto promote the continuous development of the technology.
  Key Words: technology, film arts, effect


  Mechanical plating, a kind of “green technology” in surface engineering,made its debut in about 20 years ago. With many characteristics such as low inzinc and energy cost, free from pollution and hydrogen embrittlement, uniform incoatings, it has been attached increasing importance by the developed countries.But the development of mechanism of mechanical deposited coating is far behindthat of process of mechanical plating, which cause blind manufactural applicationof mechanical plating and hinder its development and appliance.
  In allusion to these facts, this thesis, starting with process of mechanicalplating, and in reference to the theories about physics, chemistry and metallurgy,the process of mineral whetting, mill running and the physical chemistry aboutmechanical alloying, analyzed the mechanism of the formation of mechanicaldeposited coating.
  Using the modern analyzing methods such as SEM,X-ray diffraction, thestate  of  zinc  powder  in  mechanical  plating  liquid,  the  separating  andcongregating process of zinc powder and the law of zinc powder deposition areobserved. The mutual effect between zinc powder, glass beads, articles, andplating slurry are analyzed in this thesis, the law of adsorption-deposition ofmetal powder, the function of surfactant and theoretical explanation about themare also included, which end the era of simple explanation about the process offormation of mechanical deposited coating.
  In this thesis, the distortion degree of zinc powder grain was tested. Afterthe critical shearing stress analysis, the reciprocity discussion between machineand zinc powder, the distortion rule of mechanical deposited coating and thedistortion mechanism of zinc grain were concluded.
  In this thesis, the anti-corrosion performance, the bonding strength andporosity were studied. The shape and position of zinc powder grain in coatingwere observed and studied through SEM, OM. The chemical composition ofcoating surface, artic surface and mesosphere were stated and analyzed. At thesame time, the structure model was also built up in this thesis.    In this thesis, the author queried the definition of mechanical plating andredefined the conception of mechanical plating according to the mechanism ofthe  formation of mechanical  deposited  coating.  Thus,  the  procedure  ofmechanical plating was attached to a reasonable subject.
  Because of the particularity and complexity in observing the phenomenon ofadsorbing--depositing, there are still some problems waiting for further study. It'smy hope that the results concluded in this thesis could consummate themechanism of mechanical plating and promote its application and development.

  Key words:mechanical plating.  mechanical galvanizing.  impact plating. peen plating.   zinc coating.  mechanical deposition. mechanochemistry.


  Photograp was the first tool for people to record the objective world, since1837  photograp as a science and technology, photograp is inseparable from theperfect combination of the various stages of the development and progress ofHumanities Science and Technology, shows increasingly obvious contemporaryculture features, deeply affects people's daily lives, and also plays a positive role inthe development of the world. But at the beginning of photography generation, manyartists thought that photography would replace the painting, because the fact thatphotography catch “instantaneous” and “eternal” expression of the objective reality isfar than that painting could reach. Belong to the same two-dimensional graphic arts,photography and painting have the similar art modeling languages, but each has itsown distinct characteristics. At first, pictorial photography completely imitates theform of painting to create, then with the development of society and art linguisticdiversity, the surrealism photography and conceptual photography appeared, Today,the art of photography inheritance and absorbed the principles of drawing shapes,formed early painting photography genre, and it continues with thee ssentialcharacteristics of the unique art formWith the development and advancement of technology, photography as a form ofmass communication, becomes increasingly apparent to record history. From theearliest “Painting as a teacher,” to today, many photographic theory and practice areinseparable from painting rule. This paper starts mainly from the influence fromWestern painting aesthetic style on photographic art, explores through the perspectiveof the study, and analyzes uniqueness of photographic art aesthetic. This paper alsofocus on on the aesthetic fusion of painting and photography relations to rationalizecomprehensive and systematic features of Photographic art and draw on the works ofmasters to analyze the uniqueness of Photographic art, diversity is the commondirection of development in modern art, any kind of art needs to be good at learningfrom each other, because only learning from each other and playing its owncharacteristics and advantages would change to be developed.
  It  takes  progressive  layers  of the  structure  based  on the  comparison  ofphotographic art and Western painting as a clue in this paper. The first part describesdevelopment of Western painting from the point the history. The second part analyzesthe comparative study of the art of painting and photography, demonstrates therelationship between photography and painting, and reflects uniqueness from, artisticand technical point of the Photography. The third part is about the fusion ofphotography and painting constituting a deviation from the aesthetic point of view ofWestern painting aesthetic style of the photographic art, the use of light, color andcomposition in Photographic art, making milestone in the history of the concept一thedecisive moment, and analyzes the works of masters, and exploring the advantages ofdigital  photography  based  on  current  development  of  Chinese  photography,photographic art reflects technically unique beyond painting in the promotion ofmodern science and technology.

  Keywords: Photographic art;  Western painting;  Aesthetic;  The uniqueness

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