第二,从年度新词语的传播差异上看,一些反映社会重大事件、备受关注的社会问题、社会现象和新观念的年度新词语相对传播程度较高。另外,高频词对传播度影响非常明显,表现为:在大多数的年度中,少量高频词的累加频率均超过 80%。
关键词:年度新词语 时空差异 共用词 独用词 分布
AbstractIn recent years,a large amount of new things, new phenomenon and new events areconstantly emerging, spreading quickly and broadly with the aid of the Internet andthe media, neologisms have acquired the unprecedented development. Beinginfluenced by diverse pragmatic conditions, the annual neologisms reveal somespatiotemporal discrepancies during using and spreading. Based on leadingnewspapers and language-monitor methods, this thesis carries on the quantitative andthe qualitative analysis of the annual neologisms of Beijing, Shanghai andGuangzhou.
This thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter One mainly introduces the background,significance, content, method and objectives of the annual neologisms research, thebasis of the corpus, and the method of achieving data; Chapter Two mainly explainthe relevant theoretical foundations of the study of language monitoring; ChapterThree performs a statistical analysis of the distribution of spatiotemporaldiscrepancies of the annual neologisms respectively of the three cities and of Beijingand Guangzhou; Chapter Four mainly discusses the discrepancy in spreading of theannual neologisms of the three cities from the perspective of media communication;Chapter Five performs a statistical analysis of the using status of the annualneologisms, selecting the usage discrepancy, the synonymy-competition discrepancy,and the case study of semantic change of cognate words as three analytical aspects;Chapter Six mainly performs a statistical analysis of the producing ways of the annualneologisms from the aspects of covariant relations between the society and theneologism, the relations between the theory of Potential and Appearence andword-formation, the relations between pragmatic factors and lexical borrowing;Chapter Seven summarizes the research of this thesis.
The main conclusions made in this thesis are as follows:
First, from the discrepancy in spatiotemporal distribution of the annual neologisms,the distribution is chiefly influenced by the corpus scale. The greater the scale is, thelarger the number of the annual neologisms type is; On the other hand, the number distribution of the annual neologisms type is relatively stable as a whole, mainlyshowing as communal neologisms assuming absolute superiority, and a relativelysmall number of some annual neologisms and sole neologisms in all regions.
Second, from the discrepancy in spatiotemporal spreading of the annual neologisms,those reflecting important social events, high-profile social problems, socialphenomenon and new ideas tend to get a higher level in spreading. Furthermore,high-frequency words perform a significant impact on the levels of spreading,manifested as the cumulative frequency of a few high-frequency words exceeding 80%in most of the years.
Third, from the discrepancy in usage of the annual neologisms, the usage of cognatewords is an important characteristic of the annual neologisms, and shows a trend ofrise year by year. The synonymy-competition reflects a kind of self-regulation in thedynamic development of the annual neologisms. Some neologisms that are concise,economical and convenient to communicate and memorize are more acceptable tosociety. Those neologisms which describe high-profile events and social phenomenonare likely to obtain register overgeneralization.
Forth, from the discrepancy in producing ways of the annual neologisms,word-formation is the main way of producing annual neologisms, of which the newcompound words and new derivative words account for the largest percentage. On theother hand, the emergence of annual neologisms is a reflection of the dynamic processfrom potentiality to prominence in language, and the word-formation providesfavorable conditions for annual neologisms emerging, which is the direct motivationfor the unprecedented development of the annual neologisms.
Key words: Annual neologism, spatiotemporal discrepancies, communal words, solewords, distribution
第一章 绪 论
1.1 选题背景及意义
1.2 研究内容、方法和目标
1.3 语料来源及数据获取
第二章 相关理论基础
2.1 相对时间观理论
2.2 动态知识更新与动态流通语料库理论
2.3 语言的动态、稳态与实态理论
2.4 潜显理论
第三章 年度新词语词种的数量分布统计分析
3.1 北上广三地的新词语词种分布考察
3.2 京广两地的新词语词种分布考察
3.3 本章小结
第四章 年度新词语传播的时空差异统计分析
4.1 媒体传播差异的统计分析
4.2 新词语历时传播与生命力
4.3 本章小结
第五章 年度新词语使用的时空分布统计分析
5.1 同族词使用差异考察
5.2 同义竞争关系考察
5.3 词义变化个案考察
5.4 本章小结
第六章 年度新词语产生方式的统计分析
6.1 社会共变与创造新词
6.2 潜显理论与构造新词
6.3 语用因素与词语借用
6.4 本章小结
第七章 总 结
7.1 本文的重要结论
7.2 本文研究的不足及局限
致 谢