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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-04 共3324字



  目 录




  第一章 发展性艺术治疗




  第二章 积极心理学




  第三章 基于积极心理学的发展性艺术治疗












  关键词: 艺术治疗 发展性艺术治疗 积极心理学


  Art therapy is based on art activities for the media, to psychologicaltheory and art theory as the theoretical basis, by the therapist, visitorsand art works of the three relations play a role, to ease emotionalconflicts, promote the visitors harmony, perfect personality, and thepotential development of psychological service activities. Due todifferent goals, art therapy and into treatment of art therapy and thedevelopment of art therapy. Art therapy is a treatment for problembehavior and psychological disease modification, is the main target ofthose suffering from mental or psychological diseases. The developmentof art therapy is for everyone, in order to promote physical and mentalhealth and harmony development as the goal of the art therapy method. Thedevelopment of art therapy based on the personality development of thelifelong process, expected through free art activities for individualpeople to understand the internal structure and the relation between selfand environment,improve the self,self understanding and selfconsciousness of integration at the same time, the inherent talent andunique rational, constructive development. The development of art therapybased on the individual has a positive quality development, its conceptsand principles of treatment is advocated by modern psychology.

  Positive psychology is the psychology of relatively perfect andeffective experimental methods and measurement means, the study of humanvirtue and strength of psychology. Positive psychology is not satisfiedwith the existing in the research of psychology to concern about thedisease for the purpose of the research tendency and treatment philosophy,firmly believe that: people life system with self harmony, self andenvironment harmonious self adjusting mechanism, wherein both theexistence of every hue conflict, also has a self understanding, selfregulation and self improvement and growth ability; the psychology shouldbe devoted to the exploration of human inherent qualities and developmentof these high quality methods and influencing factors, and the applicationof these methods and the factors to help people establish positivecharacter and behavior, so that it has the ability to self realizationand self harmony with the environment, a healthy, happy life with meaning.

  Positive psychology has inherited the traditional psychologicaltheory and research method of reasonable elements, and in the researchobject, research goal and research method etc. realized beyond. Theunderstanding of human nature and respect, the man is a complete, and hasa growing power and self regulation mechanism of the concept and itspsychological treatment principle, and this article discusses the moderndevelopment of art therapy with different approaches but equallysatisfactory results of wonderful, should become the modern developmentof art therapy as the most important part of the theoretical basis. Thispaper summarizes the development of the art therapy and positivepsychology based on the basic theory, mainly from the humanisticdisciplines position, analysis of the development of art therapy andpositive psychology aims to clarify the relationship between, developmentof art therapy concept in positive psychology, positive psychology andbased on the development of art therapy applied research and reflection.

  The whole thesis consists of three parts: the first part mainlyintroduces the development of art therapy connotation, necessity andsignificance. The second part mainly discusses the connotation and therelated theory of positive psychology and positive psychology, theapplication in reality. The third part proposed based on positivepsychology development concept for the development of art therapy, arttherapy application and reflection, put forward to the development of theart therapy.

  Key words: Art therapy;The development of art therapy;PositivePsychology

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