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来源:未知 作者:杨老师
发布于:2022-07-28 共16369字

摘 要

  标题,新闻的眼睛。在人们的日常生活中,看报纸往往是先看标题够不够吸引你的眼球,再看新闻的具体内容。尤其是现代社会,由于时间的宝贵性,人们往往希望用最短的时间了解自己感兴趣的话题以及今天又发生了什么。虽然也受字体版式等影响,但毫无疑问标题才是重中之重。新闻本身就有简短精炼的特点,所以标题的要求也就越高。随着时代的发展,人们已经不满足于只看国内新闻报道了,也开始关注国外的报道,如人们熟知的 VOA、CNN、BBC等。因为就相同的事情,角度不一,得到的结论也就不一,客观性更强。本论文将主要关注的是英语新闻标题的翻译,主要关注语法特点和修辞特点。按照其主要传播途径可以分为网络新闻,电视新闻,广播新闻以及报刊新闻,本文将主要网络新闻和报刊新闻。根据不同类型的新闻特点,翻译时可以采用不同的手段以达到最出彩的效果。本论文将通过分析、比较、讨论不同类型的新闻标题的翻译技巧和特点。虽然前人已经在语体特色和翻译策略方面有所研究,但还有研究的空间。


Translation on Different Forms of English News Headline


  Headline is the eye of news. When people read news in their daily life, theyusually read the headline first to see whether it is attracting or not, then read the wholepassage. With the development of society, time becomes more and more precious.

  People all want to spend the least time doing the most things, the same is true ofreading news. What they want to do most is know what is happening today and readtheir interesting subjects. Headline is the most important part of news though there aresome other parts like fonts and plate. The news itself is a short feature refined, so therequirement of the headline is higher. With the development of the times, people havebeen not satisfied with only reading the domestic news reports, and begun to paychose attention to foreign reports, such as the well-known VOA, CNN, BBC and soon. From different point of views, different conclusions will be drawn for the samething, so the reports about news will be more objective. This paper will focus on thetranslation of English news headline, featuring grammatical and rhetoricalcharacteristics. According to their main mode of transmission, news can be dividedinto network news and newspaper news. In accordance with the features of differentforms, the translation will adopt different means to achieve the most ideal effects.

  This paper will discuss the translation skills and characteristics of different types ofnews headlines by analysis and comparison. Though researches about stylisticfeatures of news headline and its translation strategies have been done before, there isstill some room for further study.

  Key words: English news headline; translation; characteristic


  Chapter One Introduction
  Chapter Two General Characters of Headline

  2.1Definition of headline
  2.2Characters of headline


  2.3Functions of headline

  2.3.1 Pragmatic function and aestheticfunction

  Chapter Three Strategies and Skills of Translation

  3.1Standards of the translation of English newsheadline

  3.1.1Dissemination of results-oriented
  3.1.2 Understandability
  3.1.3Audience differentiated

  3.2Translation of English news headline

  3.2.1Literal or basic interpretation
  3.2.2Free translation

  3.3Translation balance approach

  3.3.3 Maintaining the original form of expression
  3.3.4Chinese style

  Chapter Four Conclusion

  Chapter One Introduction

  Generally speaking, news consists of headline, lead, body, background, andconclusion. Headline is an integral part of news. When opening a piece of newspaper,what readers see first is the layout, and the headline on the layout is what attractsthem at first glance. A good headline itself is a short piece of short news. Withdramatic development of China's reform and opening-up, especially in the newcentury, more and more foreign language learners become interested in reading andtranslating foreign news into Chinese. Among a variety of human languages, Englishis generally considered as the main communicative tool in the course of increasinglycommercial activities among different countries. Gradually, it is regarded as aninternational commercial language. To successfully gain access to the internationalmarket, countries are frequently forced to confront problems as how to write andtranslate English news headline precisely. As English plays a significant role in theirdaily life, more and more people participate in English training institutions. The bestway to learn a language is to read the original book, while due to the length of a book,newspaper is a more suitable choice. Today, in the face of the era of informationexplosion, translation has become an integral part of the hot area in media business.

  With the increasing international exchanges, readers have a more open and broadperspective on the information about the world. News media reports the world's latestevents accurately and promptly but it is impossible for everyone to grasp two or morelanguages, so there will be an obstacle in obtaining other countries' information.

  Therefore, translation probably is the best medium to help alleviate this obstacle.

  Translating is a great task in which people not only certify their ability but also play arole in deciphering information correctly thus saving readers' time.

  Some recent studies have shed light on the translation of English news headline.

  Zhang Jian, in his book Journalistic English: Style and Analysis put forward somefindings on the style of English news headline. Later, in his book A Course inJournalism Translation, he focused on the definition and skills of translation ofEnglish news headline. And when criteria and definition of translation are mentioned,Eugene Nida's theory can not be ignored. He said “translating consists in producing inthe receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first interms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style” (Nida, Eugene A. &Taber. 1982.

  The Theory and the Practice of Translation [C]:12). And he also said, “Translating isfar more than a science. It is also a skill, and at the ultimate analysis, fully satisfactorytranslation is always an art” (Nida, Eugene A. &Taber. 1982. The Theory and thePractice of Translation [C]:132). Above all, it is necessary to deepen the study oftranslation of English news headline.

  This paper talks about the translation of English news headline mainly fromthe gramma and phraseology point of view. Through analyzing living examples fromvarious sources, the findings show that English news headline enjoys phraseologyfeatures like midget words, vogue words and distinctive grammatical features in voice,tense, omission and punctuation, making it stand out in relief against general English.

  Starting from the second chapter, general ideas of headline are touched upon. Thethird chapter is the core of this whole paper, and relevant translating strategies will beintroduced. Construction and transcription are the most commonly used methods. Inthe end, a conclusion is drawn in the fourth chapter.


  Chapter Two General Characters of Headline

  People may skim the content of news because of the length, but they will readthe headline carefully. So the vital importance of headline is self-evident. It is wellknown that news has its outstanding characters, so does the headline. To have a clearidea of translation of headline, questions on its definition, characters and functionsshould be dealt with in the first place.

  2.1Definition of headline

  The headline is the text at the top of a newspaper article, indicating the nature ofthe article below it. It is sometimes termed a news hed, a deliberate misspelling thatdates from production flow during hot type days, to notify the composing room that awritten note from an editor concerned a headline and should not be set in type.

  2.2Characters of headline

  English News headline is the centralization and summary of news and the eye ofnews. It concentrates on the most important and noteworthy news content withconcise text. Reading the headline is the first step in reading English newspapers.

  However, due to the special nature of news, English news headlines have a uniquelanguage during its long-term development. Plenty of examples are cited to showsome news characters to readers of English newspapers. The characters of headlinecan be concluded in two parts, that is phraseology and grammar.


  Whatever the style, headline has its own unique language features. In order toproduce better translations, the first thing translators should do is to grasp languagefeatures of news headlines. Generally speaking, there are four kinds of phraseologiesin English news headline: midget words, vogue words, initials and shortened words.

  First, headline generally emphasizes the dapper, precise and, vivid words, less ornever uses meaning less vague and abstract concept of the word. When they want toexpress the verbal meaning of “destroy” or “damage”, people generally does not usethe word “damage” in headline, instead, they adopt some simple words, like hit, hurt,harm, ruin or wreck. Another example is the concept that the verb means “abandon”.

  People generally use drop, give up, quit, skip, or yield instead of “abandon”. Whileexpressing the verb meaning of explosion, people use such verbs as blast, crash, ram,or smash are adopted rather than the verb “explode”. Here are other examples, aid-help or assist, ban-prohibit or forbid, name-appoint or elect or nominate, kill-murder,nab-arrest.

  Second, “New” is the life of news, but also the life of news language. It isdetermined by the nature of news. News reports put an eye-opener to the times, withall the new things, new phenomena, new ideas, new wave propagation throughvarious media to a wide audience. First, the headline is reflected on the news. News ofthe vogue words in English are too numerous to cite, for example: newsca is the wordfrom news and broadcast, slanguage comes from slang and language andReaganomics means Reagan's economics.

  Third, English news headlines for the pursuit of numbers always haveabbreviations, in which name of common things, jobs and other things are concluded.

  Here are some examples, APEC=Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation WTO=WorldTrade Organization, TOEFT=Test of English as a Foreign Language, PR=publicrelation, DJ=disk jockey, VIP=the very important person, CEO=Chief ExecutiveOfficer.

  Last, translators should decrease the numbers of the headline, in which some areinerratic and some are not. Here are the examples: ad-advertisement, biz-business,auto-automobile, cello-violoncello, quake-earthquake, wig-periwig, flu-influenza, tec-detective, vic-convict.


  The original headline is a complete sentence, but produces a concise result, thushighlighting the important content. The headline often deletes or omits some of thegrammatical words, such as articles, conjunctions, and verbs.

  In general, there are three kinds of omission: omission of article, conjunction andparticle. Omission has three purposes: first, to use the original headline less asfunctional words, pronouns, verbs, etc; second, to highlight the key information; thirdis to meet the Chinese implicit features. Here are some examples, “China sees housingas engine to drive economy”, “Australia treading a fine line between US, China” and“Moscow's food prices/soaring”. In the examples the fist one omits the article “the”,the second one omits the conjunction word “and” and the third one omits the particleword “are”. Tenses

  News in English is widely used in the present tense, giving readers a fresh baked,vivid and colorful feeling. English headlines do not use past tense but present tense,thus readers feel they are in the situation and the news is in time, which is calledJournalistic Present Tense.There are three common verbs in headlines of English form:

  past tense, future tense and the present progressive tense.

  First, under normal circumstances, the news media coverage is mostly aboutwhat has happened, but the verb often used in the headline is still the general shape,not only for saving the space but more importantly for enhancing the freshness andimmediacy of the headline. Here is the example, “Hu urges efforts to create greaterharmony”, which means that Hu Jintao has made efforts to create harmony in the pasttime.

  Second, the expressions of future tense generally will use the “will + verbprototype”, but more often is the “be + verb irregular”, in which “be” is usuallyomitted before the infinitive in order to save the space. Therefore, the infinitive in theEnglish headline of the next action can express the meaning directly. Here are twoexamples, first is “Robot nurses will assist sick and elderly-magazine” and second is “Project to tackle heavy-metal pollution”. The first one is the normal expression whilethe second one is the style just mentioned above.

  Third, for what is happening or action, the headline usually uses the form “be +present participle ”, in which “be” is often omitted. The English news headlines candirectly express the ongoing actions or events that are taking place. Here are theexamples, “Overseas talent losing pay edge” and “New Web Sites Seeking Profit inWiki Model”, both of which omitted the verb.

  Readers who are familiar with English newspaper will find that the active voicein headline is used much frequent than the passive voice. Even when readers use thepassive voice, “be” is often omitted for the need of shortness, leaving only the pastparticiple. They do not use “by” to elicit action executor. Here is the example,“Identities of hijack suspects released” which means the identities of the hijacksuspects are released.

  2.3Functions of headline

  Except for the prompt function that general title has, the news headline also hasthe conclusion function, which summarizing the main content of the news. For it willhelp the audience to accept the subject and to grasp the news. A good headline shouldbe concise; it is like a pair of piercing eyes, and expressively plays the role inattracting readers. In order to remain invincible in the competition, the newspapersalways do everything possible to highlight the news headlines, and strive to not onlyconvey its ideas but also make an eye-catching. The functions will be concluded intwo areas.

  2.3.1 Pragmatic function and aesthetic function

  An English newspaper has at least four layouts, but actually readers have timelimitation so they can't read newspaper from beginning to end like reading novels.

  When reading a piece of newspaper, people always want to find out the daily hot topicand the content of personal interest. At this moment, headline can be an ideal guardfor it summarizes and centralizes the news' content and uses easy and attractingwords to concentrate on the most valuable information. When reading the headline,readers can choose the content they like to read quickly.

  For layout of headline is the eye and the newspaper will be intensely darkwithout the headline. If a newspaper only has articles and words without any obvioussegmentation, how terrible and difficult it would be for readers. English newspaperusually use different forms, styles and letters to beautify the content, avoiding beingmonotonous and inflexible.

  Chapter Three Strategies and Skills of Translation

  Through the above exploration about English news headline and the analysis ofnews headlines, readers will get a basic grasp idea of it. But when they read Englishnewspapers, readers can not only understand the news headlines, but also make aproper translation of headlines. Only in this way can they correctly grasp thecharacteristics and the right moral meanings of English news headlines. Whentranslating English news headlines, people should pay attention to three aspects: first,to grasp the characteristics and understand accurately; second, to enhance thereadability of translation; third, to pay attention to readers' acceptance. All theserequirements need the translator to attach more importance to the long history ofEnglish-speaking countries, cultural allusions and a considerable degree ofbackground knowledge. In translation, if translators can use a Chinese way ofexpression which will give readers a familiar feeling. In the translation of Englishnews headlines, you should take full account of the differences in English andChinese, and Chinese ways of expression.

  3.1Standards of the translation of English news headline

  Translation is “dynamic” because it closely associates with the era, along withthe historical evolution of the ever-changing. Talking about “literal” and“Photograph” or “naturalized” and “alienation” separating from the era, people try toset a similar translation of “faithfulness” like the eternal “standards”. It is notappropriate to regard the translation process as a stationary rigid. Translation plays animportant role in the information society. There are a variety of forms and styles oftranslation. Although their expressions are different, the nature of the standards andthe translation process are basically the same: both common and personalized.

  3.1.1Dissemination of results-oriented

  News translation is different from a simple text translation, which will both havean addition to the general nature of translation and pay attention to the disseminationof results. So it is required that translators should be faithful to the original languagein translation. If the communicator's message only reaches a certain group, but is notaccepted by all the audience, the communicative meaning will lose.

  3.1.2 Understandability

  The key to news translation is how to do the translation correctly and increasethe communication effects. News translation should not be a replica of the languageof machines, which only focuses on literal translation. In view of the domesticaudience who know little about the political system in the translation of the foreign,policies of social phenomena and other aspects, translators should comment about thenew words with short and clear explanations.

  3.1.3Audience differentiated

  Both internally and externally, the mass media audience and readers ofnewspapers and magazines, radio listeners and television viewers are included, butthere are many differences in internal and external communication of the targetaudience. Due to the differences in culture, language, politics and living environment,domestic audiences' interests and requirements differ when accepting the news. Inone country it is a well-known thing while in another country it is an unfamiliar thing,or vice versa. News translation is not only an integral part of external communication,but also a form of idea and information communication. Therefore many things areneeded to be explained to the audience in translation.

  3.2Translation of English news headline

  When appreciating or translating of English news headlines, translators shouldBeware of three aspects: an accurate understanding of the headline, translating themeaning properly; paying attention to the beauty of the translation. It is not easy forreaders who are not familiar with English-speaking countries to appreciate or translateEnglish news headlines. Many wonderful phrases may slip away from the blink of aneye. Therefore, it requires that people should well understand the historical anecdotesin English-speaking countries' and means of rhetoric.

  3.2.1Literal or basic interpretation

  When the meaning of English news headlines is expressed clearly, the way ofexpression in English and Chinese is completely or basically the same, people candirectly translate them into Chinese. If reading without difficulty, people can useliteral or basic literal. But when translating news headline literally, accuracy ofmeaning should be guaranteed and the style of the headline can not be destroyed.

  Here are some examples, “Emanuel Triumphs in Chicago Mayoral Race”, “NZearthquake death toll at 75” and “Shanghai's population to hit 23 million”. Themeaning of the first headline is very clear that Emanuel won the election in the raceand became the mayor of Chicago. And the second news is about the death toll fromearthquake in New Zeeland and the number is increased to 75. The meaning of thethird headline is that Shanghai's population exceeds 23 million.

  3.2.2Free translation

  If literal translation can not summarize the content of news accurately, reflect theintention of author precisely, and conform to the Chinese way of expression, freetranslation will be adopted. The headline “Some Kids are Orchids” clearly reflects thecontent that some kids are killed. Another headline “Believing the Believers”, whichmeans the intention of the author that people have their beliefs. And another exampleis “Marriage, headache for couples after '80”, which points out the marriage aboutcouples born after 1980 has some troubles and the feeling is just like getting aheadache.

  3.3Translation balance approach

  Because of rhetorical devices in English, or cultural and linguistic differences,sometimes Chinese can not express the subtle meaning of the news headlines. Peoplemay get an appropriate Chinese headline with the combination of the literal meaningand the news content. The following methods can be employed: addition andomission, maintaining the original form of expression and Chinese style.


  Due to the characters of English news, news headlines have several words. But theChinese news headlines seek comprehensive meaning of words, making the Chineseheadline relatively large. So, in translation of the English news headlines, people cancombine the characteristics of Chinese news headlines, adding some necessary wordsso that the headline will be more consistent with Chinese style and the meaningbecome more complete. Here are the examples, “Chinese nationals set to be evacuatedfrom Liby” means that the Chinese government will ensure the safety of people inLiby. However, when translating, people should add some information which isomitted. Another example is “Older, Wiser, Calmer”, which means when they getolder, people will get higher wisdom and their heart will become more tranquility.

  The news focuses on today's aging society, especially the elder people after retirement.

  When dealing with various problems, elder people show their wisdom and calm. If inaccordance with the original word for word translation as “更老,更明智,更冷静”,it is a more correct translation version. But when taking into account the three originalcomparative adjectives, translators should use the “more......more......more......”

  structure, so that the sentence will be more orderly, and suitable with the readinghabits of Chinese readers.


  “Omission is the most common device in English news headline. Since suchitems as articles, auxiliary verbs, relative verbs, conjunctions, pronouns and so on inheadline only indicate their grammatical functions, by no means of the same weight orimportance in meaning. Generally they can also be omitted in translation” (Zhang,2004:108). Omitting can make the translation smoother, natural, and highlight thenews' overall meaning. In principle, the translation can not make any omission of theoriginal content, so the method can be used without destroying the content of theoriginal. The following are some examples, “Gas price going up, up, up” and “TheBattle of Human Versus Computer at Chess”. The first one emphasizes writingstrategy. However, while people translate, the repeated word can be omitted. And thesecond one, the meaning of battle and versus is the same, so people can translate thesentence into“人机象棋大战”.

  3.3.3 Maintaining the original form of expression

  The English headline uses various figures of speech to attract readers, such aspuns, metaphors, rhyme, etc. Chinese readers can also get the same experience aftertranslating them into Chinese. So translators should reflect as much rhetoriccharacteristics of the original headline as in translation. If the original figure of speechcan not be maintained in translation, people can switch literal figures of speech or usefree translation. and rhyme

  Alliteration and rhyme are often used in translating English news headline tocreate the demeanor effect, exaggerate the atmosphere, and attract readers' attentionand interest. It is hard to get accordance with the original alliteration and rhyme intranslation, so certain figure patterns must often be adopted to replace the properexpressions of Chinese.“Starts with S, Ends with Ex” is an alliteration, and “After theBoom, Everything is Gloom” is a rhyme. The first one means “disconnected sex” andthe second one people may translate like “繁华不再, 萧条即来”, maintaining theoriginal rhetoric.

  “A metaphor always makes a comparison between two different elements, andthis comparison is implied rather than stated.” (Feng, 2005:166). The proper use ofmetaphor in news headline can produce vivid, striking effect and attract more readers.

  “Courage Knows No Gender” is a metaphor, which means that both men and womenhave courage and there is no difference. “Middle East: A Cradle Of Terror”, whichpeople may translate into “中东:恐怖主义的摇篮”, maintaining the original style.

  The translation not only keeps the meaning suitable but also uses a sentence patternthat is very common in Chinese.

  Pun is an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or of wordshaving the same sound but different meanings. “To pun is to play on words, or ratherto play with the form and meaning of words, for a witty or humorous effect.” (Feng,2005:221). When translating these kinds of words or phrases, the translation must bein accordance with the context of the particular message. In “Soccer Kicks offViolence”, “kick off” is a pun. It means both “begin” and “kick off”, so people cantranslate into “足球开踢拳打脚踢”. “Climbers Hold Summit Talks”. The originalmeaning of “Summit Talks” is “首脑会议”. But this news report concerned about thesituation that China, Japan and the Nepalese three national destinies mobilized toMount Qomolangma. The pun here gives rise to the expression.

  Allusions are referable to well-known persons, things, or events that writers assumeare familiar to their readers. They serve to add clarity and significance to ideas anddescriptions. Since these allusions acquaint with readers, the translation can also copythe original translating form. “To Aid or not to Aid, that is the Question” is quotedfrom one of Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet “To be or not to be. That is a question”.

  “A Tale of Two Hearts”, this headline tells a story about a patient was replaced withan artificial heart. It copies mechanically the Dickens famous works A Tale of TwoCities. “Measure for Measure”, is quoted from Holy Bible. The news is about thePrincess Diana whose death is said to be related with the Prince Charles. If Charlesgives up the throne and the Prince William takes the seat, and then Diana would rest.

  This translation is acceptable since it clearly and briefly reveals the content of thenews, and at the same time it even gets correspondent with the original form.

  Antithesis is a counter-proposition and denotes a direct contrast to the originalproposition. In setting the opposite, an individual brings out a contrast in the meaningby an obvious contrast in the expression. “Can Hollywood Make a BollywoodMovie?” here Hollywood and Bollywood is an antithesis. Hollywood is a district inLos Angeles, California – situated west-northwest of Downtown Los Angeles. Due toits fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars,the word “Hollywood” is often used as a metonym of American cinema. Bollywood isthe informal term popularly used for the Hindi-language film industry based inMumbai, Maharashtra, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the wholeof Indian cinema. It is only a part of the total Indian film industry, which includesseveral regional film industries sorted by language. Another example is “The Rise andFall of the Swiss Miss”. The rise and fall is the description of the life of Swissprincess.

  3.3.4Chinese style

  Translation of the English headline uses antithesis, alliteration, idioms and evenclassical language. Then the translation of the headline will perform outstandingly.

  “Aches Determination To Complete One Of Bush Daughters Reach Legal Age ToDrink”, people may use rhesis like “布什双娇初长成, 酒巷从此任纵横” and“Westerners Suffer from Mad Cow Fears” can be translated like 西方人谈“牛”色变.

  And people can also use antithesis to translate “The World' s Toughest Car Rallies”

  into “只要意志坚,不怕征途远”. Four-character structure is very common in Chinesefor it can not only simplify the words but also beautify the words. Here are someexamples, “Van Gogh's Recovered After Theft” means “梵高名画失而复得”.

  “Saving Time For A Rainy Day” refers to “未雨绸缪”. “TB on the Rise Again inLondon” means “结核病卷土重来”. Classical Chinese can also be used. “Bush' sFlight into the Sunset” can be translated into “桑榆暮景照归程”. Because theaudience are Chinese, the closer the Chinese expression, the better effect will get.

  Chapter Four Conclusion

  In the present age of economic and cultural globalization, translation studiesstands out as a central and focal discipline. News plays an important role intransforming information of this society. And news headline which is considered to bethe eye of the news summarizes the whole news and gives people the first impressionof news. As already indicated in previous chapters, English news headline has its ownfeatures. The translation of news headline should be on the basis of the features andaccord with the Chinese expression and reading habits. To fulfill these purposes, thetranslator must have an excellent background of English and a capacity for literaryexpression in Chinese. An acceptable translation demands that the translatorunderstand not only the obvious content of the news, but also the subtleties ofmeaning, the significant emotive values of words in headline, and the stylistic featureswhich determine the “flavor and feel” of the headline.

  As the good news headlines will forever remain in heart, a good translation cangive the reader fresh feelings, and leave a deep impression. If news translators cangrasp the characteristics and relevant skills of English news translation, then showingthe main content of news with the most concise form, the domestic audience can get abetter and broader sight to see the world.

  Above all, in a fast changing world, news media are the best channel of knowingevery field including politics, economics, science, culture, and society. To readEnglish news is the best way to get in touch with modern English. Understandingheadlines well can help readers comprehend the whole news and thus read newsefficiently. Though it benefits people a lot, to understand headlines is not as easy asABC. If people are really eager to know well of headlines, kinds of knowledge shouldbe mastered, such as history and cultures of English countries, the works of Englishwriters, the English idioms and wisdoms and so on. This needs the translators workhard and persevere. Though the author has done some research, there are still someaspects that need to be further studied.


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  [2] Nida, E. A.1993 Language, Culture and Translation [M] Shanghai: ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press.
  [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headline [OL]
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  [8] 张健,2008,新闻翻译教程[M]。上海:上海外语教育出版社。
  [9] 张键,2004,新闻英语文体与范文评析[M]。上海:上海外语教育出版社。
  [10] 张洁,2004,试论英语报刊的新闻标题及其翻译[J]。漳州师范学院学报(社会科学版)。(3):108


  Having finished writing my paper, I think it is the right time for me to expressmy deepest gratitude to those who have tried their best to make it as good as possible.

  First, I would like to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to my tutor,S Y, who is the lecturer in the Foreign Languages and Literature Department forher kindly assistance and valuable suggestions during the process of my thesis writing.

  Her willingness to give her time so generously has been very much appreciated.

  My gratitude also extends to all the teachers who taught me during myundergraduate years for their kind encouragement and patient instructions.

  Last but not the least, I would like to offer my particular thanks to my friends andfamily, for their encouragement and support for the completion of this thesis.

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