摘 要
This article through five chapters to explore the socialmarketing analysis of movies. The first part is an introduction, in thissection, in study of the research area for the overall researchbackground, analysis the value of a systematic of elaborate, systematicresearch in this field in recent years carried out a comprehensiveoverview, and exploring innovations article gives analysis; The secondpart is the system's interpretation of the social media, in this section,makes an analysis of the current social media overall development, theclassification and its overall function analysis systematic research,giving out for the full depth explanation system more extensivetheoretical groundwork; In the third chapter, analysis the social mediaroles and the propagation in the movie marketing process, in order tomake it clear, and from the analysis of the market status of the moviesexplores the development of China under the context of the social mediacontext and direction, combining with consumers reflect, analyzing theimportant role in the promotion of social media marketing for the movies;In the fourth chapter, starting from the actual situation, analysis the newera of movie with two very sought after by the audience as the analysisobject, comparative analysis, given the rational application of socialmedia marketing process in the movie; and finally, in the fifth chapter,search for social media marketing of comprehensive analysis in the fieldof movies, summarized sublimation law, and for the effective use ofsocial media in this field are given a certain amount of countermeasuresto explore.
Keywords: Movie;Social Media;Marketing.
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究价值
1.3 国内外研究现状
第二章 社会化媒体的分类及营销特征、功用分析
2.1 社会化媒体的发展历程
2.2 社会化媒体的分类
2.3 社会化媒体的营销特征及功用分析
第三章 结合电影案例深入解析社会化媒体营销作用
3.1 以《后会无期》为例分析社会化媒体营销成功之处
3.2 以《一步之遥》为例分析社会化媒体营销不足之处
3.3 社会化媒体在电影营销中的经验总结
第四章 社会化媒体在电影营销中的角色扮演及传播规律
4.1 社会化媒体语境中电影市场的现状分析
4.2 社会化媒体语境中电影市场的机遇和挑战
4.3 社会化媒体在电影营销中的重要性和必要性
4.4 社会化媒体在电影营销中的传播规律及对消费者的影响
第五章 系统提出社会化媒体语境中电影营销的策略
5.1 社会化媒体语境中电影营销的营销策略建议
5.2 社会化媒体语境中电影营销的一般规律总结
5.3 社会化媒体语境中电影营销的功用展望