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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-20 共4544字

【题目】 英国的行政裁判所制度研究
【2.1 2.2】独立的人员组成和任命
【2.3 - 2.5】程序规则的司法化

  第一章,介绍英国行政裁判所之产生与司法化改革之过程。英国行政裁判所的产生有其特殊的历史背景。一开始是因为经济社会的发展及行政案件的专业性和技术性,政府希望通过行政裁判所这一程序简单快捷,成本低廉的方式解决纠纷。然而由行政机关设置的行政裁判所最初是行政性质,不符合英国司法独立、普通法院行使一切司法权力等法律传统而广受诟病。后来在一系列内外部因素,比如欧盟法的促进、宪政改革的推动和行政裁判所自身发展的要求下,裁判所开始了司法化改革的过程。此过程具体包括 4 个阶段,即裁判所宪法地位确认阶段、缓慢司法化阶段、司法化改革阶段和司法化完成完善阶段。
  第二章,从四个方面分析行政裁判所司法性之体现。首先,裁判所组织体系重新调整,形成初级裁判所 7 个裁判庭、上级裁判所 4 个裁判庭、由女王法院和裁判所服务局管辖的 8 个裁判所并立的局势。
  它们合理设置,案件管辖范围清晰,互相合理衔接,为裁判所的运行提供了保障。其次,裁判所人员任命更加独立。再次,程序规则不断制定和修订,逐渐正式化, 并增加对抗性及公平性。比如听证前的程序、委托代理人、实践指引制度、听证程序、证据规则、决定的说明理由制度、以及畅通的救济制度不断在完善。最后,各个监督管理机构通过一系列报告制度,实现对裁判所的监督,也是对其司法化成果的维护。
  Chinese administrative reconsideration system is considered to be theprimary mechanism for solving administrative disputes, but in practice itdoes not play its role in dispute resolution properly. Moreover, itsindependence, neutrality and authority are being called into question. As aresult, the issue of reforming the Chinese administrative reconsiderationsystem has been under debate in recent years, as well as the positioning ofadministrative reconsideration. It is a good way to learn experience fromother countries on this matter. The British administrative tribunal is similarwith Chinese administrative reconsideration system, and they allencountered the same issue of positioning their systems. This paper willanalysis how the British administrative tribunal system solved theirproblem by the judicial reform, and what can be learned from this processby Chinese government.
  Against this backdrop, this paper is divided to 5 parts:
  The introduction first summarizes the positioning issue faced by theChinese administrative reconsideration system. After studying in UK, theauthor found there are similarities between the British administrativetribunals system and Chinese administrative reconsideration system. Theyare all dealing with administrative disputes, and faced how to decide thenature of their institutions. The issue was ultimately resolved throughjudicial reform in UK. When it comes to the research on the judicialisationat home and abroad, the author found Chinese scholars do not keep track ofthe latest process of the judicialisation of British administrative tribunalssystem. Therefore, the author will make up the gaps in this field and try toprovide a good reference for the reform of Chinese administrativereconsideration system.
  The chapter one introduces the origin of British administrativetribunals and its judicial reform process. Firstly, because of the economicand social development, and administrative cases being professional andtechnical, the British administrative tribunals are set up to resolve thesedisputes efficiently, professionally and with low cost. However, because thetribunal initially set by the executive administrative tribunals wasadministrative in nature, it was widely criticized as they went against thejudicial independence as well as the ordinary courts exercising judicialpowers in UK. As a result, the British administrative tribunals began toreform under the promotion of European Union law, constitutional reformand under the requirements of the administrative tribunals themselves.
  Then it explores the four stages during this judicial reform.
  The chapter two focuses on four aspects of the judicialisation of Britishadministrative tribunals system. Firstly, the tribunals are reorganized as atwo-tier system: the first tribunals and the upper tribunals which includeseveral chambers. They are reasonably set and reasonably connected toeach other, which provide a guarantee for the operation of tribunal system.
  Secondly, the appointments of tribunal members are more independent.
  Thirdly, the procedure rules are formulated and revised by the tribunalprocedure committee. Finally, the tribunals are overseen by the Ministry ofJustice, HM Courts and Tribunals Service, and the Lord Chancellor througha reporting system.
  Subsequently, the third chapter analyses the data related to the judicialreform of British administrative tribunals, including the annual totalnumber of receipts, disposals and caseload outstanding by jurisdiction, thetotal expenditure, and the timeliness from 2007 to 2015, and percentages ofappointing legal representative before tribunals, etc. After analysis of thedataabove, the author concludes the achievements as followings: the reformunified the United Kingdom administrative justice system, increased theindependence and impartiality of tribunals, reduced operating costs,improved the attractiveness of tribunals, and also had an impact on othercountries. However, because of the reform, the tribunals' specialadvantages are weakening now. For example, the formalizing of tribunalsmakes the hearing of tribunals expensive, time-consuming, and increasesthe burden of applicants, etc. Finally, the paper is followed by the trend oftribunal reform that even though some disadvantages appearing, thejudicialisation of British tribunal system will continue and makeimprovements based on the reform.
  The paper is concluded by summarizing the whole process of thejudicialisation reform of British tribunal system, and provides 5suggestions for the upcoming reform of the Chinese administrativereconsideration system, including: reform should be built on the basis of afull and comprehensive investigation; reform is a long-term process ofadjustment and requires a certain social conditions; some specific UnitedKingdom experience can be applied to the reform of Chineseadministrative reconsideration system; and the Chinese government shouldlook for the balance between substantive justice and procedural justice. Inthe end, the author hope these experiences can provide references for thepositioning of Chinese administrative reconsideration system.
  KEY WORDS:British administrative tribunal, judicialisation,procedure rules, administrative reconsideration system

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