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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-08 共2570字


【序言  第一章】程海明防卫基本案情及相关争议焦点 
【2.1 - 2.3】间接故意和过于自信的过失的区别 
【2.4  2.5】正当防卫的认定 










  Subjective aspect of crime refers to the psychological attitude that subject of crimes holdsabout the harmful consequences when he implements dangerous acts, and it is inner psychologicalmanifestations of the perpetrator, revealing under what psychological status that the perpetratorimplements actions that endanger the society; it works as exterior and interior with objectiveaspect of crime and becomes one of the principle limits that distinguishes crime and non-crime,this crime and that crime. However, as crime forms of subjective aspect of crime, deliberation andnegligence are quite abstract and are difficult to be differentiated in juridical practices. Especiallywhen the court is affirming (undue assumption) negligent homicide and indirect intent murder,since there are a lot of overlapping parts between indirect intent and negligence with undueassumption, it is quite common that there will be different judgments for the same case.

  Concerning this problem, most scholars advocate decomposing it from the perspective ofcognition factor and will factor: on indirect intent occasion, the perpetrator is fully aware that hisactions will cause harmful consequences but still indulges it; in negligence with undue assumption,the perpetrator foresees possibility of the harmful consequences but takes it for granted that itcould be avoided and results to the harmful consequences. This understanding provides theoreticalbasis for deeply understanding and grasping the complicated forms and correct conviction andmeasurement of penalty of subjective aspect of crimes.

  This paper takes Chang Haiming's negligent homicide as an example and analyzes how toaffirm indirect intent and negligence with undue assumption in juridical practices and comes tosome understandings, hoping it will be of some use to further similar cases.

  Except the preface and the summary, there are three parts in this paper:

  Part One: Basic case and relative focuses of dispute. This part mainly introduces the realities,judgment results and focus of disputes of this case and relative cases.

  Part Two: Relative legal analysis of this case. This is the key part of this paper. Based onrelative theories of criminal law, this part makes all-round legal analysis and detailed explanationson the focuses of dispute involved in this case.

  Part Three: Reflections on this case. The author has some ideas on the distinguishingstandards between indirect intent and negligence with undue assumption and explains secondaryconstruction of their distinguish standards systematically.

  Key words: Cheng Haiming, Indirect Intent, Negligent Homicide, Case, LegalAnalysis

    目 录




  0.1 选题背景及研究意义

  0.2 研究现状

  0.3 研究内容及方法

  第一章 基本案情及相关争议焦点

  1.1 基本案情回顾

  1.2 其它同类型案件

  1.3 本案涉及的争议焦点

  第二章 本案相关法律问题分析

  2.1 间接故意的认定

  2.1.1 间接故意的认识因素

  2.1.2 间接故意的意志因素

  2.2 过于自信的过失的界分

  2.2.1 过于自信的过失的认识因素

  2.2.2 过于自信的过失的意志因素

  2.3 间接故意和过于自信的过失的区别

  2.3.1 两者的认识因素不同

  2.3.2 两者的意志因素不同

  2.4 正当防卫的认定

  2.4.1 正当防卫的概念

  2.4.2 正当防卫成立的条件 防卫起因 防卫时间 防卫对象 防卫意图 防卫强度

  2.5 本案争议焦点的全面阐释

  2.5.1 被告人不成立正当防卫

  2.5.2 被告人构成(过于自信的)过失致人死亡罪

  第三章 本案引发的思考

  3.1 现有区分标准

  3.2 区分标准的构建

  3.2.1 认识因素和意志因素相统一

  3.2.2 主客观相统一

  3.2.3 科学合理的推定




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