关键词:台湾布袋戏 传统民间艺术 文化创意产业 电视布袋戏 霹雳布袋戏
Bu Dai Xi, also named Bu Dai Puppet, is a kind of traditionalChinese folk art. It is a regional drama which is popular in Fujian andTaiwan. In recent years, traditional domestic arts face a dilemma.Taiwanpuppet 's development is impressive,in which TV puppet show isparticularly good. To adapt to the modern trends, Taiwan puppet usesmass communication technology and commercial marketing gimmick,which is popular with young people. Puppet is introduced to Taiwanthrough a series of changes from the folk arts and crafts to the film andtelevision development. A series of TV puppet companies graduallydevelop toward the direction of industrial development, form a uniquecultural creative industries in Taiwan. Pili puppet, the subject of the essay,now has the largest influence among the TV puppet in Taiwan. Comparedwith the traditional puppet, Pili puppet in the plays, made a lot of changesin shooting style and opening up their own market. At the same time Pilipuppet provides people understand traditional puppet good route oftransmission.
This essay is divided into four parts, which mainly researches theinheritance and development : the first part introduces the origin anddevelopment of Taiwan puppet. As the folk art, traditional puppet hasmany problems of development currently, the prosperity of Taiwanpuppet gives many development inspirations to traditional puppet whichlocates in the embarrassing position in modern society. The introductionof puppet's incoming and prosperity in Taiwan is connected with theappearance of television puppet. The second part is mainly based onHuang family puppet of television puppet, innovation and reform of Pilipuppet in industrialization development, business operation andmarketing methods. The third part intensively analyzes different roleclassifications and continuous plot setting in art issue. Based oninheritance of traditional culture, it analyzes the cultural connotation inplots. The fourth part introduces several problems of Pili puppet in itsindustrialization development and future development, The key is tobalance tradition and innovation.
Key words: Taiwan puppet; Cultural and creative industry;Traditional domestic arts; TV puppet ; Pili puppet
1.1 作为民间艺术的布袋戏
1.1.1 传统布袋戏在当代社会的发展困境
1.1.2 台湾布袋戏对传统布袋戏发展的启示
1.2 布袋戏在台湾的传入与兴起
1.2.1 外台到内台、南管到北管
1.2.2 电视布袋戏的出现
2.1 霹雳布袋戏的创新与变革
2.1.1 口白与原创音乐
2.1.2 木偶与布景改良
2.1.3 分工明确、电影化制作
2.2 霹雳公司的商业运作与营销手法
2.2.1 多种传播渠道
2.2.2 周边产品开发
3. 霹雳布袋戏的艺术性问题
3.1 人物分类与剧情设置
3.1.1 人物分类--生旦净末丑
3.1.2 剧情设置--延续性
3.2 文化内涵
3.2.1 诗号、对白与旁白
3.2.2 儒道释文化
3.2.3 忠孝节义精神
3.3 电影《圣石传说》与 3D 电影《奇人密码》的成败分析
4. 霹雳布袋戏产业化过程中的问题及发展方向
4.1 霹雳布袋戏自身存在的问题
4.1.1 主线不清晰
4.1.2 角色批量化
4.1.3 布景单一
4.1.4 流水线生产
4.1.5 偶动画的定位
4.2 霹雳布袋戏的未来发展
4.2.1 开拓大陆市场
4.2.2 培养接班人才
4.2.3 平衡传统与创新