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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-06-05 共3805字


【3.1  3.2】鞍山市健身俱乐部经营情况的调查与分析 
【3.4 - 3.6】鞍山市健身俱乐部会员的调查与分析 


  北京奥运会后,我国提出了建设“体育强国”的口号,无论从政策导向还是从战略布局上,都更加关注群众体育健身事业的开展。健身俱乐部作为一种新兴的体育健身组织形式,对全民健身运动有着重要的意义和积极的作用。特别是随着 2014 年发展体育产业上升为国家战略,给目前体育健身俱乐部的开展带来了新的契机。鞍山市作为东北老工业地区的重点城市,健身俱乐部这种特有的群众体育健身开展形式已经从无到有走过了 10 几年的历程。目前,健身俱乐部的建设的现状如何以及未来如何更好的发展,是一项值得深入研究并具有一定现实意义的课题。

  因此本文以鞍山市 8 所体育健身俱乐部的 500 位健身消费者、24 位健身教练员作为调查对象,运用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈、数理统计等研究方法,对目前鞍山市的体育健身俱乐部的现状进行了调查研究,并提出相应的发展对策。


  第一,鞍山市健身俱乐部从整体上看多以中等规模的健身俱乐部为主、所有制形式基本以私营经济为主要形式,达到了 87.5%.健身俱乐部设置的健身项目较全面,能够满足人们的健身需求。但各俱乐部没有明显的特点,发展模式单一、连锁经营发展程度低。


  第三,鞍山市体育俱乐部消费者的健身意识和健身需求强烈,具有较高的文化层次。31 岁到 40 岁这一年龄段为消费主体,占样本总量的 53.63%.俱乐部消费者每月用于健身消费的费用集中在 100 元以下,消费水平偏低。





  Abstract: After the Beijing Olympics, our country puts forward the slogan ofsports powers, from the power of the policy guidance on strategic layout, pay moreattention to the development of mass sports fitness business.Fitness club as a newkind of sports organizationis of great significance to the national fitness campaign andplays the positive role.Especially along with the development of sports industry in2014 the national strategybrought new opportunity forthe development of the sportsfitness club.Anshan city is a key city in the northeast old industrial area, and fitnessclub as this unique form of mass sports fitness have passedfor 10 years.At present, thestatus quo of the construction of the fitness club of how and how to be better inthefuture, which is worthy in-depth study and has a certain practical significance.

  So taking 500 consumers and 24 fitness coaches of Anshan 8 sports fitness clubsas investigation object, using literature, questionnaire, interview, mathematicalstatistics and other research methods, the present situation of the sports fitness club inthe Anshan has carried on the investigation and study, and put forward thecorresponding development countermeasure.The main conclusions of this paper is asfollows:

  First, Anshan fitness clubs as a whole are given priority to with medium-sizedfitness club, basic private economy as the main form of system of ownership form,reaching 87.5%.Fitness clubs set up fitness program which is comprehensive,whichcan meet the demand of people's fitness.But the clubs have no obviouscharacteristics with low degree of development model and the single chain businessdevelopment.

  Second, the professional level of Anshan sports club management personnel islow, and it is lack of familiar sports fitness industry and interdisciplinary talentsproficient in management at the same time.Professional fitness coaches level isuneven, and the overall service quality is low. Some coaches don't have much practiceexperience, and at the same time the club coaches of retraining and treatment are onthe low side.

  Third, the awareness and demand of Anshan sports fitness club consumer arestrong, and they have the high cultural level.31 to 40 years old as the consumptionmain body at this age, accounting for 53.63% of the total sample.Per month for fitnessclub consumers spending cost on 100 yuan below, and consumption level is low.

  Fourth, Anshan fitness club is widely used in membership as the main body ofmarketing way, and year positioning is in line with consumer consumptiondesire.Butit is the lack of incentives for low-income groups in and localizationstrategy, which lost a part of consumer groups.

  Fifth,Main countermeasures to promote the development of Anshan city fitnessclub, relevant government departments should strengthen the control of the fitnessclub;Establishment of industry associations, and promote the communication betweenthe fitness club;Comprehensive analysis of the factors making reasonableprice;Development of chain operation mode, make fitness brand;To take the form ofmulti-channel, multi-form and multi-level to strengthen the cultivation of coaches;Usea variety of promotions, to guide the consumer changing ideas, enhance the awarenessof physical fitness;Promoting the comprehensive qualities of fitness club management,strengthen the construction of the club's own organization.

  Key words: Anshan,Fitness club,Manage,The status quo,countermeasures

  目 录




  1 前言

  1.1 选题依据

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 健身俱乐部的理论研究

  1.2.2 健身俱乐部的实践研究

  1.3 健身俱乐部概念的界定和特征分析

  1.3.1 健身俱乐部概念的界定

  1.3.2 健身俱乐部的特征分析

  2 研究对象和方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 问卷调查法

  2.2.3 访谈法

  2.2.4 数理统计法

  3 结果与讨论

  3.1 鞍山市体育健身事业的概况

  3.1.1 鞍山市健身产业发展的有力因素分析

  3.1.2 鞍山市健身事业的发展规模

  3.1.3 鞍山市国民体质监测评定情况

  3.1.4 鞍山市产业结构特征

  3.2 鞍山市健身俱乐部经营情况的调查与分析

  3.2.1 鞍山市健身俱乐部区域分布与规模

  3.2.2 鞍山市健身俱乐部面积与投资情况

  3.2.3 鞍山市健身俱乐部开展项目、配套设施及营业时间

  3.2.4 鞍山市健身俱乐部收入来源和盈利情况

  3.2.5 鞍山市健身俱乐部的组织结构

  3.2.6 鞍山市健身俱乐部的经营性质和经营模式

  3.2.7 鞍山市健身俱乐部的宣传方式和价格定位

  3.3 鞍山市健身俱乐部人力资源的调查与分析

  3.3.1 鞍山市健身俱乐部管理人员的情况

  3.3.2 鞍山市健身俱乐部教练员队伍的情况分析

  3.4 鞍山市健身俱乐部会员的调查与分析

  3.4.1 鞍山市健身俱乐部会员的性别和年龄情况

  3.4.2 鞍山市健身俱乐部会员的文化层次

  3.4.3 鞍山市健身俱乐部会员的职业特征

  3.4.4 鞍山市健身俱乐部会员的锻炼动机

  3.4.5 鞍山市健身俱乐部会员经济收入和消费水平

  3.4.6 鞍山市健身俱乐部会员健身产品的满意度

  3.5 鞍山市健身俱乐部存在的主要问题

  3.5.1 政府对于健身行业的支持和监管力度不足

  3.5.2 从业人员综合素质偏低,教练员流动性较大

  3.5.3 健身俱乐部市场定位不清晰,价格变化较大

  3.5.4 健身俱乐部的宣传手段过于传统,俱乐部间交流较少

  3.6 促进鞍山市健身俱乐部发展的主要对策

  3.6.1 相关政府部门应加强对于健身俱乐部的管控力度

  3.6.2 成立行业协会组织,促进各健身俱乐部之间的交流

  3.6.3 全面分析各方面因素制定合理的价格

  3.6.4 发展连锁经营模式,打造健身品牌

  3.6.5 采取多渠道、多形式、多层次的形式来加强教练员的培养

  3.6.6 采用多种宣传方式,引导消费者转变观念,增强体育健身的意识

  3.6.7 提升健身俱乐部管理人员的综合素质,加强俱乐部自身组织建设

  4 结论



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