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来源:吉林大学 作者:王煜竹
发布于:2020-10-21 共6005字
  摘  要

  关键词:   儒家文化;积极人格;社会适应 。
  Positive  personality  is  the  essence  of  Confucian  culture.  These personalities still play an important role in the future development of individuals even to this day. At present, quite a few postgraduates suffer different  levels  of  psychological  symptoms  due  to  academics, interpersonal relationship, stress coping, personal development, etc., and then lose interest in learning content, and then feel puzzled and skeptical of  the people around them, and are confused about their own goals and directions, show no interest in  collective activities, and loses the motivation to make progress. In response to which, reviewing the Confucian culture and vigorously improving their positive personality can play a role in suiting the remedy to the case, and enlightening the benighted, not only facilitating their academic research and continuous study, but also helping them to integrating into the society and give play to their strong points. In fact, there are also some differences in their positive personality between postgraduates with different demographic variables, which will affect their social adaptability. Based on this, this author carries out the investigation of the postgraduates about theirpositive  personality  in  the  Confucian  culture,  and  analyses  the relationship between the positive personality and social adaptability.
  This author extracts the positive personality in Confucian culture and analyzes the relationship between the positive personality and social adaptability  of  postgraduates  through  empirical  methods,  therefore drawing the main conclusions as follows:
  (1)  Analyze  the  average  values  of  various  factors  of  positive personality, rank them as integrity >empathy >optimism >cooperation in  decreasing  order,  it  can  be  seen  that  postgraduates  mainly  put integrity in the first place, and they are reasonable and willing to cooperate with others in a positive mental attitude of optimism.
  (2) Gender, major, grade, source region, and only child or non-only child  has  an  impact  on  the  positive  personality  of  postgraduates  as follows: There are significant differences in the dimensions of optimism and cooperation between different genders. In the dimension of optimism, male postgraduates are higher than female postgraduates, and in the dimension of cooperation, female postgraduates are higher than male postgraduates; There  are  significant  differences  in  the  dimensions  of  integrity between different specialties. The mean value of the honesty dimension of the postgraduates majoring in literature and history is significantly higher than that of those majoring in science and engineering; There are significant differences in the dimension of empathy between different grades. The differences in the dimension of the empathy betweenthe  first-year  and  second-year  postgraduates,  the  first-year  and  the third-year  postgraduates,  the  second-year  and  the  third-year postgraduates are significant. The higher the grade, the higher the level of empathy; There  are  significant  differences  in  the  dimensions  of  honesty between different source regions of students. The average value of the honesty dimension of rural students is significantly higher than that of urban students. There is a significant difference in the dimension of empathy and cooperation between the only child and non-only child. The mean value of the empathy dimension of postgraduates as non-only child is significantly higher than that of the postgraduates as only child, and the opposite is that in the cooperation dimension. It is found that the difference  in  the  integrity  dimension  of  the  only  child  is  close  to significant after eliminating the extreme value. This suggests that the variable of the only child may have a significant impact on the integrity dimension.
  (3) The results of the analysis of the positive personality and social adaptability  of  postgraduates  by  means  of  the  self-adapted  social adaptation  assessment  scale  of  postgraduates  show  that  there  is  a significant positive correlation between the positive personality and social adaptability of postgraduates.
  Key words:    Confucian culture; positive personality; social adaptation 。
  引  言
  第 1 章  文献综述
  1.1 、积极人格概述 。
  1.1.1、 积极人格的内涵 。

  “积极”(Positive)一词来源于拉丁文中的“Positum”,于 1958 年在心理学界首次被提出,积极可解释为正面、肯定、建设性、促进性的。心理学上将个体在行为上的内部倾向称为人格,人格表现为个体在适应环境时的能力、情绪、兴趣、价值观等个性心理的整合。积极心理学认为,积极人格特质主要是对个体的各种现实能力和潜在能力加以激发和强化的结果,是个体所表现出来的具有一定普遍性和代表性的积极人格特质,这种特质是稳定和固有的,是个体个性优势与美德的展现,是个体在先天潜能和后天环境交互作用基础上形成的,有助于使个体生活得更幸福,更加顺利地达到自我实现的状态。
  积极人格是积极心理学的三大支柱之一。2000 年,世界闻名的《美国心理学家》上发表了美国着名大学教授塞利格曼和西卡森?米哈伊共同撰写的《积极心理学导论》等 15 篇文章,标志着积极心理学的诞生。积极心理学是研究普通人类优势和美德的一门科学,这门科学重新审视“普通人”,着眼于发现什么是有效、正确和进步的(Sheldon&King,2001)。积极心理学是研究有助于人、群体和组织持续发展或最佳运作的状态和过程(Gable & Haidt,2005),不同于传统心理学的是,积极心理学关注的领域是心理健康。积极心理学的推动力,以及能够引起人们关注的最大原因是,它极力展示出一种学科形象“觉醒者”的姿态,远离“失调”、“障碍”、“弱点”等色彩的心理学主题,聚焦人性的“光明”、“积极”方面,在帮助人们疗伤的同时,不忘点燃人们心中对生活的希望,激励人们实现自己的人生理想(塞利格曼,2002)。积极心理学侧重于三个相关层面:积极的主观体验、积极人格、打造积极体验和积极人格的组织环境(Seligman& Csikszentmihalyi,2000)。
  塞利格曼(2000)在《积极心理学导论》一文中认为“积极人格特质”是由主观幸福感、乐观、快乐等构成的,两年后(2002)他采用了“积极人格”(Positivecharacter , Positive  personality ) 一 词 , 而 积 极 人 格 又 称 为 人 格 优 势(Character Strength)。塞利格曼认为美德和优势是积极人格的核心,它们具有缓冲器的作用,能成为战胜心理疾病的有利武器。所以,在积极人格中,美德和优势的地位相同,对个体美德和优势的考察也必定成为积极心理学今后研究的重点。塞利格曼基于特质心理学,归纳出稳定和一致的个体差异,而这些特质是由个体所处的具体环境所塑造的,也必将因环境的改变而改变。塞利格曼及其同伴(2004)在总结和提炼历史上各国宗教和人文文化传统的基础上,在《人格优势和美德手册及分类》一书中汇总出 6 种美德及 24 种人格优势,这些美德和优势便成为积极心理学所研究的积极人格特征。人格优势则是定义美德的心理因素,包括过程与机制, 展示了某种美德的不同途径, 具有跨文化性。
  Linley 和 Harrington(2006)将“优势”定义为一种能够在追求有价值的结果时以最优的方式行事的感觉、思考和行为的能力。长期以来,对心理病症类别的研究多于对优势和积极成果类别的研究。因而,导致人们对人类的弱点更加熟悉,而对人类的优势则比较陌生(Snyder)。美德可以被定义为“促使人思考和行动,以便惠及于自身和社会的心理过程”(Mc Cullough&Snyder,2000)。 因此,心理学研究人员对历史上有关美德的概念都非常感兴趣,例如人文心理学传统(Peterson&Seligman,2004)和家庭社会科学研究中的家庭优势和适应能力(Sandage&Hill,2001)。因此,人格优势是界定美德的心理成分、过程或机制。
  第2章  研究设计.
  第3章  实证研究.
  3.2.3、 研究结果.
  3.2.4、 讨论.

  第 4 章   结 论


  一、对积极人格中诚信、移情、乐观、合作 4 个维度的平均值进行分析,其顺序排列为诚信>移情>乐观>合作。从整体来看,大部分研究生具有积极的人格,且更重视诚信品质。

  二、通过性别、专业、年级、生源地、独生子女 5 个变量下,对研究生在积极人格中诚信、移情、乐观、合作 4 个维度上的得分差异性进行分析,性别、专业、年级、生源地、是否独生子女均对研究生积极人格有影响,具体表现为:1.不同性别在乐观维度和合作维度上存在显着差异。在乐观维度上男生高于女生,在合作维度上,女生高于男生;2. 不同专业在诚信维度上存在显着差异。文史类研究生诚信维度的均值显着高于理工类;3. 不同年级在移情维度上存在显着差异。研一年级和研二年级、研一年级和研三年级、研二年级和研三年级在移情维度上的差异均显着。年级越高,移情水平越高;4. 不同生源地在诚信维度上存在显着差异,农村生源研究生诚信维度的均值显着高于城镇生源的研究生;5. 是否独生子女在移情和合作维度上存在显着差异。非独生研究生移情维度的均值显着高于独生研究生,在合作维度上恰好相反。



原文出处:王煜竹. 基于儒家文化的积极人格与社会适应关系研究[D].吉林大学,2019.
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