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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-06-29 共5159字

  摘 要




  本文通过对差错管理氛围、团队集体效能感、谦卑型领导和团队绩效等相关文献研究的基础上,构建了理论模型,提出相应研究假设,采用问卷调查的方式,首先对本地企业进行调研和访谈,然后发放问卷。共调查了 92 个团队,447 份问卷,之后运用 SPSS190 和 AMOS210 软件对样本数据进行统计和整理,得到本文的研究结果:(1)差错管理氛围对团队绩效有正向预测作用;(2)团队集体效能感会促进团队绩效;(3)团队集体效能感部分中介了差错管理氛围对团队绩效的正向预测作用;(4)谦卑型领导正向调节差错管理氛围和团队集体效能感之间的关系,谦卑型领导会放下自己身份,与团队成员共同进步,差错出现后帮助团队成员采用更加积极的方式对待,促使团队成员间可以更好地交流和学习,增加对团队认同,提升团队绩效。





  the internal and external environment of enterprise dynamic transformation, notevery hour and moment is facing new opportunities and challenges, solo nationalismhas been difficult, if they want to get the advantage, must be the wisdom of the grouptogether, and the team is adapt to this trend of development team There is a verypopular and practical operation of the unit, its flexibility and ability to integrate for thevitality of enterprises, an effective means of enterprise development But the cause ofthe complicated external environment for enterprise development road will not be amember of the team and Everything is going smoothly, are not saints, can not guaranteethat every step team is correct so, the error can hardly be avoided, so the whole teamwill form error error management atmosphere in the team Error management willpromote members of the positive atmosphere Share error, timely communication oferror, improve the processing error The errors of common perception appears morepractical significance inevitably makes the way to treat errors, the implementation ofteam behavior results that is error management atmosphere on team performance ismore necessary

  The current research on error management climate and team performance is notsufficient, so the mechanism and boundary conditions of research on the relationshipbetween error management atmosphere and team performance remains to be explored

  Based on the social cognitive theory, attempts to explore the moderating role of teamcollective efficacy mediated the relationship between error management atmosphere andteam performance and humble leadership the error management team atmosphere andcollective efficacy Then the error management atmosphere will actively encourageteam members [team members of the argument is wrong, as the team members] to learnfrom the errors and progress, enhance the team's capabilities and technologies, in theabsence of criticism and abuse of the environment, the heart is encouraged therealization of self progress at the same time there will be more recognition of their team,believe that the capacity for development team will have better and stronger to face thenew president Service and challenges, enhance the team collective efficacy Teamcollective efficacy can positively promote the team members of the act, making it moreactively involved in the work, creating a new performance for the team The team leaderhas a special individual as a key figure in the development team, the type of leadingteam to express [smooth] humble leadership as the new leadership style, help team members to better communicate and learn this sentence [unfluent] to guide them in apositive way to treat errors, to increase the team's confidence, which will promote themechanism of the effect of error management atmosphere on team performance in theprocess to a certain extent

  Through this reading through the error management atmosphere, team collectiveefficacy, the relevant literature based humble leadership and team performance and soon, to build the model, put forward the corresponding research hypothesis, by means ofquestionnaire, first of all to local enterprises research and interview, and questionnairesurvey of 92 A team should describe how team samples selected, reflect a certainscientific] a total of 447 questionnaires after using SPSS190 and AMOS210 softwareon the sample data statistics and sorting, the results obtained in this paper: (1) errormanagement atmosphere has a positive effect on team performance; (2) team collectiveefficacy can promote team performance; (3) team collective efficacy partially mediatesthe error management atmosphere of positive effect on team performance; (4) thehumble leadership positive atmosphere and adjusting error management Therelationship between team collective efficacy, humble leadership will lay down theirown identity, humble leadership is a leadership style, team members and leaders] cannot represent the common progress of errors after helping the team members to adopt amore active approach, the team members can better communicate and learn aboutgroup confidence, enhance team performance

  The significance of this study is to enrich the research on error management climateteam level, the application of social cognitive theory, mechanism of influence on teamperformance To further expand the enterprise management and team building, as wellas the development direction of the future team provides a certain reference value

  Key words: error management atmosphere; team collective efficacy; humbleleadership; team performance


  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  近年来,随着信息技术的发展和经济的全球化,社会分工日益细化,许多企业将其发展由团队来承担,从 20 世纪 70 年代通用、丰田等公司将团队引入其生产开始,团队这一概念逐渐步入人们的视线。发展到现在,例如海尔的创客团队,以成就有梦想的团队为使命的韩都衣舍的小团队以及华为的狼性团队等,这些团队都创造出众多的优秀成果。团队逐渐成为创造企业绩效、提升个人绩效和实现团队绩效的重要运作单位,这也是企业适应市场经济,实现与经济全球化接轨和走向国际发展的重要方式。


  20 世纪 70 年代,Bandura(1977)基于社会认知理论,结合行动主义和社会学习提出了“自我效能感”,用于研究其对个体行为的影响。当个体组合成为团队时就会出现“1+1>2 或 1+1<2”的情况,这就需要探讨如何协调成员使其发挥最大效用的问题,在 20 世纪 80 年代 Bandura(1986)就提出了集体效能感这一概念,来关注团队整体的心理状况,既然自我效能感的提升有助于个人工作的完成,那么团队集体效能感的提升也应会对绩效结果产生正面影响,这一点已有研究已经证实,但是促进团队集体效能感的提升的因素有是什么呢?很多的研究发现集体氛围对个人心里会产生影响,那么团队氛围是否会对整个团队的积极性和自我认可产生的影响,能否对提高团队绩效,这是本文的主要研究内容。


  1.2 研究问题的提出
  1.3 研究意义
  1.3.1 理论意义
  1.3.2 现实意义
  1.4 研究内容
  1.5 研究方法和技术路线
  1.5.1 研究方法
  1.5.2 技术路线
  1.6 研究的创新点

  第 2 章 文献综述

  2.1 差错管理氛围
  2.1.1 差错管理氛围的概念
  2.1.2 差错管理氛围的测量
  2.1.3 差错管理氛围的影响结果
  2.2 团队集体效能感
  2.2.1 团队集体效能感的提出
  2.2.2 团队集体效能感的测量
  2.2.3 团队集体效能感的研究现状
  2.3 谦卑型领导
  2.3.1 谦卑型领导的内涵
  2.3.2 谦卑型领导的相关研究
  2.4 团队绩效
  2.4.1 团队绩效的定义
  2.4.2 团队绩效的影响因素

  第 3 章 理论模型与究假设

  3.1 模型构建
  3.2 研究假设
  3.2.1 差错管理氛围对团队绩效的影响
  3.2.2 差错管理氛围与团队集体效能感
  3.2.3 团队集体效能感与团队绩效
  3.2.4 团队集体效能感在差错管理氛围与团队绩效之间的中介作用
  3.2.5 谦卑型领导对差错管理氛围与团队集体效能感间关系的调节作用

  第 4 章 研究设计

  4.1 变量测量
  4.1.1 差错管理氛围
  4.1.2 团队集体效能感
  4.1.3 谦卑型领导
  4.1.4 团队绩效
  4.2 问卷设计
  4.3 样本描述

  第 5 章 数据分析与模型检验

  5.1 量表的信度和效度分析
  5.1.1 信度分析
  5.1.2 效度分析
  5.2 聚合分析
  5.3 相关分析
  5.4 假设检验
  5.4.1 差错管理氛围对团队绩效的影响
  5.4.2 差错管理氛围与团队集体效能感的关系
  5.4.3 团队集体效能感和团队绩效的关系
  5.4.4 团队集体效能感的中介作用检验
  5.4.5 谦卑型领导的调节作用检验
  5.5 检验结果和讨论

  第 6 章 研究结论与展望

  6.1 研究结论
  6.2 研究启示
  6.3 研究局限和展望


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