摘 要
关键词 : 淳中科技公司,商业模式,企业生命周期,财务战略,财务绩效。
Generally speaking, the business model refers to the organic combination ofvarious internal and external factors that affect the operation of the enterprise in orderto achieve its profit goal or occupy a certain share in the market, forming a uniqueoperating system of the enterprise, and through various operations of the enterprise.
Activities, the overall solution to achieve corporate development goals. The businessmodel is the concretization of an enterprise's development strategy in specific practice,is the basis for the enterprise to allocate various resources scientifically, and embodiesthe logic of enterprise development and operation. But the business model is not static.
With the changes in the social and economic environment and the continuousevolution of the different life cycles in which companies are located, in order toachieve business development goals, companies must adopt different business modelsand then determine the appropriate financial strategy. It can be seen that the businessmodel is a dynamic system of continuous optimization and innovation, whichcomplements the financial strategy. Based on this, under the new developmentsituation, combining the financial strategy of the enterprise with the business model,and specifically studying the effect of financial strategy implementation underdifferent business models, can not only further enrich and improve the theory andmethod system of business models and financial strategies, but also It can alsoprovide reference and reference for other similar companies to flexibly position theirbusiness models based on their own experience. Therefore, the research in this papernot only has certain theoretical value, but also has important practical applicationvalue.
In recent years, Chunzhong Technology Co., Ltd. (herein referred to asChunzhong Technology Company) has implemented different corporate strategies andbusiness models to conduct business activities according to the different life cycles ofthe company's development, and established appropriate financial strategies. . Under different business models and financial strategies in different life cycles, companieshave significant differences in financial performance, which better reflects the choiceof financial strategies and their economic consequences under different businessmodels. Based on this, this article sorts out and summarizes the existing researchresults on business models and financial strategies at home and abroad, based onrelevant theories, and takes Chunzhong Technology Co., Ltd. as a case to analyze thefinancial strategies and performance of different business models. It analyzes andsummarizes the successful experience of the financial strategy adopted under thecurrent direct selling model. According to the development stage and characteristicsof the life cycle of Innolux Technology, 2015 will be the turning point for itsimplementation of the new and old business models, from the previous distributionmodel to the direct sales model, which is a great impact on the business adopted byInnolux Technology under different life cycles. The model and the characteristics ofcorporate strategy are summarized, the choice of financial strategy under differentbusiness models and the changes in financial performance are analyzed, and themechanism and successful experience of the influence of business model changes onthe choice of financial strategy are obtained. On this basis, the three life cycles ofTriscom Technology’s startup, growth, and maturity stages (because the current casecompany has better growth and has not yet covered the characteristics of the recessionperiod, so this article does not involve issues related to the recession period. Research)The operation of the business model, as well as the specific financial strategies andactivities such as financing, investment, and dividend distribution, are analyzed fromfour aspects: operational capability, profitability, short-term solvency, and long-termsolvency A comparative analysis of corporate performance changes and evolutiontrends is made, and the main conclusions are drawn that different business modelsdrive financial strategies, which in turn affect corporate financial performance. Bycomparing the differences in financial performance under different business models,combined with the characteristics of the business operation of Chunzhong Technology,it is concluded that the direct sales model can bring more successful experience forthe company's good development.
The study found that the overall strategy of an enterprise under different lifecycles directly affects the choice of business model, and the choice of business modelwill have a direct impact on the financial strategy, which in turn affects the financialperformance of the enterprise, and the choice of business model has a certain impact on the financial strategy effect. Combining with the business characteristics ofChunzhong Technology Company, this article puts forward the enterprise strategy andits corresponding business model in different life cycles, compares and analyzes thechoice of financial strategy and the difference in financial performance under differentbusiness models, and proposes direct selling Under the model, enterprises implementscientific and effective strategies for financing, investment, and dividend distribution,and scientifically allocate financial resources to make better use of technologicaladvantages and market advantages, and countermeasures and suggestions forpromoting high-quality development of enterprises.
Key words : Chunzhong Technology Company,Business model,Enterprise lifecycle, Financial strategy,Financial performance。
第一章 绪论
1.3 、研究意义
第二章 文献综述及相关理 论
第三章 淳中科技公司概况及不同生命周期下商业模式分析
第四章 淳中科技不同商业模式和生命周期下财务战略分析
第五章 淳中科技不同商业模式下的财务战略实施效果分析
第六章 研究结论
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