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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-23 共3278字

【题目】 河北省人口和用地协调发展探究
  摘 要
  本文以河北省为例,对河北省 33 个市的城市规模进行研究,用分形理论中的位序-规模法则分别分析河北省人口和用地规模分布的演变规律,进而用偏移份额模型并结合《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》(GB50137-2011)分析各类城市建设用地的结构演化规律和合理发展方向,最后通过异速生长定律和城市用地扩展系数分析城市人口和用地之间的协调关系,以此分析的结果为依据,对河北省城市人口和用地的发展提出建议。得出了如下结论:
  (1)全省城市体系发育不够健全,首位度较低,2012 年全省 2 城市指数为 1.2,4 城市指数和 11 城市指数仅为 0.5,远小于其合理值 1.规模序列结构正处于集中向分散过渡的发展时期,2012 年,人口规模 q 值为 0.81,用地规模 q 值则为 0.79,省内首位城市发展不足,大城市的规模比起全国其他省份来说远远不够,其影响力距离理想状态仍有很大差距;中小城市是推进全省城市化进程的主要力量。总体而言,全省尚未形成理想的规模序列结构,还处于发展的中间阶段。
  (3)河北省大部分城市用地增长速度高于人口增长速度,纵向来看近几年尤为显着,异速生长系数从 2000 年的 0.75(幂函数)和 0.66(线性函数),增加到 2012年的 0.87(幂函数)和 1.00(线性函数),从负异速变为正异速。横向上近 2/3 的城市用地扩展系数超过合理值,地级市比县级市的扩展系数偏高;并且除少数几个城市外,河北省整体城市人口密度偏低,土地利用效率有待提高。
  With the advance of urbanization, the expansion of urban population size and land size is theinevitable trend of urban development. At present, China has entered the stage of rapid developmentof urbanization, the city scale expanded rapidly, with the expanding of urban scale,Some questionscontinuously emerge: Urban sprawl, land configuration unreasonable, systematic and scientific is notstrong in urban planning, agricultural land area is significantly reduced, etc. which need to decidewhat city size can make the urban population and land reach coordination state and the urbandevelopment achieve optimal results.
  Taking hebei province as an example, the rank-size rule is used to analyze the development lawsof urban population and urban land of 33 cities in Hebei province, and then the shift-share model andcombined with “standard of urban land classification and planning construction land” (GB50137-2011)are adopted to analyze the evolution law and the development direction of all kinds of urbanconstruction land structure, finally through the allometric growth law and and urban land expansionparameters to analysis the coordinate relationship between urban population and land., the results ofthis analysis as the basis, puts forward suggestions for the development of the urban population andland in hebei province. The following conclusions are drawn:
  (1) Hebei urban system is not perfect and the primacy ratios is low, the two cities index in 2012was 1.2,the four city index and eleven city index was only 0.5, far less than its fair value 1. Scalesequence structure is in a development period of transition from concentration to dispersion , in 2012,q for the population size is 0.81 , q for the land size was 0.79, the first city development is insufficientin province, compared to other provinces , the size of the large cities is far from enough, its influenceis still far from the ideal state; Small and medium-sized cities is the main power in the urbanizationprocess in the province. Overall, the province has not yet formed an ideal scale sequence structure,still in the middle stage of development.
  (2) Each land use types , road square land and green land showed a significant supply effect,industrial land and storage land had a structure of damping form; from the spatial distribution, a groupof county which economic develop better supply effect is stronger,such as Wu'an, the supply effectand crowding-out effect are strong with weak in other cities. Combined with the conditions exceeded“standards” for all types of land in various cities ,there are many cities which land size for residentialand public management and public service are beyond the “standard”,especially residential land ofcounty-level cities is higher. The proportion of green land is not is not up to standard in addition to thefew cities,like Chengde outside.
  (3) The land expansion rate of most cities in Hebei province is higher than population growthrate, and it is especially significant in recent years from the vertical perspective. the coefficient forallometric growth from 0.75 in 2000 (power function) and 0.66 (linear function), increased in 20120.87 (power function) and 1.00 (linear function), from negative allometric to positive allometric.
  From the horizontal perspective, the land expansion coefficients of nearly two-thirds of cities exceedthe reasonable value and the expansion coefficients of prefecture-level cities are large. Except of fewcities, the overall urban population density of Hebei province is low.
  Keywords: city size; population; land; man-land relationship; Hebei

  目 录
  1 前言
  1.1 研究背景和意义
  1.2 国内外研究进展
  1.2.1 城市化及其相关研究
  1.2.2 城市地理分形研究
  1.2.3 人口与用地关系研究
  1.3 研究目标、内容与技术路线
  1.3.1 研究目标
  1.3.2 研究内容
  1.3.3 技术路线
  2 相关概念、理论及方法
  2.1 相关概念
  2.1.1 城市化
  2.1.2 城市规模
  2.1.3 人地关系
  2.2 基础理论
  2.2.1 社会系统定量化研究理论
  2.2.2 城市科学与城市体系研究理论
  2.2.3 协调发展理论
  2.2.4 人地关系理论
  2.3 研究方法
  2.3.1 城市规模分布法则
  2.3.2 偏移-份额模型
  2.3.3 异速生长定律
  2.3.4 用地扩展系数
  3 研究区概况与基础资料
  3.1 研究区自然经济概况
  3.2 研究区城市化概况
  3.3 数据来源及说明
  4 河北省城市规模扩展研究
  4.1 城市人口规模分布研究
  4.1.1 全省城市人口规模分布的演变
  4.1.2 全省城市人口规模分布的特征总结
  4.2 城市土地利用特征研究
  4.2.1 全省城市土利用结构变化分析
  4.2.2 全省城市土地规模分布的演变
  4.2.3 全省城市土地规模分布和用地结构变化的特征总结
  5 河北省城市人口和用地协调关系研究
  5.1 城市人口-面积异速生长特征研究
  5.2 城市用地扩展系数研究
  5.3 河北省人口用地关系总结
  6 结论及建议
  6.1 全文总结
  6.2 政策建议
  致 谢
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