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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-03 共2556字
  摘 要
  本文以南昌莲西 110kV 变电站新建工程为依托,通过考察了解目前智能变电站相关关键技术,从经济技术先进性和工程实用性等方面进行研究比选,采用合适的技术应用到变电站设计中,形成技术先进、经济合理的适合智能电网发展状况的 110kV 智能变电站设计方案。文章首先分析了常规变电站的弊端,描述了智能变电站针对这些弊端所具有的优势。然后介绍了组成智能变电站的关键技术内容:智能化一次设备、电子式互感器以及数字化采样技术等,并对其优点及工程适用性做了详细分析。其次,本文研究的重点是针对莲西变电站的具体情况,制定了一套智能变电站设计方案,设计方案对电力系统部分、电气一次部分、电气二次部分和系统远动通信部分进行了详细说明。文章最后对110kV 智能变电站的设计进行了总结,并提出了对智能变电站在技术和设备方面的思考,对智能变电站相关关键技术未来的发展趋势进行了展望。
  The smart grid is the trend and direction of development of grid, and now hasrisen to national strategic height. Intelligent substation is a substation of smart grid, isan important foundation and support of strong smart grid. Power grid construction isleading the design, the design of intelligent substation directly determines theconstruction of smart substation level and technical level, the system research ofintelligent substation design, forming technology of advanced intelligent substationeconomic rational design scheme, it is of great significance to the construction ofsmart substation, also can be a good foundation for the development of smart grid tolay and accumulation valuable experience.The smart grid is the trend and direction ofdevelopment of the network, and now has risen to the height of the national strategy.
  Intelligent substation is an important basis for the construction of smart grid andstrong support. Design is the source of power grid construction, the construction ofsmart substation level and technical level depends on the construction of smartsubstation level, research and design of intelligent substation system, formulate ascientific and rational design, is of great significance, and provide the basis for theconstruction of smart grid lay a solid.
  In this paper, the new project in Nanchang Lianxi 110kV substation as the basis,the current understanding of intelligent substation related key techniques throughinvestigation, comparison and selection of research from the economic advanced intechnology and engineering practical aspects, using appropriate technology applied tothe substation design, the design of 110kV intelligent substation technology advanced,economic and reasonable for the development status of smart grid the. The articlefirstly analyzes the shortcomings of conventional substation, describes the intelligentsubstation has the advantages of these shortcomings. And then introduces the keytechnology of content of intelligent substation: intelligent equipment, electronictransformer and digital sampling technology, and its advantages and applicability ofthe detail analysis. Secondly, this paper focuses on the specific situation in Lianxisubstation, has developed a set of intelligent substation design, the design scheme ofpower system part, electrical part, electrical part and the two part of telecontrolcommunication system is described in detail. Finally the design of 110kV smartsubstation are summarized, and puts forward the thinking of intelligent substation inthe technology and equipment of substation, intelligent key technology related to thefuture development trend is prospected.
  Key Words: Intelligent substation; Intelligent equipment;Electrionic transformer;Digital sampling technology; Design scheme

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 智能变电站的发展和课题研究背景
  1.2 论文研究的意义
  1.3 课题的研究对象和主要内容
  1.3.1 课题的研究对象
  1.3.2 课题主要内容
  第 2 章 智能变电站概述
  2.1 智能变电站的定义和主要技术特点
  2.2 智能变电站的构成与特点
  第 3 章 智能化一次设备
  3.1 智能一次设备的构架与组成
  3.2 智能组件
  3.2.1 智能组件的组成构架
  3.2.2 一次设备智能组件的功能
  3.3 一次设备智能化的关键技术
  3.4 莲西 110kV 智能变电站一次设备的配置方案
  第 4 章 电子式互感器与数字化采样技术
  4.1 电子式互感器的构成与分类
  4.1.1 电子式互感器的构成
  4.1.2 电子互感器的分类
  4.1.3 电子式互感器实际应用情况
  4.2 常规互感器实现数字化采样
  4.2.1 合并单元
  4.2.2 就地数字化数据采集
  4.3 莲西 110kV 智能变电站互感器及合并单元配置方案
  4.3.1 互感器配置方案
  4.3.2 合并单元配置方案
  第 5 章 莲西 110kV 智能变电站设计实施方案
  5.1 电力系统部分
  5.1.1 短路电流水平
  5.1.2 系统继电保护及安全自动装置
  5.1.3 系统通信及站内通信
  5.2 电气一次部分
  5.2.1 电气主接线
  5.2.2 主要电气设备选择
  5.2.3 绝缘配合及过电压保护和接地
  5.2.4 电气布置
  5.3 电气二次部分
  5.3.1 计算机一体化系统
  5.3.2 一体化监控系统架构
  5.3.3 元件保护及自动装置
  5.3.4 交直流一体化电源系统
  5.3.5 其它二次系统
  5.3.6 高级应用
  5.3.7 二次设备组屏及布置原则
  第 6 章 110kV 智能变电站设计总结与展望
  致 谢
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