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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-23 共3240字


【1.1  1.2】中非经贸合作史及其经贸合作的现状 


  自独立以来,非洲经历了长达半个世纪的艰难探索、曲折前行。进入 21 世纪后,这片古老的大陆重新迎来了属于自己的发展黄金期。而地球另一端的另一个古老国度--中国,也在经历了三十余年的经济高速增长后,启动了新的转型、调整、改革。中非双方的发展大势存在着明显的优势互补和互动关联,双方互为机遇、互为支撑的新型战略合作伙伴关系在新一轮的国际政治舞台上大有潜力。在中国的全球国际关系战略布局中,非洲已经成为越来越重要的平台。而对于非洲来说,如何走出世界体系的边缘,中国的助力不可或缺。







  Africa has experienced difficult exploration, twists and turns in development for half acentury since its independence. In 21st century, this old land is again ushered in its goldentime for development. While at the meantime, China, another old nation on the other side ofthe earth, has also experienced rapid economic growth for more than thirty years and now inits new procession of transition, adjustment and reform. The development of Africa andChina has obvious complementary advantages and interactive relevance, and the newstrategic partnership where both sides act as adventures, supports of each other has greatpotential in the new international political arena. In Chinese strategic layout of internationalrelations, Africa has become a significant platform. As to Africa, China's help to theirstriving out of marginalization in world system is indispensable.

  For developing countries, economic development has become the most important politicalcontents. As to China and Africa, economic and trade cooperation is the nuclear power forChina-Africa relation development, as well as the influential factor of international relationsof China and Africa. In recent years, China is increasingly influential in Africa with the rapiddevelopmental momentum and remarkable achievements. How to make strategic arrangementof China-Africa relations, coordinate and guide reasonably all kinds of economic cooperationmodes, explore more scientific mode appropriate for social development are the mosthighlighted subject in dealing with China-Africa relation. The researches on this subject willplay a significant role in strategy making of China-Africa, as well as defining direction offuture economic and trade development.

  The thesis attempts to further analyze some beneficial opinions through comprehensive,systematic analysis over the researches object of several patterns of China-Africa economicand trade relations from perspectives of current situation, problems, typical cases, and futuredevelopment. By reference to a large amount of materials and data analysis, the new-typeoverseas economy and trade cooperation zone combined with characters of several traditionalpatterns is considered potential among several economic cooperation patterns.

  This paper mainly includes three chapters. In the first part, the history and the currentsituation of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation are discussed from the qualitativeperspective, and currently existing problems are analyzed in detail. Six principal modes ofChina-Africa economic and trade cooperation are listed and qualitative andquantitative analyses are made to show the concrete development of each mode according toa large number of statistical data and relative information.

  In the second part, which is also the core part of this paper, it is proposed in accordancewith all the previous data and analyses that the most promising and innovative mode of futureChina-Africa economic and trade cooperation lies in new overseas economic and tradecooperation zones. The development track of economic and trade cooperation zones isdiscussed, and the current development trends of cooperation zones in Africa are summarized,so as to provide some suggestions for the future development of cooperation zones. Inaddition, three representative and promising economic and trade cooperation zones areselected for case study.

  In the third part, the influence of China-Africa economic cooperation on every aspect ofChina-Africa international relations is analyzed by synthesis.

  Key Words: China-Africa relations; pattern; overseas economy and trade cooperationzone





  第一节 选题目的和意义

  第二节 国内外研究现状

  第三节 研究方法和论文结构

  第一章 中非经贸合作现有的主要模式比较

  第一节 中非经贸合作史

  第二节 中国和非洲经贸合作的现状

  第三节 中非经贸合作的主要模式

  一、 对非承包工程(含劳务输出)

  二、 中非贸易

  三、 对非投资




  第二章 中国在非经贸合作区的建设

  第一节 中国对外经济贸易合作区的发展轨迹

  第二节 我国在非洲的经济贸易合作区发展情况

  第三节 经济贸易合作区案例分析




  第三章 中非经贸合作区的优势与中非经济合作的未来

  第一节 建立中非经贸合作区的五点优势

  第二节 中非经贸合作区未来的发展建议

  第四章 结论



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