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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-03 共2393字

【题目】 网页设计中视觉语言的运用研究
【引言 第一章】设计中的视觉现象
  摘 要
  关键字:网页 视觉语言 审美 交互
  ContentUnder the influence of modern technological civilization and technology, themedia industry has undergone tremendous changes, the rise of the visual fields ofculture and its full range of network media involvement, profoundly changed thecontext and visual language of cultural development pattern, which greatly changedthe visual identity and status of the spread of topics, the audience receivedpsychological and visual habits.
  Web page as an information carrier, for visual designers provide a new designand design issues. With the emergence of a growing number of Internet users, thepurpose of people use the Internet more and more diversified, and web designIn this environment towards a more mature direction. Especially in the visuallanguage of web design, visual language has been demonstrated by the initial focus of“selling” type of show business, and gradually developed into a more individualizedfocus on the performance of language form, in terms of cultural connotation embodiesthe visual has also been further improved. On the technical side, but also pay moreattention to humane mode of operation. More and more outstanding web design worksin people's vision.
  Through the visual language of the creative design of web pages to explore,looking for visual thinking, creative design and implementation of internal law, toenhance the creative novel forms of interactive web design ability, communicationability, to stimulate the user's height of pleasure when web browsing provided,interactive and other useful examples and analysis, and strive to bring moreinteresting and flexible user experience for viewers who promote our web creativevisual design style formation. Article explains the basic concepts of visual phenomena,elements of visual language of form, as well as the production of visual language inmodern web design and application of elemental analysis, pointing out the advantagesof visual language, provide the basis for the later pages of creative visual design. Atthe same time detailed visual analysis of the page orientation, and other visualaesthetic direction, looking for principles and design methods of visual language webdesign follow, analyze performance and visual language pages analyzed and discussedby the large number of cases of creative design, interactive design and web analysis tomake certain future trends, and ultimately achieve a certain guiding significance forthe purpose of web design.
  Key Words: Web page Visual language Aesthetic Interaction

  目 录
  1 视觉现象
  1.1 视觉是怎么工作的
  1.2 设计中的视知觉
  1.3 视觉语言的概念
  2 网页页面中视觉语言的构成
  2.1 网页设计中的视觉语言
  2.2 视觉语言的形态要素
  2.2.1 视觉语言中关于点元素的处理
  2.2.2 视觉语言中关于线元素的处理
  2.2.3 视觉语言中关于面元素的处理
  2.3 视觉语言的构成要素
  2.3.1 网页中的文字表现
  2.3.2 网页中的图形表现
  2.3.3 网页中的色彩表现
  3 视觉语言在网页设计中具体表现
  3.1 网页设计迎接的新挑战
  3.2 网页设计中视觉语言应用技巧
  3.2.1 网页浏览的视觉规律
  3.2.2 网页页面中的视觉导向
  3.2.3 网页的视觉诱导与流程
  3.2.4 网页的版面语言表现
  3.3 视觉语言的的审美心理需求
  3.3.1 关于审美的概述
  3.3.2 审美中的形式美法则
  3.4 网页视觉语言设计中存在的一些问题
  3.4.1 独创性的缺乏
  3.4.2 视觉语言的匮乏与重复
  3.4.3 利益影响
  4 网络设计语言的发展新方向
  4.1 由静到动,由动到互动
  4.1.1 交互要素
  4.1.2 动态要素
  4.2 以人为本
  4.2.1 为什么要以受众为中心进行设计
  4.2.2 人性化的视觉语言表现
  4.2.3 组构和布局
  • 报警平台
  • 网络监察
  • 备案信息
  • 举报中心
  • 传播文明
  • 诚信网站