【引言 第一章】业主抗辩权的立法及实践
摘 要
司法实践中,业主常以物业服务公司提供的服务未能达标为由行使抗辩权,物业服务公司则起诉业主要求追究其违约责任,业主与物业服务公司之间由此而产生的这种矛盾已然成为了一个影响社会安定的热点问题。鉴于此,明确物业服务合同中业主是否享有抗辩权,抗辩权行使主体以及业主行使抗辩权应遵循规则等问题,是解决物业服务纠纷,维护业主权益的基础 .本文结合司法案例深入分析现实生活中业主行使抗辩权的具体现象,予以类型化研究,以探求业主行使抗辩权规范化路径。
At present, although the contract law, the property management regulations and somerelevant judicial explanations have made detailed provisions on the problem about service, theproperty service dispute between client and property services companies still occasionally occurs.
In judicial practice, the owner always exercise the right of defense on the grounds of the serviceswhich provided by property service company unmet. The property services companies sue theowner for breaking the contract. This contradiction between owner and property servicecompanies has become a hotspot problem affecting the social stability. Therefore it's thefoundation to resolve disputes over property services and to maintain the owner's equity by solvingthe problems such as whether the owner enjoys the right of defense in the realty service contract,who can exercise the right of defense and what are the rules which owner should follow. In orderto explore the standardized path of the owner to exercise the right of defense, this paper combineswith the judicial case to analyze the specific phenomenon which owner to exercise the right ofdefense in real life.
This essay includes four parts. The first part analyzes the current law and sorts out the specificsituation of the judicial practice. The Contract law and the Property service explanation admit theowner's right of defense, but there still exists some problems such as the body is ambiguous andthe way to exercise the right of defense is not clear. In practice, exercising the owner's right ofdefense faces all sorts of trouble due to the particularity of the realty service contract.
The second part analyzes the theory basis and exercise mode of the owner of the right ofdefense. This part first discusses the types of the one main body pattern and its existingdisadvantages. Then this part demonstrates the advantages of dual main body pattern and itsconcrete classification .
The third part discusses the system of the owner committee exercising the right of defense.
This part emphatically discusses the legitimacy foundation and the scope of the owner committeeto exercise the right of defense, meanwhile analyzes how to adjust the owner committee exercisingthe right of defense.
The forth part discusses the owner exercising the right of defense alone. This part analyzes thebasis of the owner exercising the right of defense alone and emphatically discusses the scope andlimitation of owner to exercise the right of defense alone.
Key words: owner's right of defense, one main body pattern, dual main bodypattern
目 录
引 言
1 业主抗辩权的立法及实践
1.1 业主抗辩权的立法现状
1.2 业主抗辩权行使的实践现状
1.2.1 业主抗辩权行使的困境
1.2.2 业主抗辩权行使困境之原因分析
2 业主抗辩权行使模式之思考
2.1 一元主体行使抗辩权模式
2.1.1 一元主体模式的分类
2.1.2 一元主体模式的弊端
2.2 二元主体行使抗辩权模式
2.2.1 二元主体模式的优越性
2.2.2 二元主体模式的区分标准
3 业主委员会行使的抗辩权
3.1 业主委员会行使抗辩权的基础
3.1.1 业主委员会的法律地位
3.1.2 业主委员会抗辩权的权利来源
3.2 业主委员会抗辩权的适用范围
3.2.1 可行使抗辩权的正当事由
3.2.2 应排除的事由
3.3 业主委员会行使抗辩权的规范化
3.3.1 行使方式的限制
3.3.2 行使时间的限制
4 业主单独行使的抗辩权
4.1 业主单独行使抗辩权的基础
4.1.1 业主的法律地位
4.1.2 业主行使抗辩权的权利来源
4.2 业主单独行使抗辩权的适用范围
4.2.1 可行使抗辩权的正当事由
4.2.2 应排除的事由
4.3 业主单独行使抗辩权的规范化
4.3.1 行使方式的限制
4.3.2 行使时间的限制
5 结语
致 谢