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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-19 共3825字

  Marxist social science methodology for specific social science research has adirect role in guiding, both different from the traditional social science methodology,but also from a general philosophical methodology of historical materialism, which isactively abandon the tradition of social science research methodology foundation onthe social history of historical materialism - its core is a specific concept of socialpractice - as the foundation, through the integration of traditional social sciencemethodology in the human and natural sciences methodology methodology,methodological individualism and methodological holism constructed by the .
  Since the birth of the social sciences hundred years, Western social sciencemethodology generated a lot of positive results. In Comte, Durkheim, Weber, Winch,Giddens as the representative of many social scientists, the system created the twopairs of opposing social science methodology, namely humanities methodology(understanding the methodology) and the Natural Science Methodologymethodological individualism and methodological holism opposition; (empiricalmethodology) opposition. Said Thinkers various useful exploration and research ofsocial science methodology, for the construction of Marxism is significant in terms ofsocial science methodology that has become Marxist social science methodologyinsurmountable “thought monument.” Marxist social science methodology as anintegrated social science methodology, the entire basis of unbreakable “theoreticalbuilding” lies, Marxist social science methodology is built on top of the social historyof scientific methodology. The social scientist Max Weber, Winch, Giddens and otherattempts to conflicting social science methodology together research results obtained,it is theoretical premise that “the theory of building” a cornerstone of direct and core.
  Marxist ideological basis of social science methodology is comprehensive,complete materialism of Marxism as a guide, through the analysis of specific Marxistsocial science methods to explore the integration of empirical methodology andunderstanding of the methodology, methodological holism and methodologicalindividualism effective way to achieve the ultimate effectively eliminate the inherentconflict of social science methodology.
  This thesis is divided into four parts, the first part is the introduction, mainlydiscusses the background and significance of the research, social sciencemethodology overview, research ideas and methods, the research literature combingseveral issues; the second part of Marxist social sciences philosophical foundation ofmethodology, the philosophical roots of social science methodology, the ideologicalorigins of Marxist social science methodology, the basic characteristic of Marxistsocial science methodology of several problems were studied; the third part isdrawing the traditional ideological framework of social science methodology, mainlyto Western classical writers on the development of social science methodology, thelack of traditional social science methodology theory, Marxism fusion of traditionalsocial science methodology and other related issues were discussed; the last part ofMarxism to abandon traditional social science methodology, it Marxist social sciencemethodology of historical materialism steering, Marxist concept of social practicetraditional social science methodology and evaluation of criticism and historical roleof Marxism in a study of social science methods.
  In short, the Marxist social science methodology is built on the construction ofhistorical materialism as a guide to the practice based within the framework ofMarxist theory, based on traditional theories of social science methodology as thetheoretical basis of this paper, combined with relevant social research methodsMarxism The theory constructed reality, a certain theoretical and practicalsignificance to the development of the whole system of social science methodology.
  Keywords:Marxist social science methodology; philosophical basis; ideological framework;Significance

  目 录
  绪 论
  第 1 章 马克思主义社会科学方法论
  1.1 社会科学方法论的基本特点
  1.2 马克思主义社会科学方法论的含义
  1.3 马克思主义社会科学方法论的基本原则
  第 2 章 马克思主义社会科学方法论的哲学根源
  2.1 马克思主义社会科学方法论本体论根源
  2.2 马克思主义社会科学方法论认识论根源
  第 3 章 马克思主义社会科学方法论的思想渊源
  3.1 西方社会科学方法论的理论演变与进化
  3.1.1 西方社会科学方法论的理论的形成
  3.1.2 西方社会科学方法论的理论的进化
  3.2 西方经典作家对社会科学方法论的发展
  3.2.1 韦伯“理解社会学方法论”的思想
  3.2.2 温奇在理解方法论与实证方法论的综合尝试
  3.2.3 吉登斯“结构二重性”的理论探索
  3.3 传统社会科学方法论的内在张力与冲突
  3.3.1 理解方法论与实证方法论的内在张力
  3.3.2 方法论个人主义与方法论整体主义的对立冲突
  第 4 章 社会科学方法论的历史唯物主义转向
  4.1 历史唯物主义的世界观
  4.2 历史唯物主义与社会科学方法论的关系
  4.3 马克思主义对传统社会科学方法论的融合
  4.4 马克思主义社会科学方法论的历史地位
  结 语
  致 谢
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