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来源:学术堂 作者:秦老师
发布于:2017-07-11 共3048字
  The Coherence Differences Between English and Chinese
  The Language Feature of Advertisement English
  The Importance of Oral English
  How the English Language Creates New Words
  The Influence of Native Tongue on Second Language Acquisition
  The Influence of Cultural Factors on the Reading for English Majors
  Literal Translation and Free Translation
  62. 翻译中的语序变化
  The Changes of Word Orders in Translation
  63. 谈英译汉中否定翻译
  On Translation of Negative Construction in English---Chinese
  On the Situation of our Tourism Marketing and Its Strategies
  65. 郑州会展旅游发展现状及趋势分析
  Analysis on Zheng Zhou's Exhibition Tourism and Its Trends
  66. 2008年奥运会给北京带来的机遇与挑战
  On the Opportunity and Challenge the 2008 Olympic Games will bring to Beijing
  67. 试论旅游业的发展趋势与对策
  On the Trends and Strategies of Tourism
  68. 浅谈生态旅游的可持续发展
  On the ever lasting development of Ecological Tourism
  69. 关于生态旅游发展走向的研究
  On the Development of Ecological Tourism
  70. 论开发乡村旅游的意义
  The Significance of Developing Rural Tourism
  71. 中国传统文化与旅游的关系
  The Relationship between Traditional Chinese Culture and Tourism
  72. 浅谈发展旅游与文物保护
  On the Development of Tourism and the Protection of Out Historic Relics
  73. 论民俗特色旅游的开发
  On the Development of Customary Tourism
  74. 河南旅游业发展的前景
  The Outlook of He Nan Tourism
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