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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-04-24 共2990字

【题目】 共享经济模式下法律缺陷研究
【引言 第一章】共享经济模式的法律释义
  摘 要

  近几年以 Airbnb、Uber、滴滴专车、人人贷为代表的共享经济模式企业在全球迅速崛起,其以独特而创新的交易结构和运行机制对传统产业造成颠覆、给传统行业带来冲击,并且正影响和改变着人们的生产及生活方式。因此,对共享经济模式的研究具有现实价值和时代意义。
  通过实践调查和实证分析的研究方法发现,共享经济模式是依托第三方互联网信息技术平台(下称“共享平台”),实现分散的个体之间闲置资源(物品、服务、资金等)的使用权暂时性移转,进而物尽其用、资源共享的一种 O2O 网络运营模式,它以暂时性转移闲置资源的使用权为本质,建立在以共享平台为主导核心的双边市场交易结构中,重点强调人人共享、个体化经营。共享经济模式是一种市场创新,然而在这种市场创新下,由于其自身发展的尚未完善和法律的相对滞后而在需求者信赖利益的保护、共享平台违约支付风险的监管、供需双方侵权责任的承担、提供者转租的风险控制、以及垄断与不正当竞争的规制、个人隐私与信息安全的风险监管、社会及国家安全的风险监管等方面成为现有制度下的法律难题。
  In recent years, with the Airbnb, Uber, Didi, Lengding Club for representative,the shared economic model enterprises rise rapidly in the world, it impacts andsubverbts the traditional industry and also it is influencing and changing people'sproducting and living way because of its special and creative deal structure andoperational mechanism. Therefore, studying on the shared economic model haspractical value and significance.
  Through practical investigation and empirical analysis methods, I find that theshared economic model is a kind of O2O network operating model which dependson a third-party Internet information and technology platform (hereinafter I call it“shared platform”) to make the right of using the distributed spare resources (goods,services, capital, etc.) be transfered temporarily between individuals. The sharedeconomic model bases on the structure of bilateral market whose core is the sharedplatform, its essence is temporarily transfering the right of using spare resources,and it emphasizes sharing between individuals, individual business. The sharedeconomic model belongs to a kind of market innovation, however, for itsself-development system is not perfect and laws are always lagging behind, so underthe existing legal system does it become the legal problems in the aspects of thereliance interest protection of the demander, default payment risk regulation of thesharing platform, tort liabilities undertaken between the supplier and demander,subletting risk control of the supplier, illicit competition and unfair competitionunder price-driven regulation, personal privacy and information security protection,social and national security protection, etc.
  For said legal risks and legal problems under the market innovation of theshared economic model, it is necessary to make innovational legal systems,construct suitable legal systems to promote the healthy development of sharedeconomy. At first, we need to define the legal status of participants of the sharedeconomic model, clearly define the legal status of the trade subjects,including thesupplier, the demander and the shared platform (Among them, for the legal status ofthe spare resource supplier, we need to take the distinguish standard to define) andtheir rights and obligations of the legal relationship, that is the basis to reduce legalrisks and solve the legal problems under the shared economic model. Then we needto regulate the shared economic model: For taking responsive regulationstrategies,we need to adhere to the concept of democracy and efficiency, and takethe progressive, experiment and flexible regulation technology and methods to seekthe dynamic balance between innovation and regulation; The government and theenterprises as well as the self-discipline trade organization should cooperate togetherto regulate, especially the local government should play the important role in thisprocess; The direction should be focused on the shared platform, and through thelegal regulations to the shared platform realizes the indirect supervision andregulation to the spare resources suppliers;Alao it is necessary to set up andimprove the related basic regulatory mechanism in market access, taxation,insurance, personal information protection, safety review, etc. Through such systemconstruction, it can effectively solves the legal regulation problems and related legalproblems of the shared economic model, and provide certain ideas andimplementation measures. Hope the shared economy will develop better and better.
  Key words:
  shared economic model, legal risks, legal problems, legal system construction

  目 录
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