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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-22 共1974字
  2013 年 11 月 15 日,党的十八届三中提出在加强监管的前提下,允许具备条件的民间资本依法发起设立中小型银行;去年上半年,银监会批准首批 5 家民营银行试点,7 月 25 日和 9 月 29 日,5 家民营银行正式获准筹建;2015 年 1 月,深圳前海微众银行正式获批开业。此次民营银行的“放行”引起了社会的广泛关注,然而社会各界对于我国民营银行发展前景的态度也是喜忧参半,民营银行发展也是机会与挑战并存的。设立民营银行的初衷是将竞争机制引入金融领域,打破目前国有银行高度垄断、所有制较为单一的金融结构,有利于规范我国的地下金融,是我国深化改革在金融领域的关键之举。
  On November 15, 2013, 18 third party puts forward to strengthen regulation under thepremise of allowing qualified private capital in accordance with the established small andmedium-sized Banks; In the first half of last year, the China Banking RegulatoryCommission approved the first five pilot private Banks, on 25 July and September 29, fiveprivate bank officially approved planning; In January 2015, Shenzhen WeBank openedformally approved. The private bank “release” has been brought into public focus, however,the social from all walks of life for the attitude of the Chinese private Banks developmentprospect is also mixed, development of private bank is also full of the opportunities andchallenges. To set up a private bank is to introduce the competition mechanism in thefinancial sector, to break the current high monopoly state-owned Banks, the financialstructure of ownership is relatively single, is advantageous to the specification ofunderground finance in our country, and the key to deepen the reform in the financialsector in China.
  This paper is based on the relevant theories of private Banks, analyses the privatebank's comparative advantage and the importance of developing private Banks in China,and then to the present situation of China's private Banks carried on the thorough analysis,and summarizes the main problems existing in the development of private Banks, andfinally draw lessons from overseas experience from the legal system, government regulationand development of private Banks themselves put forward relevant countermeasures andSuggestions.
  KeyWords: private Banks; Entry exit mechanism; Deposit insurance system; Corporategovernance.

  目 录
  1.1 研究的背景及意义
  1.2 国内外文献综述
  1.2.1 国外文献综述
  1.2.2 国内文献综述
  1.3 研究框架
  1.4 研究创新及不足之处
  1.4.1 研究创新之处
  1.4.2 研究不足之处
  2.1 民营银行的界定
  2.2 民营银行的比较优势
  2.3 发展民营银行的理论基础
  3.1 金融发展理论
  3.2 金融抑制和金融深化理论
  3.3 制度创新理论
  2.4 发展我国民营银行的重要性
  2.4.1 有利于完善我国银行体系
  2.4.2 有助于缓解中小企业的融资压力
  2.4.3 有助于抑制规范地下金融活动
  3.1 我国民营银行发展现状
  3.1.1 我国民营银行发展现状
  3.1.2 我国民营银行发展的成功案例
  3.3 我国民营银行发展存在的问题
  3.3.1 民营银行准入机制和退出机制不健全
  3.3.2 利率市场化程度不高制约民营银行发展
  3.3.3 存款保险制度缺失影响民营银行信誉
  3.3.4 民营银行风险防范能力较差
  4.1 相关国家与地区民营银行的发展状况
  4.1.1? 美国社区银行发展状况
  4.1.2 韩国民营银行发展状况
  4.1.3 台湾民营银行发展状况
  4.2 经验借鉴
  4.2.1 有完善的法律制度
  4.2.2 建立了存款保险制度
  4.2.3 有完善的市场准入和退出机制
  4.2.4 建立了有效的金融监管体系
  5.1 完善市场准入和退出制度
  5.2 进一步推动利率市场化改革
  5.3 建立完善的存款保险制度
  5.4 完善民营银行的信息披露机制
  5.5 加强民营银行自身建设
  5.5.1 构建清晰的产权结构,发挥制度优势
  5.5.2 加强内部控制制度建设,增强内在风险防范意识
  5.5.3 加强控制中小企业的贷款风险
  5.5.4 优化产品设计,提升服务水平
  5.5.5 树立“以人为本”的人才理念
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