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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-30 共5302字



  摘 要

  第二次世界大战以及 20 世纪 30 年代的美国经济危机,给全球经济带来了沉重的打击。各国金融市场混乱,问题层出不穷。经济的衰退直接影响到国家政局的稳定。因此,为了稳定本国政治局势,恢复经济建设,大多数国家都采取了严格的金融管制政策。

  上世纪 70 年代,麦金农和肖的“金融抑制理论”与“金融深化理论”指出,政府对金融的严格管制,虽然在一定时期,对经济有保障作用,但是从长远意义上来讲,会抑制经济的发展,因此,启发人们冲破束缚,要求金融深化。同时,伴随着各国以及各地区经济的恢复与发展,尤其是全球经济一体化进程的加快,国家对经济的过度干预,对金融市场的严格管制,已经不能适应当代经济的发展形势,各种问题也渐渐地凸显出来。在 20 世纪最后二十年中,大部分国家和地区都加入利率市场化改革的行列,逐步放松对本国(地区)金融市场的严格管制,金融自由化的浪潮在全球蔓延。


  从 1996 年开始,我国也开始了对利率市场化路径的探索。首先选择以同业拆借市场为突破口,然后逐步对银行间债券市场、票据市场和存贷款利率市场进行利率市场化改革。最终在 2013 年,央行实现了对贷款利率下限的放开,标志着我国利率市场化改革的基本完成。然而,我们也要看到,在这将近十年的改革过程中,虽然取得了利率市场化改革的基本成功,但是也遭受到各种问题的阻碍,例如,商业银行短期经营困难,利率市场化改革对商业银行的冲击,商业银行在取得自主定价权之后,自主定价能力比较低,金融创新能力不足等问题。除此之外,自从中国加入 WTO 以后,与世界联系更加紧密,国际参与度也越来越高。虽然,在世界市场上,我国取得了显着成绩,提高了国际竞争力,但是也面临不少挑战。尤其是,随着中国经济的蓬勃发展,一些国家和地区在一定程度上给与制约,阻碍了我国利率市场化进程。针对这些影响因素,我国政府不畏艰难,通过制定各种宏观经济政策,间接调节金融市场,积极迎接国际挑战,深化了我国利率市场化改革。




  The Second World War and the American Economic Crisis in 1930s had brought a heavy blow to theglobal economy. The financial markets all over the world were in a mess and problems never stoppedrising. The economic recession had a direct impact on the stability of politics. In order to stabilize thepolitical situation and recover the economical construction, most of the countries had chosen the very strictfinancial regulation policy.

  In the 70s of the last century, Mackinnon and Shaw's “Financial Repression Theory” and “FinancialRestraint Theory” pointed out that the strict control of finance from the government would benefit theeconomic development in a certain period of time but it would restrain the development in the long term.

  Therefore, people were encouraged to break the shackles and required to deepen the reform in financialfield. Mea nwhile, with the economic recovery in all countries and ar eas, especially with the rapi dprogress of global economic integration, the excessive intervention and the strict control of financial marketfrom government could not adapt to the economic development trend and a lot of problems were showingup gradually. From 1980s to 1990s, the majority of countries and areas joined the reforms of interest rateliberalization and loosened the strict control of their financial markets. The trend of financial deregulationwas spreading worldwide.

  As the core part of financial liberalization, all countries and areas paid high attention to the interestrate liberalization. Countries in different levels of economic development were trying hard to find their ownpaths to interest rate liberalization. But among many countries with reforms, some took measures toaccelerate the development of their economy successfully while some became the examples for failure totransform according to unsuitable measures. For example, the reforms of interest rate liberalization in theUS and Taiwan of China were the successful models. Under the strict control of financial market which could notadapt to the financial market development trend, the US and Taiwan of China suffered the deceleration of economydevelopment. So the government in both areas took suitable measures to loosen the control to the interestrate market gradually as the general economic situation was stable. Finally they finished their goals ofeconomic reforms, the interest rate liberalization successfully. On the contrary, the government of Chilestarted the reform of interest rate liberalization with the background of turbulence in politics and economy.

  At the same time, the government of Chile chose the radical reform mode which was out of thegovernment's control. In the end, the reform failed without any doubt. From these successful and failingcases, we learnt some experience as well as the lessons. W e got to know that the interest rateliberalization could not be completed within one day. However, the reform should move forward step bystep under the stable general political and economic situation with full c onsideration of p olitics andeconomy.

  From 1996, China started to explore our own ways to interest rate liberalization. Our governmentchose to start from the inter-bank market as the first step. Then the reform was implemented gradually tointer -bank bond market, bill market and deposit and loan interest rate market. Finally in 2013, the centralbank decided not to control the minimum load interest which showed general completion of the interest rateliberalization reform in our country. However, we need to know that the general success of the reform hadbeen slowed down by many problems in recent 10 years. Such as the shock to commercial banks due to thereform of interest rate liberalization gave the commercial banks a hard time to operate in a short term, theability of pricing kept low after getting the power to price, the innovation competence was not enough andso on. Besides, China had a closer connection to other countries and played a more and more importantrole in international activities since we joined WTO. Though we had a significant performance andenhanced our international competitiveness in the worldwide market, we still face lots of challenges. Withthe rapid development of China's economy, some countries and areas give us some barriers to a certainextent which obstructs the progress of our interest rate liberalization. Aiming at these influencing factors,our government is fearless to make various macroeconomic policies to regulate the financial market inorder to face the international challenges positively and deepen our interest rate liberalization reformwithout any hesitation.

  Even though relieving the control of minimum load interest shows the general completion of ourinterest rate liberalization, the interest rate liberalization is still not finished. The full completion ofinterest rate liberalization keeps being the hardest part for reforms in all countries and areas, includingChina. Considering the further ways to our interest rate liberalization reform, we should learn lessons andthe experience from other countries and areas. Also, we need to summarize our previous successfulexperience and learn from it. We need to be calm when we face problems and actively seek for the ways tosolve them. Only in this way can we accelerate the progress of our interest rate liberalization under thestable macroeconomic background.

  KEY WORDS: global f inancial liberalization, international experience, China's interest rateliberalization, countermeasure

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  第一章 导论












  第二章 利率市场化的理论分析


  (一)McKinnon 和 Shaw 的金融抑制理论与金融深化理论

  (二)Herman 与 Stiglitz 的金融约束理论






  第三章 利率市场化进程的国际经验分析












  第四章 中国利率市场化改革的实践分析







  第五章 我国利率市场化改革深化中的问题与对策















  结 论


  致 谢

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