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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-18 共2005字



  摘 要





  The Huai-hai city cluster includes the cities of four provinces: Huaibei, Suzhou,Jining, Zaozhuang, Shangqiu, Xuzhou, Lianyungang and Suqian, which are far awayfrom the economic center of each province. The development of Huai-hai city clusteris an underlying requirement for China to build a well-off society in an all-round way.

  And the industrial development is the key to a bright future of Huai-hai city cluster.

  However, the industrial structures in the city cluster are similar and the leadingindustry of each city has no clear advantages and stays in low level of integration. Therise of Huai-hai city cluster lies on the effective division of industries among cities,which will promote the regional industrialization, modernization and competitiveness.

  Studying the industrial development of the Huai-hai city cluster is not only thedemand of national development strategy but an exploration of regional mechanismcoordination, which will further promote the development and rise of the region.

  The paper studies relevant research materials at home and broad and applymathematic statistics and geographic information analysis to discuss the strategicmeaning of the rise of the Huai-hai city cluster and ideas, principles, distribution andmain tasks of its industrial gradation, and puts forwards the framework of mechanismbuilding and policy innovations and raises scientific proposals, which highlightsfeasibility.

  Keywords:Huai-hai city clusters, Industrial development, Industrial upgrade,Industrial policies

    目 录

  第 1 章 研究背景和方法

  1.1 淮海城市群研究背景分析

  1.1.1 历史沿革

  1.1.2 范围界定

  1.2 研究思路和方法

  1.2.1? 研究思路


  第 2 章 淮海城市群现状和制约因素

  2.1 淮海城市群现状和条件

  2.1.1 区位条件

  2.1.2 发展基础

  2.1.3 国土、人口与经济社会发展

  2.2 制约因素

  2 . 2 . 1 城市群总体实力有限,中心城市带动力有待提升

  2.2.2 重复建设问题突出,产业结构趋于雷同且层次比较低

  2.2.3 行政壁垒制约城市群发展,尚未有效形成发展合力

  2.2.4 交通基础设施畅达性不够,综合交通体系待完善

  2.2.5 生态环境治理任务艰巨,环境治理与保护机制有待构建

  第 3 章 淮海城市群产业协同发展的意义和思路、原则及布局

  3.1 淮海城市群产业协同发展的重要意义

  3.2 产业优化升级与协同发展的思路、原则及布局

  3.2.1 思路

  3.2.2 原则

  3.2.3 布局

  第 4 章 淮海城市群产业优化升级与协同发展研究

  4.1 淮海城市群产业发展制约因素

  4.1.1 发展基础

  4.1.2 制约因素

  4.2 重点任务

  4.2.1 协同发展现代农业

  4.2.2 合力推进新型工业

  4.2.3 聚力提升现代服务业

  4.2.4 共同建设产业园和创新平台

  第 5 章 对策建议与保障措施

  5.1 完善有关政策

  5.1.1 适时推进行政区划调整

  5.1.2 积极促进区域合作协调

  5.1.3 财政金融支持政策

  5.1.4 土地支持政策

  5.1.5 社会事业支持政策

  5.2 创新体制机制

  5.2.1 创新区域间互动合作机制

  5.2.2 创新区域间利益协调机制

  5.2.3 创新资金保障机制

  5.2.4 创新市场一体化机制

  5.2.5 创新生态保护机制

  5.2.6 创新对外开放新机制

  5.3 强化组织实施



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