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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-05 共3909字











  New strategic industry is a new engine of economic development in the post-financialcrisis for the world. Technology and demand are two major support for the development ofnew industries. Technological innovation is the basis and core of the development of newstrategic industries, and it can provide a substantial boost to growth of the new strategicindustries. To meet market demand is the purpose of the development of strategic emergingindustries, and market demand is a pull force to drive the development of strategic emergingindustries. China tends to pay more attention to the technology than market demands, andeasily ignore the importance of the cultivation of market demands. Just under thisbackground, I chose the “ cultivation of market demands” as my research subject. And it hashuge practical significances and theoretical significances.

  In this paper, “cultivation of market demands” means to study how to promote thedevelopment of the new strategic industries from the market demands side. I chose thegovernments, enterprises and the users as the three important participants of market behavior.

  Then I analyse their own market behavior, their own roles and responsibilities to cultivate themarket demands of the new strategic industries. We can build product market system of newstrategic industries in order to make it easily to be accepted by the consumers. So it willpovide a strong force to drive the development of the new strategic industries.

  In recent years, China's new strategic industries have goten great achievements, butthere are also many problems: China's new strategic industries' key technology breakthroughis very limited. So it lead that some new strategic industries have a low level of maturedegree, have high costs of product, and lack of market competitiveness. Some new strategicindustries' scale of market demands is not clear, so it is very difficult to promote their productsales. A number of new strategic industries face market bottlennek when cheir product entermarket, and there are many limitations for them. Domestic enterprises face increasinglyfierce international competition.

  America, Germany and Japan can provide many valuable experiences in the aspect ofmarket demands cultivation for China: formulate government plans, stabilize marketexpectations; combine industry characteristics, formulate measures; scientific and rationalpolicy, focus on long-term development and so on.

  The government, the enterprise and the user are the most important three market entitiesfor new strategic industries. And they together play a tital role in market cultivation. Theyhave their respective functions and duties. The government can provide policies and buysome products of new strategic industries at the same time. And the most important duty ofthe government is to provide a variety of policy tools for the development of new strategicindustries. The enterprise is the the main participants in the market activities, the core of thewhole market activity, and a provider of strategic emerging industrial products. Theenterprise's important task is to combine product characteristics to explore the suitable fortheir business models,to expand product sales, and to obtain lasting income and profits in themarket. The users are products buyers and their consumer behavior is the most important aring of the whole marketing.

  Based on this, I put forward some strategy for China to develop new strategic industries.

  The government should transform policy idea , attach more focus on the users other than theenterprises, give the users moer financial subsidies, strengthen the construction of strategicemerging industries supporting infrastructure and service platform construction, and improveuser convenience of new products. The enterprises should product moer goods with highquality based on users needs, and innovative business models to promote the development ofenterprises. At last, the users should change their consumption concept, advocate low carbonlife, and chose to buy a lot of new low carbon environmental protection products according totheir own situation. They also should pay more attention to domestic brands other thanforeign brands to protect domestic emerging industries of strategic importance.

  Key words:New strategic industry; market cultivation; demand; policy suggestion























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