摘 要
关键词:公立医院 预算管理 全面预算
The public hospital is the main body of China's medical and health services, bearing themain duty of medical and health in our country. Over the years, along with our countryeconomy level enhances unceasingly and the continuous improvement of people's livingstandard, the demand for medical and health services both in quantity and quality isimproving greatly. At the same time, with the China's medical system reform unceasingdeveloping, the medical and health services manage to meet the needs of the masses of thepeople gradually. In the context of market economy, the reform of the medical and healthservice is gradually advancing marketization, our public hospitals faced the situation which isvery different from the past. The role of public hospitals are changing from institutionsgradually in the past into the market main body. Along with that, the market rule also playsgreater role gradually in the public hospital financial management. China's public hospital haslong been a lack of sensitivity for profit. This is influenced by Chinese traditional concepts,and also our country public hospital gets fiscal support from the country for a long time. Infinancial management, budget management plays a very important role. Over the years, thepublic hospitals are not improving and standardizing in budget management all the time.Partof the reason is the external environment factors which involved above, and the other ismainly about the characteristics of public hospitals in our country which cause the problem inthe development of medical and health in our country.
The research background and research purpose of hospital comprehensive budgetmanagement is introduced in the first part with the definition of the scope of the researchquestion. Through the introduction, the paper analyzes the current situation and the existingproblems of the public hospital budget management such as: the budgeting is not scientific,the imperfection of the budget process, the budget is incomplete implemented, whichindicates the need for public hospital budget management to reform. Then, the category andtheoretical basis of the comprehensive budget management are analyzed. And through the practical field investigation, theoretical analysis, interviews, according to the actualsituation of a top-class hospital and different kinds of environment that hospital may be facedwith, the budget management and processing problems in public hospitals are discussed indepth. The cause of the problems arising from the budget establishment and the execution costaccounting process is pointed out. Finally, aiming at the existing problems, the measures tosolve the problem are offered, mainly including the public hospital budget managementorganization system, improving the contents and the methods of the public hospital budget,the analysis of the comprehensive budget management system, and completing the assessmentand evaluation system of public hospital budgets, and so on.
Key Words: Public Hospital; Total Budget Management Suggestions; BudgetManagement
目 录
摘 要
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
1.2 文献综述
1.3 研究研究目的与研究问题的界定
1.3.1 研究目的
1.4 研究意义
1.5 本文创新点
2 相关概念的界定与本文的理论基础
2.1 相关概念的界定
2.1.1 公立医院的概念
2.1.2 全面预算管理的概念
2.2 本文的理论基础
2.2.1 全面预算管理理论
2.2.3 全面预算管理体系的构成
3 全面预算管理在公立医院应用现状
3.1 医院预算管理的发展
3.1.1 国外医院预算管理的发展
3.2 公立医院预算管理的经济环境
3.3 公立医院全面预算体系改进原则
3.3.1 社会效益和经济效益统一原则
3.3.3 激励与约束相结合原则
3.3.4 相对指标与绝对指标相结合的原则
3.3.5 定量与定性相结合的原则
3.4 公立医院预算管理体制
3.4.1 预算编制起点-医院战略
3.4.2 设计医院总预算指标
3.4.3 建立医院科室预算指标
3.4.4 预算执行
3.4.5 预算考核
4 某市三甲公立医院全面预算管理体系的问题分析及改进建议
4.1 该医院背景简介
4.2 该医院全面预算管理现状
4.3 该医院全面预算管理中存在的问题及分析
4.3.1 预算编制及组织体系的问题
4.4 公立医院全面预算管理的改进建议
4.4.1 健全公立医院预算管理组织体系
5 研究结论及展望
5.1 研究结论
5.2 研究展望
后 记