近年来,随着“走出去”发展战略的逐步实施,我国国际工程承包业务获得迅速发展,取得了空前的成就。美国《工程新闻纪录》( ENR ) 评选出的 2013年全球最大 250 家国际承包商中,中国建筑工程总公司等 55 家中国内地公司入选,中国企业入围数量再创新高,但上榜中国企业所占国际市场的份额同国际“巨头”相比仍有很大差距,远远低于 250 强海外营业额的平均水平。
AbstractIn recent years, with the "Going Abroad" strategy carrying out, China's internationalengineering contracting business is developing rapidly and has made unprecedentedachievements. Among the Top 250 International contractors selected by "EngineeringNews Record" (ENR), there are 55 Chinese mainland companies, with the numbergoing to a new high. But compared with the international biggest contractors, Chinesecompanies’ market share is tiny, far lower than the average of Top 250 overseasvolume of business.
Now Africa is China's second largest overseas project contracting market, whileAlgeria among the five countries in North Africa, our traditional market ofinternational engineering contracting, is currently China's largest overseas projectcontracting market. Since 21stcentury, its social situation stabilizing gradually, theinfrastructure construction is imminent, and the potential market is very huge. We cansee there are a large number of Chinese construction enterprises who are joining in theconstruction of Algeria. Faced with the European competitors of the same industry,why Chinese companies have gain a foothold and done well and what’s the problem?
Therefore this article uses the research methods of empirical analysis and comparativeanalysis in combining with my own practical work in Algeria, and cites MichaelPorter's diamond Model to explore Chinese Contractors’ advantages and problems onthe Algeria market. Finally this article will put forward advices and measures form theview of government and enterprises, hoping that would benefit Chinese constructioncontracting business in Africa, as also China's useful experience of "going Abroad".
Keywords:Chinese Enterprises,International Contracting for Construction,Algeria, Advantage, Problem
目 录
第 1 章引言
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究意义
1.3 研究方法
1.3.1 国内与国际对比相结合
1.3.2 定量分析法
1.4 创新点
第 2 章国际工程承包市场
2.1 国际工程承包的含义
2.2 国际工程承包的分类
2.3 国际工程承包市场布局
2.4 国际工程承包市场的特点
2.4.1 竞争异常激烈,利润明显下降
2.4.2 极力保护本国市场
2.4.3 承包项目不断向技术密集型转变
第 3 章我国企业在国际工程承包市场中的情况
3.1 “走出去”战略的含义
3.3 实施“走出去”战略,开展国际工程承包的重要意义
3.4 我国企业在国际工程承包市场中的情况
第 4 章阿尔及利亚工程承包市场概述
4.1 整体情况介绍
4.1.1 地理环境
4.1.2 政治环境
4.1.3 经济环境
4.1.4 中阿关系
4.2 阿尔及利亚工程承包市场
4.2.1 经济发展计划
4.2.2 工程承包市场情况
4.2.3 阿国市场的国内和国际工程承包商
第 5 章案例分析——以国内某大型建筑类企业 C 在阿经营情况为例
5.1 企业情况介绍
5.2 波特国家竞争优势理论
5.3 C 企业在阿尔及利亚市场的竞争形势分析
第 6 章中国企业在阿尔及利亚工程承包市场上的对策建议
6.1 政府层面
6.1.1 推动金融创新,提供资金和投融资业务方面的有力支持
6.1.2 集约化发展,推动“相关产业”走出去
6.1.3 助力“中国标准”走向世界,走进阿国
6.1.4 促进企业合作,鼓励良性竞争,遏制恶性竞争
6.2 企业层面
6.2.1 积极推进业务转型升级
6.2.2 重视人才培养和使用,提升管理水平
6.2.3 加大科研开发力度,提高技术水平
6.2.4 切实履行社会责任,加快推进属地化建设
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