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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-12 共2829字


  【3.1  3.2】泰安小微企业发展的现状及政策扶持情况

  目 录

  1 绪论
      1.1 研究的目的意义
      1.2 国内外相关研究综述
          1.2.1 国外研究综述
          1.2.2 国内研究综述
      1.3 研究的目标、内容和方法
          1.3.1 研究的目标
          1.3.2 研究的内容
          1.3.3 研究的方法
      1.4 创新点与不足之处
  2 概念界定及相关理论
      2.1 概念界定
          2.1.1 小微企业界定
          2.1.2 小微企业特征
          2.1.3 小微企业分类
      2.2 相关理论
          2.2.1 企业组织理论
          2.2.2 组织创新理论
          2.2.3 产业簇群理论
  3 泰安市小微企业发展现状分析
      3.1 基本现状
          3.1.1 小微企业数量和从业人员情况
          3.1.2 经济总量和社会贡献情况
          3.1.3 行业分布情况
          3.1.4 安置就业情况
          3.1.5 贷款总额、资金需求情况
      3.2 政策扶持情况
          3.2.1 管理政策
          3.2.2 税收政策
          3.2.3 金融政策
      3.3 泰安市小微企业发展特点及趋势
          3.3.1 泰安市小微企业发展特点
          3.3.2 泰安市小微企业发展趋势
  4 泰安市小微企业发展面临的矛盾与困境
      4.1 外部环境面临的矛盾与困境
          4.1.1 市场环境
          4.1.2 原材料和用工情况
          4.1.3 金融环境
          4.1.4 产业结构
      4.2 企业内部环境面临的矛盾与困境
          4.2.1 企业制度
          4.2.2 企业创新能力
          4 2.3 企业团队建设
  5 促进泰安市小微企业发展的对策建议
      5.1 加大对小微企业的政策扶持
          5.1.1 落实好支持小型微型企业健康发展的各项政策
          5.1.2 加大财政支持
          5.1.3 加大金融支持
          5.1.4 积极建立小微企业发展的专项基金
      5.2 大力推进服务体系建设
      5.3 推动小微企业技术创新和进步
      5.4 培植产业集群,促进小微企业成长
      5.5 加强商会建设,提高小微企业组织化程度
      5.6 加强党、团、工会建设,增强企业凝聚力
      5.7 加强企业家队伍建设
  6 主要结论

中 文 摘 要

  小微企业是我国经济的重要组成部分,在我国经济发展过程中起着举足轻重的作用,尤其是改革开放以来,随着市场经济体制的逐步建立,小微型企业在提供就业机会、增加财政税收以及出口、促进 GDP 的增长上发挥了巨大的作用。小微企业的发展仍然存在很多障碍,其自身也还存在很多缺陷和亟待解决的矛盾和问题。全面分析泰安市小微企业的发展状况,探索小微企业发展的内在规律,借鉴国内外小微企业发展的成功模式,找到小微企业改革发展的可行措施进一步促进小微企业发展,已成为关系泰安市小微企业转型升级的重大课题。本论文在查阅国内外相关文献、走访有关专家、学者、政府部门和基层领导干部,深入部分小微企业进行实地调研基础上,深入调查研究泰安市小微企业的发展现状,对其进一步发展面临的矛盾与困境进行深入分析探讨,探索其内在发展规律,形成切合泰安市小微企业实际的改革措施,提出进一步扶持和促进泰安小微企业发展的对策和建议。






  Small & micro-enterprises are an important part of the economy in our country,whichtake an important role in the development of China, especially increasing employmentopportunities, fiscal, tax and GDP since Reform and Opening. The development of small &micro-enterprises is suffering a lot of obstacles, contradictions and problems. It is a majortopic for small & micro-enterprises’ transformation and upgrading in Tai'an to analyze thecondition of small & micro-enterprises in Tai'an, to find its internal disciplinarian and takemeasures to improve its development. In this article, which based on referring to relatedliterature, visiting experts, scholars, government departments and leading cadres at thegrass-roots level, the condition of the small & micro-enterprises is deeply researched and theadvices to do good to the development of small & micro-enterprises are approached.

  This paper first defines the connotation of the small & micro-enterprises and thecharacteristics, classification of micro and small enterprises are expounded. Using the theoryof enterprise organization theory, organizational innovation, the industrial cluster theory, thesmall & micro-enterprises in Tai'an development from the policy support, enterprisecharacteristics and development trend are analyzed. The market environment, raw materialsand labor conditions, financial environment and the external environment, such as industrialstructure are analyzed. In the view of enterprise system, enterprise innovation ability and teamconstruction, the contradictions and dilemmas are analyzed. In the drawing on the successfulparadigm of small micro enterprise development at home and abroad on the basis of theproposed increase policy support for small micro enterprise; Promote the building of servicesystem; Small micro enterprise technology innovation and progress; Cultivating industrialcluster, accelerate the development of small micro enterprises; To strengthen the constructionof the chamber of commerce, improve small micro enterprise organizational degree; Tostrengthen the construction of party, group, trade unions, the enhancement enterprise cohesion;To strengthen the construction of entrepreneur team such as promoting the development ofTai'an small micro enterprise effective feasible countermeasures and suggestions.

  Key words: economic; the development of small & micro-enterprises; the city ofTai'an, industry structure

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