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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-04 共3059字



  摘    要




  关键词:中国 传统动画 现状 发展方向 研究


  Mention animation, the first reaction of the people is the animation. In fact, theanimation is not equivalent to cartoons. Animation is a comprehensive art form,encompassing different artistic painting, comics, film, photography, music, literature and thelike, which are integrated with comprehensive art form is the animation. Animation is not thecountry of origin of this form of things, but in the nineteenth century, was born in England.

  Our animation industry will have to start much later, in the twenties of the last century, beforeentering the country, and gradually develop open. Ago, this alien animation art in China hasdeveloped nearly one hundred years of ups and downs in this century, the art of animation isalso our root, combined with China's actual conditions and needs of the masses to carry outanimation art aesthetic Development of localization. Today, the practice of animation art andanimation industry theory have gradually embarked on a mature, but also out of acommitment to create their own animations and characteristics of the road.

  Our animation has its own distinctive artistic features, and draws on a wide range ofunique, rich ethnic material, and adhere to integrate traditional forms of painting in animationcreation, and in the perseverance, the formation of Chinese traditional art of animation isunique feature, won his place in the trend of development in the world of animation. China'straditional animation, full of fresh and lively style, filled with positive energy positive, apartfrom watching it always gives a rich ideological inspiration. Therefore, China's animation isgreat emphasis on moral education, adhering to the “edutainment” creative purpose, especiallyChina ink animation is in the beautiful, and gives to purify the soul, sentiment edify.

  Research on this subject is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction,introducing the topic background, significance, status quo academic research, researchmethods, research and other necessary information; the second part describes the developmentprocess of Chinese traditional animation; the third part, describes the Chinese traditionAnimation in the contemporary social and cultural background of the development process.

  And from the “long-term continuity”, “policy-oriented and market-oriented combination”,“Education means strong”, “Business is serious,” these four aspects, discusses thecharacteristics of contemporary China in the development of traditional animation; Part IVfrom the “traditional colors gradually disappear”, “Audiences single,” “lack of innovation”,“quality level needs to be improved” in these areas, we analyze the current situation faced byChinese traditional animation; The fifth part, from “high the development oftechnology-oriented direction, ”and“ market-oriented development, ”and“ the direction ofdevelopment of the industry ”,“ brand development direction, ”and“ the development ofprofessional direction ”and“ diversification of consumer groups ”six angle, demonstrates thedevelopment direction of Chinese traditional animation; The sixth part is the conclusion,summarizing the full text.

  Keywords: Chinese traditional animation Direction of Development Status

    目 录



  绪 论

  第一章 我国传统动画创作发展及特点分析












  第二章 我国传统动画艺术发展现状评述

  一、 传统色彩逐渐淡化



  四、 创作水准有待提升

  第三章 我国传统动画艺术创作的发展趋势



  三、 动画创作向产业化方向发展

  四、 动画创作向品牌化方向发展



  结 论


  致 谢

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