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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-20 共3221字



  目 录

  摘 要


  绪 论






  第一章 中职课堂信息化教学概述

  1.1 中职课堂信息化教学的基本内涵

  1.2 中职课堂信息化教学的基本要素

  1.3 中职课堂信息化教学的基本要求

  第二章 中职课堂信息化教学现状调查--以青岛 XX 学校为例

  2.1 青岛 xx 学校基本情况

  2.2 调查问卷的编制与实施

  2.2.1 调查问卷的编制

  2.2.2 问卷的发放与回收统计

  2.3 访谈提纲的编制与实施

  2.4 中职课堂信息化教学实施现状

  2.4.1 信息化教学环境现状

  2.4.2 信息化教学能力现状

  2.4.3 信息化教学资源现状

  2.4.4 教师访谈结果分析

  第三章 中职课堂信息化教学存在的主要问题

  3.1 信息化教学环境未能满足学生学习需要

  3.2 教师信息化教学理念认识不到位

  3.3 教师参与信息化教学积极性不高

  3.4 教师信息技术应用水平偏低

  3.5 信息化教学资源建设滞后

  第四章 中职课堂信息化教学的改进策略

  4.1 统一规划,改善信息化教学环境

  4.2 阶梯式培训,更新教师信息化教学理念

  4.3 建立激励机制,提高教师积极性

  4.4 分层培训,提升教师信息技术应用水平

  4.5 以赛促教,综合提升信息化教学能力

  4.6 依托精品课程建设,打造优质资源库

  结 束 语


  致 谢

  摘 要

  国务院在 2002 年 9 月颁布了《国务院关于大力推进职业教育改革与发展的决定》,指出了“加强职业教育信息化建设”这一要求,为我国职业教育拉开了信息化建设的序幕。2010 年 7 月教育部颁布了《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010 一 2020 年)》、2010 年 12 月全国职业院校信息化教学大赛启动,这一系列举措将中等职业学校的信息化教学工作引领上了一个高速发展的时期。

  本文利用文献研究法、问卷调查法和访谈法,以笔者所在单位青岛 XX 学校课堂信息化教学现状为研究对象,主要围绕课堂教学的三要素(教学环境、教师教学能力以及教学资源)进行研究,找出目前中等职业学校在开展课堂信息化教学的过程中存在的普遍、主要的问题与困难,并提出具体有效的、可操作性强的解决策略。




  第三部分为中职课堂信息化教学的现状调查(以青岛 XX 学校为例)。介绍了调查问卷、访谈的编制与实施情况,通过对调查问卷及教师访谈的数据进行统计分析,从信息化教学环境、教师信息化教学能力、信息化教学资源三方面整体分析出中职课堂教学信息化的基本现状。




  【关键词】 信息化教学;信息化教学能力;信息化教学资源


  In September, 2002, the state council issued “Decisions on proactivelycarry forward the reform and development of vocational education”, in whichinformationization of vocational education was emphasized, marking the startof informationization drive in China's vocational education. With the releaseof “medium and long term national education reform and development outline(2010-2020)”in July,2010,the running of informationization contest amongvocational colleges in December, 2010.In March and May 2012, the Ministry ofEducation has also issued the two documents in succession: Ten-year DevelopmentPlan (2011-2020) for the Educational Informationization and Ministry ofEducation's Opinion on Accelerating the Informationization Development ofVocational Education. The series of measures above has entered theinformationized teaching in the class of secondary vocational school into aperiod of rapid development.

  By the means of literature studies, questionnaires and interview,with theclass teaching of Qingdao XX School as the study objects, analysis has been madefrom various aspects including teaching environment, teaching competency ofteachers as well as teaching resources. The common and main problems in theinformationized teaching in the class of secondary vocational school are pointedout and corresponding solutions are proposed.

  The thesis is composed of five parts:

  First part is introduction. The study background, domestic research statusand the study purpose, content,way of thinking and methodology are stated inthis part.

  Second part is the general summary of informationized teaching in class ofsecondary vocational school.Including three parts:(1)The definition ofinformationized teaching in the class of secondary vocational school.(2)Thebasic elements of informationized teaching in the class of secondary vocationalschool.Including teaching environment,informationized teaching competency ofteachers and teaching resources. (3)The requirement of informationizedteaching in the class of secondary vocational school. With reference to“Competency standards of Primary and secondary schools teachers in ITapplication”, “Technical Specifications on Educational resource construction(draft for comment)” and other documents released by educational administrativedepartments, the basic requirements for informationized teaching in the classof secondary vocational school are summarized.

  Thrid part is the implementation status of informationized teaching in classof secondary vocational school (taking Qingdao xx school as the example)。 Withstatistical analysis of survey data, the implementation status ofinformationized teaching in class of secondary vocational school is studied fromthree aspects, namely informationized teaching environment (construction statusof hardware, software equipment and resource), informationized teachingcompetency of teachers as well as the construction of informationized teachingresourcesIn fourth part, the common problems in the process of informationizedteaching in class of secondary vocational schools are pointed out.

  On the basis of the common problems pointed out in the fourth part,corresponding solutions and strategic suggestions are proposed in the fifthpart.

  The last part is conclusion, in which expectations on future researches arestated.

  【keywords】informationized teaching; informationized teaching competency;informationized teaching resources

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