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毒品犯罪侦控若干问题研究 中英文摘要

来源:学术堂 作者:姚老师
发布于:2014-04-14 共5589字











  Research on Problems of Drug-Related CrimeInvestigation and Control


  Drug is a global social problem. Drug, AIDS and terrorist activities are known as"three serious social pollution” in the world. At present, drug problem is increasinglyserious in the worldwide; especially the new types of drugs are constantly and rapidlyspread. Under this situation, how to prevent and control the drug problem seems to bemore urgent than any other times. The Chinese nation has been suffered from opiumand drug for many years, and after the foundation of The People’s Republic of China,with the government’s great effort, opium and other drug have disappeared from China.

  However, after reform and opening-up, with more and more internationalcommunication and other international activities are carrying out, drug appears inChina again and is spreading rapidly. Although in recent years the traditionaldrug-related crime declined, but the new-type drug-related crime increased which isspreading much faster and wider than the traditional one. This makes the drugprevention and control more difficult. Facing the challenge traditional and new-typedrug brought, it is very important to find an effective strategy to solve the essentialdrug problems. Focusing on drug detection, prevention and control, the article analyzesthe drug problem situation and challenge, researches the particularity of drug-relatedcrime detection, investigates the difficulty of drug problem prevention and control tofind out the deficiency of the work, to know how to improve it. Finally the articleraises some suggestions to effectively prevent and control drug-related crime. Thispaper mainly studies on the following subjects:

  Firstly, the concept of drug and drug-related crime is defined, and the paperanalyses the present situation and challenge our country is facing. Taking thedrug-related crime in Jilin province as an example, the paper summed up the crimecharacteristic, and analyzes the causes of the crime. As a kind of addictive andnarcotic medicine and psychotropic medicine, besides the medicine common attribute,drug must be used according to the national crime law and also has such characters ashuman dependence, harm to society and so on. All the related crimes are calleddrug-related crime. As for a drug addict, generally speaking, lack of awareness of thedangers of drugs, curiosity, idolatry, conformity, weak-willed, family problemsconstitute the main causes of drug-related crime. Drug-related crime quantity increases,new-type drug gradually replaced the traditional ones and is occupying the drugmarket. The domestic production and selling of drug is spreading rapidly. The threefactors made the situation of drug problem very grim in our country. On the analysis ofcharacteristics of drug-related crime and the causes of the crime, especially facing therapid increasing of the drug-related crime and drug addicts, it seems to be veryimportant to research and explore on the systematic detection strategy of drug -relatedcrime and find effective ways to decrease the drug-related crime.

  Secondly, drug-related crime is a kind of criminal offense, but due to its uniquecharacteristics of crime, it has special investigation purpose and methods. Comparingwith the common criminal cases, drug-related crime has the following characteristics:

  the place of crime is covert, the victim is not clear, crime involves in wide area, andcriminals have some mobility and so on. Such characteristics make the traditionalmeans difficult to quickly solve the case. Therefore, for the case of drug-related crime,special and innovative detection means should be used according to the characteristicsof drug-related crime. During the detection process of drug-related crime, at present,the anti-detection ability of drug dealer is increasing ceaselessly, the means ofdetection is complete more and more plentiful, and these make it more difficult forpublic security authority to solve the criminal case. At the same time, some problemsalso be raised, such as the lack of legal basis, the investigation team is hard to fit thedevelopment of detection means and so on. So it become essential to strength theconstruction of anti-drug intelligence system, to complete the mechanism of detectioncooperation and the legislation of investigation, to improve the investigationpersonnel’s ability and to set up the coordination mechanism between China andinternational counterparts.

  Thirdly, the internal rules of criminal prevention determine that only finding theserules and applying for these ones, can the public security authority play maximize rollin the crime prevention. Based on these rules, our country has established thecomprehensive management system of social security, took potential drug addicts anddrug dealers as the prevention objects, integrated all the power in every department inthe society, and finally set up a three-dimensional prevention and control network ineach step and each link related with drug-related crime. But in the practical work, sincethe anti-drug strategy and system is not complete, management mechanism is notsmooth, the cooperation between every related department is not effective enough, andanti-drug legislation is not perfect, all affect the control effect of the network seriously.

  In the specific work plan and distribution of limited resources, authorities focus oncombating drug-related crimes while pay little attention to propagation, education andprevention of drug harm.

  Based on the analysis of related theory of crime prevention, the article makesthorough analysis on the existing questions in drug-related crime prevention work inChina and gives some advices. That is the government departments should takeeffective measures to reduce the supply and demand for drug, increase capital,manpower, material resources investment, establish cooperation mechanism during lawenforcement, and accelerate the process of legalization.

  Finally, In view of the distinctive and complex of drug-related crime, werecognize the methods of severe cracking down and harsh punishment to reducedrug-related crimes have little effect. The traditional pattern refers to the authoritymainly focusing on detecting criminal in order to reduce the criminal rate, whereverthis pattern cannot eliminate such crimes, because it does not touch the causes of crime,and does little in the prevention. On account of the comprehensive analysis of currentwidely accepted "zero tolerance of crime" based on broken window theory, in order toreduce and prevent drug-related crime, we draw the following conclusion:

  That is to transform from the traditional thought of combating drug-related crime,Make roundly analysis on the root of drug-related crime, take comprehensive methodsincluding both combating and preventing to control the drug-related crime rate,analyses the regular patterns and characteristic based on scientific and effective data,create the same employment opportunity and the social environment for drug addictsas normal patients, increase humanistic care of drug addicts in community byuncovering the mysterious veil from drug problems, city, community and schoolfunction coordinately to cut down the causes of drug-related crime, and reduce thequantity of drug-related crimes by reducing the number of drug addicts.

  Key words: drug-related crime, investigation, prevention and control, comprehensivemanagement, reduce crime

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