摘 要
1、从学生体育参与的情况来看,通过对 720 名学生调查结果显示,经常参加课外体育锻炼的学生占 25.6%,有时参加体育锻炼的学生占 66.7%,从不参加体育锻炼的学生占 7.8%。而在经常参加体育锻炼的学生中,通过课内外结合的占 69.6%,其他原因参加体育锻炼的占 30.4%;有时参加体育锻炼的学生中有 50.0%是通过课内外结合的。这一结果在一定程度说明,教师布置课外体育作业,使体育学习和锻炼课内外有机结合,对于学生坚持课外体育活动具有一定的促进作用,应引起教师的重视。此外还存在着一部分从不锻炼的学生,这在一定程度上反映了体育课程教学存在的问题。而产生问题的原因,通过调查了解,这与教师没有布置课外作业、学生缺乏体育兴趣、场地设施不足、学习任务重、家庭学校的不重视等有关。在访谈中还了解到,学生参加体育锻炼的习惯与他们在低年级体育意识的培养有关。
2、从学生学习掌握体育知识和运动技能的情况来看,经调查,74.6%的学生是通过体育课内外结合来掌握运动技能,25.4%的学生是通过其他渠道。这一结果说明体育课内外结合是学生掌握体育知识和运动技能的主要渠道,而网络媒体、同伴、家庭等渠道也是不容忽视的影响因素。此外,通过调查了解到,学生了解每节体育课教学目标和教学内容,对体育学习与锻炼具有一定的激励作用,也使教学任务更加明确,这对促进体育学习和锻炼课内外结合也具有一定的影响作用。在访谈中还了解到,学生的运动技能很多都是在低年级已经掌握了。学习掌握运动技能,需要通过思考、练习、观察相结合,才能取得事半功倍的效果,而调查了解到,有这样认知的占 46.8%,没这样认知的占53.2%,这就要求教师既要重视教法,也要重视对学生学法的指导。
3、从学生的体质健康情况来看,通过调查了解到,体质健康测试优良占 33.3%,合格占 58.5%,不合格占 8.2%。而通过课内外结合的学生优良占 67.1%,合格占 48.7%,不合格占 23.7%,这一结果在一定程度说明,体育课内外结合对提高学生体质健康水平具有一定的促进作用。而在访谈中还了解到,高三学生体质健康测试的优良率、合格率、不合格率的相当一部分学生与在低年级时测试的情况差别不大,这也进一步使我们了解到,高三学生体质健康状况在一定程度上反映了基础教育体育课程的实施效果。
4、从学生体育品德方面来看,有 57.6%的学生对体育感兴趣,而在这些感兴趣的学生中,有 82.2%的学生和体育学习与锻炼课内外结合有关。经调查了解到,52.8%的学生在比赛失利时能够调控好情绪,81.1%的学生具有集体荣誉感和体育品德,69.9%的学生喜欢与人交流、参加集体活动,而其中和体育学习与锻炼课内外结合有关的分别占63.2%、61.0%和 68.0%。
2 通过开讲座、座谈会等相关活动进行“体育课内外结合”的宣传,营造良好的体育氛围,提高学校、家庭和全社会对学校体育工作的重视。
关键词 : 漳州市区;高三学生;体育课程;体育课内外结合。
Strengthening the work of school physical education, improving the quality of physicaleducation, and realizing the goals of physical education curriculum is a topic worthy ofattention and serious research in school physical education. The third grade is the final stageof the implementation of the physical education curriculum in basic education. The status ofstudents achieving the goals of the physical education curriculum reflects the effect of theimplementation of the physical education curriculum in primary and secondary schools to acertain extent. Physical education courses include physical education classes andextracurricular physical activities, etc. The combination of physical learning and exercise inand out of class is the main way for students to achieve the teaching goals of physicaleducation courses. Based on this, this article intends to study the combination of physicallearning and exercise in and out of class and other factors affecting students’ participation insports activities based on the survey of senior high school students in Zhangzhou City, toexplore successful experiences and existing problems, and provide the current school physicaleducation curriculum. Teaching reform provides a reference for reference. This paper usesquestionnaire survey method, interview method, literature method, mathematical statisticsmethod, etc. The results of the research are as follows:
1. From the perspective of student participation in sports, the results of a survey of 720students show that 25.6% of students often participate in extracurricular physical exercises,sometimes 66.7% of students who participate in physical exercises, and 7.8% of students whonever participate in physical exercises. . Among the students who regularly participate inphysical exercises, 69.6% are through the combination of inside and outside classes, and30.4% are participating in physical exercises for other reasons; sometimes 50.0% of thestudents who participate in physical exercises are through the combination of inside andoutside classes. This result shows to a certain extent that teachers assign extracurricularphysical education homework to organically combine physical learning and exercise inside and outside class, and have a certain role in promoting students' adherence to extracurricularphysical activities, which should arouse the attention of teachers. In addition, there are somestudents who never exercise, which to a certain extent reflects the problems in physicaleducation teaching. The cause of the problem, through investigation, is related to the failure ofteachers to assign extracurricular homework, students' lack of interest in sports, insufficientvenues and facilities, heavy learning tasks, and lack of attention from home schools. In theinterview, it was also learned that the habit of students participating in physical exercise isrelated to the cultivation of their physical awareness in the lower grades.
2. From the perspective of students' learning and mastering of sports knowledge and sportsskills, according to the survey, 74.6% of students mastered sports skills through a combinationof inside and outside physical education classes, and 25.4% of students used other channels.
This result shows that the combination of inside and outside of physical education is the mainchannel for students to master physical knowledge and sports skills, and channels such asonline media, peers, and family are also influencing factors that cannot be ignored. In addition,through investigations, it is learned that students understand the teaching objectives andcontent of each physical education class, which has a certain stimulating effect on physicallearning and exercise, and also makes the teaching tasks clearer. This also has a certain effecton the promotion of physical learning and exercise in and out of class. The impact of the role.
In the interview, it was also learned that many of the students' motor skills were alreadymastered in the lower grades. Learning and mastering motor skills requires a combination ofthinking, practice, and observation to achieve a multiplier effect. The survey found that 46.8%of those who have such cognition account for 46.8%, and those who do not have suchcognition account for 53.2%. This requires teachers to both Pay attention to teaching methods,and also pay attention to the guidance of students' learning methods.
3. From the perspective of the physical health of students, it is learned through the surveythat 33.3% of the students have good physical health tests, 58.5% of them are qualified, and8.2% of them are unqualified. However, 67.1% of students who passed the combination of inside and outside classes were excellent, 48.7% were qualified, and 23.7% were unqualified.
This result shows to a certain extent that the combination of inside and outside physicaleducation has a certain role in improving the physical health of students. In the interview, itwas also learned that a considerable part of the excellent, pass, and unqualified rates ofphysical fitness tests for senior high school students are not much different from those testedin the lower grades. This further enables us to understand that the physical fitness of seniorhigh school students To a certain extent, the health status reflects the implementation effect ofthe basic education physical education curriculum.
4. From the perspective of students' mental health and social adaptation, 57.6% of studentsare interested in sports. Among these interested students, 82.2% are related to the combinationof physical learning and exercise in and out of class. According to the survey, 52.8% of thestudents can control their emotions when they lose the game, 81.1% of the students have asense of collective honor and sports morality, and 69.9% of the students like to communicatewith others and participate in group activities, and among them are physical learning andexercise. The combination of inside and outside classes accounted for 63.2%, 61.0% and68.0% respectively.
Put forward the following suggestions:
1. Physical education teachers should pay attention to and strengthen the guidance ofstudents, and promote the organic combination of learning and exercise inside and outside thephysical education class by arranging extracurricular physical education homework, so as tocultivate students' physical cognition and emotion, and develop the habit of physical exercise.
2 Through lectures, symposiums and other related activities to promote the "combination ofphysical education inside and outside classes", create a good sports atmosphere, and increasethe importance of schools, families and the whole society on school physical education.
3. The education administration department should pay attention to the quality of physicaleducation curriculum from the lower grades, carry out teaching and research activities,continuously summarize successful experiences and existing problems, improve teaching measures and methods, so that students can basically achieve physical education curriculumgoals after graduating from high school.
4. Schools should increase the proportion of sports funding, improve sports facilities andupdate sports equipment, and at the same time strengthen the construction of teachers.
Key Words : Zhangzhou City;High school senior;Physical Education Course;Combination ofphysical education inside and outside。
第 1 章 绪论
1.1、 选题依据 。
2016 年国务院颁布的《“健康中国 2030”规划纲要》提到,“健康是促进人的全面发展的必然要求,是经济社会发展的基础条件,是实现国民健康长寿、国家富强、民族振兴的重要标志,也是全国各族人民的共同愿望[1]。”2019 年颁布的《中共中央国务院关于深化教育教学改革全面提高义务教育质量的意见》指出:“强化体育锻炼,坚持健康第一,实施学校体育固本行动。严格执行学生体质健康合格标准,健全国家监测制度。除体育免修学生外,未达体质健康合格标准的,不得发放毕业证书[2]。”重视和加强学校体育工作,促进学生身心健康全面发展,是需要学校、社会等各方面的共同努力。
但是,在学生体质健康状况总体有些许改善的同时,也存在着一些严重问题如:大学生身体素质继续呈现下降趋势;各年龄段学生肥胖检出率持续上升。大学生作为接受过十二年中小学体育教育的群体,体质健康水平持续低下,从一定程度上反映了基础教育中体育教学效果的不理想。王东等人认为“在校大学生体质健康状况持续下降,这主要与他们在高中阶段忽视体育锻炼有很大关系”[4]。各年龄段学生肥胖率的升高从侧面反映了学生体育学习与锻炼没能跟上物质生活水平的提高。WHO 指出 2016 年,全球有超过19 亿成人超重,6.5 亿多人肥胖。《中国学校体育发展报告》(2016 年版)显示我国学生肥胖检出率呈现快速增长趋势,其中城市男生肥胖检出率从 1985 年 0.2%的增长到现阶段 11.1%的增长[5]。肥胖已然成为学生身心健康道路上最大的绊脚石。据调查,现阶段大部分中小学生在体育课程目标的达成度方面还远远不够[6],我国高中生参加课外体育锻炼的比例只占 8%,远低于日本的 63%和美国的 65%[7]。运动参与度低必然导致运动技能的匮乏,没有掌握好运动技能会使学生在运动中呈现出“心有余而力不足”的状态,这是当今体育研究工作亟需解决的问题。
第2章 研究对象与方法.
第3章 结果与分析
3.1.5 、体育课内外结合,
第 4 章 结 论
4.1.1、从学生体育参与的情况来看,通过对 720 名学生调查结果显示,经常参加课外体育锻炼的学生有 184 人,占 25.6%,有时参加体育锻炼的学生有 480 人,占 66.7%,从不参加体育锻炼的学生有 56 人,占 7.8%。而在经常参加体育锻炼的学生中,按教师布置的作业课内外结合的占 69.6%,其他原因参加体育锻炼的占 30.4%;有时参加体育锻炼的学生中有 50%是通过课内外结合的。这一结果在一定程度说明,教师布置课外体育作业,使体育学习和锻炼课内外有机结合,对于学生坚持课外体育活动具有一定的促进作用,应引起教师的重视。此外还存在着一部分从不锻炼的学生,这在一定程度上反映了体育课程教学存在的问题。而产生问题的原因,通过调查了解,这与教师没有布置课外体育作业、学生缺乏体育兴趣、场地设施不足、学习任务重、家庭学校的不重视等有关。在访谈中还了解到,学生参加体育锻炼的习惯与他们在低年级体育意识的培养有关,所以高三年级能够在一定程度上反映体育课程教育的情况,可见提高体育教学质量要从低年级开始。
4.1.2、从学生学习掌握体育知识和运动技能的情况来看,经调查,74.6%的学生是通过体育课内外结合来掌握运动技能,25.4%的学生是通过其他渠道。这一结果说明体育课内外结合是学生掌握体育知识和运动技能的主要渠道,而网络媒体、同伴、家庭等渠道也是不容忽视的影响因素。此外通过调查了解到,学生了解每节体育课教学目标和教学内容,对体育学习与锻炼具有一定的激励作用,也使教学任务更加明确,这对促进体育学习和锻炼课内外结合也具有一定的影响作用。在访谈中还了解到,学生的运动技能很多都是在低年级已经掌握了。学习掌握运动技能,需要通过思考、练习、观察相结合,才能取得事半功倍的效果,而调查了解到,有这样认知的占 46.8%,没这样认知的占53.2%,这就要求教师既要重视教法,也要重视对学生学法的指导。
4.1.3、从学生的体质健康状况来看,通过调查了解到,体质健康标准优良占 33.3%,合格占 58.5%,不合格占 8.2%。而按照教师布置作业,课内外结合的学生优良占 67.1%,合格 48.7 占%,不合格占 23.7%,这一结果在一定程度说明,体育课内外结合对提高学生体质健康水平具有一定的促进作用。而在与学生访谈中还了解到,高三学生体质健康测试的优良率、合格率、不合格率的相当一部分学生与在低年级时测试的情况差别不大,这也进一步使我们了解到,高三学生体质健康状况,在一定程度上反映了基础教育体育课程的实施效果。
4.1.4、从学生的体育品德方面来看,有 57.6%的学生对体育感兴趣,而在这些感兴趣的学生中,有 82.2%的学生与体育学习和锻炼课内外结合有关。经调查了解到,52.8%的学生在比赛失利时能够调控好情绪,81.1%的学生具有集体荣誉感和体育品德,69.9%的学生喜欢与人交流、参加集体活动,而其中与体育学习和锻炼课内外结合有关的分别占 63.2%、61.0%和 68.0%。这一结果说明体育课内外结合对学生体育品德有着不小的影响。
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