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来源:内蒙古农业大学 作者:张立新
发布于:2021-11-24 共6269字

  摘    要 

  本论文以 0-2 月龄荷斯坦犊牛为试验动物,研究初乳、常乳及代乳粉、开食料的不同饲喂方案对其生长发育的影响。

  试验一,不同初乳饲喂方案对犊牛粪便评分及腹泻发病率的影响。试验选取60 头新生犊牛,体重40±5kg,均分为六组,断奶日龄均为60d。

  A、B、C 三组犊牛选用折射率≥28%优质初乳,D、E、F 三组犊牛饲喂折射率20%-27%合格初乳;A、D 两组犊牛初乳饲喂次数为一次,饲喂量为4L;B、E 两组犊牛饲喂两次初乳,第一次饲喂量为 4L,间隔8h 饲喂第二次,为2L 初乳;C、F 两组犊牛饲喂三次初乳,第一次为 3L,间隔8h 饲喂第二次初乳,饲喂量为2L,再次间隔12h 进行第三次初乳饲喂,饲喂量为2L。观测六组犊牛粪便评分以及腹泻发病率。结果表明,饲喂优质初乳与合格初乳犊牛的粪便评分存在显着差异(p<0.05);随初乳饲喂次数的增加,犊牛腹泻发病率显着降低;首次初乳灌服量的增加,可降低犊牛腹泻发病率。

  试验二,不同常乳与代乳粉饲喂方案对犊牛生长指标的影响。试验选取 40头犊牛,体重 40±5kg,均按照“4+2”方案灌服初乳,犊牛断奶日龄均为60d。

  分为①、②、③、④四组。①、②两组犊牛饲喂常乳与代乳粉无牛奶喷粉过渡;③、④组犊牛进行牛奶喷粉过渡;①、③两组犊牛常乳饲喂天数为 7d;②、④两组犊牛常乳饲喂天数为 20d。测定犊牛0、30d、60d 体重,并计算日增重。结果表明,喷粉过渡组与无过渡组犊牛的日增重存在显着差异(p<0.05),同时,随常乳饲喂天数的增加,犊牛的日增重显着提高。

  试验三,不同开食料饲喂方式对犊牛生长发育的影响。选取 60 头犊牛,分为四组,哺乳方案相同,均在 20 日龄添加干草,第一组犊牛出生3d 开始添加开食料,犊牛自由采食;第二组犊牛人为干预引诱采食,出生 3d 开始添加开食料,第三组犊牛出生 15d 开始添加开食料,犊牛自由采食;第四组犊牛出生15d 开始添加开食料,犊牛人为干预引诱采食。测定犊牛 0、30d、60d 体重,并计算日增重,同时测定 55d-60d 阶段犊牛开食料采食量。结果表明,早期添加开食料组犊牛日增重显着提高,同时人为诱导采食与自由采食组犊牛的日增重存在显着差异(p<0.05)。


  关键词 :    犊牛;初乳;常乳;代乳粉;开食料。


  In this dissertation, Holstein calves aging from 0-2 months were used as laboratoryanimals to study the effects on growth and development of calves with different feedingmethods of using colostrum, milk, milk replacer as well as starter.

  Experiment one: The effects of different colostrum feeding schemes on fecal scoreand the incidence of diarrhea. Sixty newborn  Holstein  calves with A body weight  of40±5kg were selected and divided into groups A, B, C, D, E and F. The weaning age ofthe calves in the six groups was 60 days. The calves in Group A, B and C were fed thehigh quality colostrum with the refractive index≥28%, The calves in Group D, E and Fwere  fed  the  qualified  colostrum  with  the  refractive  index  of  20%  -  27%;  Calves  ingroups A and D were fed colostrum once and the feeding amount was  4L.  Calves ingroups B and E were fed colostrum twice , and the feeding amount was 4L for the firsttime , followed by the feeding amount of 2L for the second time after an interval of 8h;The calves in Group C and F were fed 3 times , and they were fed 3L for the first time,2L for an interval of 8h, and 2L for another interval of 12h. Feces score and diarrheaincidence  of  calves  in  six  groups  were  observed. The  results  showed  that  there  weresignificant differences in fecal scores between calves fed with high quality colostrumand  those  fed  with  qualified  colostrum  (P  <  0.05).  With  the  increase  of  colostrumfeeding times, the incidence of diarrhea in calves decreased significantly. Increasing thedosage of first colostrum can reduce the incidence of diarrhea in calves.


  Experiment  two:  The  effects  of  different  feeding  schemes  using  milk  and  milkreplacer on calves’ growth indexes.

  Forty calves with body weight of 40±5kg wereselected and given colostrum by gavage according to the "4+2" regimen. The weaningage of the calves was 60 days. They were divided into four groups:


  The calves in Group①and②were fed with milk and milk replacer without powderspraying  transitional.

  ③and④groups  of  calves  underwent  milk  powderingtransition;①and③the normal suckling days of calves in two groups were 7 days;②and④the normal suckling days of calves in the two groups were 20 days. Thebody  weight  of  calves  at  0,  30,  and  60  days  was  measured,  and  the  daily  gain  wascalculated. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the daily gainof  calves  between  the  powdering  transition  group  and  the  non-transition  group  (P  <0.05), and the daily gain of calves increased with the increase of the feeding days.

  Experiment  three:  The  effects  of  different  methods  of  starter  feeds  on  calves’

  development. 60 newborn Holstein calves were divided into four groups and were fedwith the same scheme of adding hay at the age of 20 days. In group one, starter feedswere added 3 days after birth and calves were free to forage; in group two, calves wereartificially induced to forage and starter feeds were added 3 days after birth; in groupthree,  starter  feeds  were  added  15  days  after  birth  and  calves  were  free  to  forage;  ingroup four, calves were artificially induced to forage and starter feeds were added 15days after birth. The body weight of calves at 0, 30, and 60 days was measured, and thedaily gain was calculated. At the same time, the feed intake of starting feed of calvesduring 55d to 60d was measured. The results showed that the daily gain of calves in theearly  feeding  group  was  significantly  increased,  and  the  daily  gain  of  calves  in  theartificially induced feeding group and the free feeding group was significantly different(P < 0.05).

  In  conclusion,  adequate  first  feeding,  increased  feeding  times  and  high  qualitycolostrum  can  reduce  the  incidence  of  diarrhea  in  early  developing  calves.  Thetransition of powdered milk can reduce the stress response of calves, and milk feedingis more conducive to the early growth and development of calves. The early additionof  starter  and  artificial  induction  of  feeding  are  beneficial  to  the  growth  anddevelopment of calves, improve the solid feed intake in weaning stage, and smooth thetransition period of dietary transition.

  Key Words :      Calf; Colostrum; Milk; Milk replacer; Starter 。




  1.1、犊牛胃肠结构特点 。

  反刍动物的复胃由瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃和皱胃四个部分组成,其中前3个胃室(即瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃)的黏膜没有腺体分布,主要功能为储存食物、发酵与分解纤维素,相当于单胃动物的无腺区,合称前胃。皱胃黏膜内分布消化腺,机能与一般单胃动物相同,具有真正的消化作用,又称真胃。肠道分为小肠和大肠两个部分。小肠包括十二指肠、空肠和回肠,大肠包括盲肠、结肠和直肠。反刍动物的肠道与单位动物的类似,没有明显区别。肠道中除结肠没有肠绒毛外,十二指肠、空肠和回肠黏膜表面布满肠绒毛。肠道均有肠腺分布,十二指肠有十二指肠腺,小肠肠壁由肠腔向外大致可分为四个部分,分别为黏膜、黏膜下组织、肌层和浆膜。而小肠上皮细胞发育的成熟度主要通过绒毛长度、绒毛宽度、隐窝深度、黏膜厚度以及绒毛长度与隐窝深度之比等指标来反映的[2]。新生犊牛胃肠结构中虽然存在四个胃室,但前胃尚未发育完善,只占胃总容积的40%左右,其所摄取的日粮主要依赖于皱胃与小肠进行消化、吸收。皱胃分泌的消化酶可以降解乳汁中的乳糖、乳脂和乳蛋白,犊牛饲喂牛奶或代乳品等液体饲料后,皱胃分泌的胃酸作用于凝乳酶和胃蛋白酶,使其产生活性,凝乳酶可与液体饲料中的酪蛋白特异性结合,使酪蛋白与脂肪凝集成块状,再由胃蛋白酶以及小肠分泌的消化酶缓慢降解。犊牛在哺乳时期胃肠道发育的一个明显特征是食管沟的形成。犊牛发育早期日粮中乳蛋白含量高,且需要通过吮吸动作进行采食,在这两种因素的刺激下,犊牛瘤胃与网胃收缩,形成一种特殊的结构食管沟,在犊牛采食液体日粮时,会通过食管沟直接进入皱胃与小肠进行消化吸收,可有效避免液体饲料进入瘤胃内。随着犊牛生长发育与日粮结构的改变,其胃室结构也在不断改变。4周龄犊牛瘤胃与网胃占整个胃室的比例为58%,瓣胃约为12%左右,而皱胃容积 占比变为30%,犊牛8周龄时瘤、网、瓣、皱胃重量与整个胃室重的比例分别为46.25%~52.95%、10.85%~12.90%、11.39%~14.73%和22.90%~29.33%[68]。12~16周龄的犊牛,瘤胃与网胃占比超过整个胃室2/3的容积,瓣胃仍然保持占比10﹪左右,皱胃占比下降至15%,此时皱胃对日粮消化不再起主要作用,事实上它的体积也随犊牛的生长在逐步增加,只是瘤网胃发育速度的更快且消化功能更加突出。


  1.1.1、 瘤胃内微生物菌.

  1.1.2 、瘤胃上皮组织发育.


  1.2.1、 初乳中免疫因子

  1.2.2 、初乳质量.

  1.2.3 、初乳饲喂管理.

  1.3.1、 代乳粉主要营养成分

  1.3.2、代乳粉饲喂 管理.

  1.4 、犊牛开食料饲喂



  1.5 、研究目的及意义.


  2.1、材料与 方法


  2.1.2、试验动物及 设计.


  2.1.5、统计分析. .

  2.2、结果与 分析






  3、不 同常乳与代乳粉饲喂方案对犊牛生长指标的影响.


  3.1.2、试验动物与 设计.

  3.1.3、 饲养管理.



  3.2、结果与分析 .



  3.3.2、常 乳饲喂时长对犊牛生长发育的影响.

  3.4、小结 .




  4.1.2、试验动物与 设计.


  4.1.4、 测定指标及方法.



  4.2.1、断奶阶段 颗粒饲料采食.情况









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原文出处:张立新. 不同饲喂方案对哺乳期犊牛生长发育的影响[D].内蒙古农业大学,2021.
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