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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-11 共3196字

【第1部分】 农村小学生英语学习态度的影响因素研究

  摘 要










  This thesis includes some aspects as follows. (1) It is concerned with the cause, purposeand significance of choosing this topic, the general situation both at home and abroad and thedefinition of related concepts. (2) Investigate and analyze the attitude toward English learningof students from Grade 3 to Grade 5 in rural areas, using approaches of document retrieval,questionnaire and individual interview, as well as referring to the writer's relevant workexperience. (3) Propose some countermeasures and suggestions for leading students in ruralareas to develop good attitude toward English learning.

  This thesis divides attitude toward English learning into four dimensions: learning interest,learning behavior, learning method and learning habit. It was found out that the followingthree factors influence the four dimensions in various degrees.

  (1) The attitude toward English learning is under the influence of own factors, which can'tbe neglected. These factors include gender, age and score. Gender has a significant influenceon the attitude toward English learning. In the dimensions of learning interest, learningbehavior, and learning habit, there are significant differences between boys and girls. Theaverage score of girls is significantly higher than that of boys. Age has some influence on theattitude toward English learning, too. The learning interest of lower - class pupils is more thanthat of senior students. But senior students are more active. They can discipline themselvesbetter and have better habits. They can discover their own learning styles more easily as well.The interest of students who get high grades is more than that of students who get low grades,and their behavior, habit and method are better.

  (2) The attitude toward English learning is under the influence of their parents, which can't be sniffed. For example, parents'attention, tutorial and so on. Most parents of students withgood attitude and habit pay more attention to their children's learning, which illustrates thatthe development of habit and attitude of most students with good attitude are interrelated totheir parents'attention, and they are in proportion. Most parents of students with bad attitudeand habit can't pay attention to their children's learning. Parents' tutorial can help childrento improve their grades.

  (3) The attitude toward English learning is under the influence of teachers, which isapparent. This factor includes age, quality and attention to students. The interest of studentswhose teacher is young is apparently more than that of students whose teacher is old. Buttheir habit, method and behavior are not as good as students' whose teacher is old. Teacherswith high quality have more influences on the four dimensions. Moreover, the more teacherspay attention to students, the better the students' attitude is.According to the results of the survey, this thesis proposes some countermeasures andsuggestions which include suggestions for school, suggestions for teachers, suggestions forparents and suggestions for students.

  Key Words : English , primary school in rural areas, theattitude toward learning

  目 录

  摘 要……i


  目 录……IV

  第一章 引言……7

  1.1 研究背景……7

  1.2 研究意义……7

  第二章 研究的理论依据……9

  2.1 国内外研究现状……9

  2.1.1 国外研究现状……9

  2.1.2 国内研究现状……9

  2.2 相关概念的界定……10

  2.2.1 学习态度的界定……10

  2.2.2 英语学习态度的界定…… 10

  2.3 理论基础……10

  2.3.1 兴趣理论……10

  2.3.2 建构主义学习理论…… 11

  2.3.3 第二语言习得理论…… 11

  第三章 农村小学生英语学习态度的现状调查……12

  3.1 调查对象……12

  3.2 调查问卷……14

  3.2.1 问卷调查法与访谈法…… 14

  3.2.2 调查问卷及其编制…… 14

  3.3 结果与分析……16

  3.3.1 农村小学生英语学习态度的调查与分析……16

  3.3.2 家长对农村小学生英语学习态度的影响调查与分析……19

  3.3.3 教师对农村小学生英语学习态度的影响调查与分析……21

  3.3.4 农村小学生英语学习态度现状的个别访谈……25

  第四章 引导农村小学生形成良好的英语学习态度的建议…… 27

  4.1 给学校的建议……27

  4.1.1 加强师资队伍建设,为良好英语学习态度的形成创造条件……27

  4.1.2 营造良好的英语学习环境,为良好英语学习态度的形成奠定基础……28

  4.2 给教师的建议……28

  4.2.1 和谐师生关系,让学生爱学…… 28

  4.2.2 提高课堂效率,让学生会学……28

  4.2.3 扎实语言基础,让学生乐学……30

  4.3 给家长的建议……31

  4.3.1 重视孩子的英语学习,提高学习英语积极性……31

  4.3.2 关心孩子的英语学习,激发英语学习兴趣……31

  4.3.3 鼓励孩子的英语学习,形成良好英语学习态度……32

  4.4 给学生的建议……32

  4.4.1 掌握良好的学习方法…… 32

  4.4.2 培养良好的学习习惯…… 33

  4.4.3 形成良好的学习态度…… 34


  致 谢……37

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