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来源:山西中医药大学 作者:王慧敏
发布于:2021-11-17 共6661字






  1. 2019年10月~2020年1月,采用便利抽样法,选取太原市6家养老机构中符合标准的215名老年人为研究对象,应用一般资料调查表、老年人久坐行为问卷进行现状调查。

  2. 2020年9月~2021年1月,选取太原市一家养老机构中的老年人72例,分为实验组(36例)和对照组(36例)。对照组接受养老机构常规健康教育、日常生活管理并发放久坐宣传手册,实验组在对照组的基础上接受为期6周的同伴教育,运用老年人久坐行为问卷、健康促进生活方式-Ⅱ修订版量表(HPLP-ⅡR)于干预前后进行测量,并比较两组老年人在干预期间参加健康课堂的次数。


  1.养老机构老年人平均久坐时间为(8.85±2.81)h/d,久坐时间≥6 h/d的老年人为174名,即83%的老年人存在久坐行为;单因素分析结果显示,不同年龄、性别、文化程度、婚姻状况、患病种类、参加集体活动频率、久坐爱好状况、居住环境、机构环境安全认知状况的养老机构老年人久坐时间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);多元线性逐步回归分析结果显示,性别、年龄、患病种类、居住类型、久坐爱好状况、机构环境安全认知状况是影响养老机构老年人久坐时间的独立影响因素,可以解释63.2%的变异量。






  关键词 :   同伴教育;老年人;养老机构;久坐行为;健康促进。



  1.To investigate the status quo of sedentary behavior of the elderly in nursing homeand analyze its influencing factors.

  2. To explore the influence of peer education intervention mode on the sedentarybehavior, participation in group activities and health-promoting lifestyle of the elderly innursing home.


  1.From October 2019 to January 2020, 215 elderly people from 6 nursing home inTaiyuan were conveniently selected as the research objects. The general informationquestionnaire and the sedentary behavior questionnaire of the elderly were used to conducta status survey.

  2.From October 2020 to January 2021, 72 elderly people in a nursing home inTaiyuan were selected and divided into the experimental group (36 cases) and the controlgroup (36 cases).The control group received routine health education, daily lifemanagement and a sedentary brochure, and the experimental group received 6-week peereducation on the basis of the control group. The Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire andHealth Promoting Lifestyle Profile-Ⅱ,Revise (HPLP-ⅡR) were used to measure beforeand after the intervention, and the number of health classes attended by the two groups wascompared during the intervention.


  1. The average sedentary time of the elderly in the nursing home was (8.85±2.81) h/d,174 elderly people with sedentary time≥6h/d, that is, 83% of the elderly people hadsedentary behavior.Univariate analysis results showed that there were significantdifferences in average sedentary time among the elderly in nursing institutions withdifferent ages, genders, educational levels, marital status, disease types, frequency of groupactivities, sedentary hobbies, living environment, and institutional environmental safetycognition (P<0.05).The results of multiple linear stepstep regression analysis showed that gender, age, type of disease, type of residence, sedentary preference, and perception ofinstitution environment safety were independent influencing factors of sedentary time ofthe elderly in nursing home, which could explain 63.2% of the variation.

  2. Two groups of elderly people sedentary behavior before intervention, there was nostatistically significant difference (P>0.05), the experimental group after intervention in theelderly, the longest continuous sedentary time, total sedentary time were lower than that ofcontrol group (P<0.05), and the experimental group before and after the intervention of thesedentary time 30 min or more times, the longest continuous sedentary time, totalsedentary time more significant differences (P<0.001);The two groups before interventionHPLP-ⅡR score there was no statistically significant difference comparison, theexperimental group after intervention of the elderly to promote lifestyle scale score wassignificantly higher than that of before intervention (P<0.001), and after the interventionHPLP- Ⅱ Rscore more similar between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05);There was statistically significant difference in the number of group activitiesbetween the two groups during the intervention (t=4.495, P<0.001).


  1. Sedentary behavior is common among the elderly in nursing home. Sedentary timeof the elderly mainly focuses on watching TV and taking a nap in a trance, and the elderlyhave insufficient awareness of the health hazards of sedentary behavior;Sedentary behaviorof the elderly is related to age, sex, residence type, disease type, sedentary hobby andself-rated environmental safety degree.

  2. Health education in nursing home is beneficial to reduce the sedentary time of theelderly, and peer education is better than conventional health education.Peer education isconducive to promoting the elderly in pension institutions to participate in collectiveactivities, increase physical activities, and form an active and healthy lifestyle.

  Key words :     Peer education; The elderly; Nursing home; Sedentary behavior; Healthpromotion。

  前 言

  1. 研究背景。

  根据第七次全国人口普查数据显示,我国60岁及以上人口为26402万人,占比18.7%,我国人口老龄化程度进一步加深[1]。预计到2050年全球老年人口比重将占世界总人口的22%,届时我国老年人口总数也将超过4亿[2]。维持身体机能对于老年人的独立生活至关重要,当前改善健康结果的干预措施主要集中在增加老年人的体育锻炼上,对久坐行为的关注却很少。久坐行为(sedentary behaviour,SB)指任何坐着、斜卧或躺卧姿势时,能量消耗≤1.5代谢当量METs的清醒行为[3]。随着社会的发展和科技的进步,久坐行为的流行趋势日趋增长,已成为世界范围内的公共卫生问题,是临床、研究和政策关注的焦点[4]。由于老年人对长时间久坐行为的危害认知水平普遍较低,久坐行为在老年人中尤其常见[5]。一项涉及全球多个国家50余万人的调查统计报告显示,60%的老年人称其每天久坐时间>4 h[6],客观测量老年人平均每天坐着的时间为9.4 h,约占其清醒时间的65%~80%[7]。基于生理学研究下的流行病学证据一致认为,久坐行为是一种独特的健康风险[8],久坐行为与老年人2型糖尿病、肥胖、高血压、癌症、慢性炎症、心血管疾病、衰老等一系列不良健康结局有关,长时间久坐可导致老年人身体功能下降,抑郁、焦虑情绪增加,慢性疾病发病风险和死亡风险增加,严重影响老年人的生活质量[9-10]。在当前日趋严峻的老龄化背景下,减少久坐行为成为全球公共健康的首要任务[11]。






  2.2 研究工具

  2.3 资料收集

  2.4 统计分析.

  3. 结果

  3.1 老年人一般资料.







  第二部  分同伴教育对养老机构老年人久坐行为的干预研究.



  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.3 评价方法

  2.4 统计学方法.


  3.1 两组老年人的一般资料比较

  3.2 两组老年人的久坐行为比较








  5.  结 论



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原文出处:王慧敏. 同伴教育对养老机构老年人久坐行为的影响研究[D].山西中医药大学,2021.
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