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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-24 共2588字

【第1部分】 寿险公司投资养老社区的案例研究

  摘 要

  随着我国老龄化问题的日益严重, 我国养老问题越来越受到关注。特别是随着我国实行计划生育 40 年以来,家庭逐渐变成 4-2-1 结构,同时随着人口的迁徙和福利政策的变动,传统的家庭养老模式已经不堪重负。而以政府投资为主要资金来源的机构养老模式,也面临着资金缺乏,运营管理水平低下,与市场脱轨的问题,这使得机构养老模式的发展远远不能满足当前人们的需要。引入社会资金,依托专业的管理团队,构建社区养老模式,为老人提供全方位的、专业化、多层次的养老服务迫在眉睫。与此同时,寿险公司受限于资金的安全性、稳定性的要求一直面临着资金运用效率低下,投资渠道狭窄的问题。随着国家相关法律的不断松绑,寿险公司得以有机会投资基础设施等社会公共福利建设,提高自身的资金运用效率。


  关键词: 泰康之家 养老产业 养老社区 寿险资金运用


  As increasingly serious aging problem, China's pension problem is addicted todrawing attention. Especially with 40 years of family planning, family structure hasgradually became4-2-1, and with the change in population migration and welfare policies,the traditional model of family pension has been over whelmed. The governmentinvestment as the main source of funding agencies pension model, is also facing a lack offunds, operational management level is low, and market derailment problem, whichmakes the development of institutional pension model cannot meet the current needs ofthe people. Introduction of social capital, relying on professional management team, tobuild community care model for the elderly to provide comprehensive, specialized,multi-level old-age service is imminent. Meanwhile, life insurance companies subject tothe funding of security, stability requirements have been faced with the inefficient use offunds, investment channels narrow issue. With the relaxation of the relevant national law,the life insurance company to have the opportunity to invest in the community to buildinfrastructure such as public welfare, to improve their capital efficiency.

  This paper analyzes the status of life insurance companies to invest in the pensioncommunity , the characteristics of the case conducted in-depth analysis , and thendescribes the life insurance companies to invest in retirement communities can not onlysolve the problem of funds of life insurance companies and also solve the pensioncommunity development issues .With which problems are described ,this paper proposespolicies and recommendations for companies to invest in China's life insuranceretirement community ,to improve our current law ,and the establishment of specializedteams ,and more diversified investment environment. By introducing pension insurancefunds investment community , one can use a lot of money , the formation of aprofessional team , and the investment community building endowment to meet theneeds of people for quality retirement community services , to improving the quality oflife of older people aged ; at the other hand, one can improve the life insurance funds useefficiency, and improve quality of service for customers . To promote life insurancecompanies to find new profit growth point, to promote the comprehensive developmentof the life insurance industry. China needs to support the life insurance companies toinvest in pension communities to better cope with the aging of China's current situationof growing and promoting diversification of the pension industry , promote the upgradingand development of the pension industry , promote social harmony and stability , achievethe goal of “ worthiness home, a sense of security , a feeling of happiness , ”.

  Key Words: The Taikang Home Retirement Community Pension IndustryThe Life Insurance Funds

  目 录



  绪论…… 1

  0.1 研究背景和意义 …… 1

  0.1.1 研究背景 …… 1

  0.1.2 研究意义 …… 2

  0.2 研究内容和方法 …… 3

  0.2.1 研究内容 …… 3

  0.2.2 研究方法 …… 3

  0.3 创新点和不足 …… 3

  1 案例介绍…… 5

  2 案例分析…… 8

  2.1 泰康之家的市场定位分析 …… 8

  2.2 泰康之家的产品设计分析 …… 9

  2.3 泰康之家与其他养老社区比较 …… 10

  3 我国寿险公司投资养老社区的可行性和存在问题分析…… 12

  3.1 我国寿险公司资金运用状况分析 …… 12

  3.1.1 我国寿险保险公司保费收入状况分析 …… 12

  3.1.2 我国寿险公司资金运用状况和存在问题 …… 13

  3.2 我国寿险公司投资养老社区的可行性分析 …… 14

  3.2.1 我国寿险公司投资养老社区的 SWOT 分析…… 14

  3.2.2 我国寿险资金进入养老产业是双赢的选择 …… 18

  3.3 我国寿险公司投资养老社区的存在的问题 …… 19

  4 政策建议…… 21

  4.1 完善养老产业投资监管的法律和制定养老行业服务标准 …… 21

  4.2 整合产业资源并提高服务质量 …… 22

  4.3 开发特色养老金融产品为养老产业服务 …… 23

  4.4 不同寿险公司应根据自身情况决定是否进入养老社区 …… 23

  结束语…… 25

  参考文献…… 26

  致谢…… 28

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